Transitioning to Running Shoes
Hi. This is Joe Tatta, Physical Therapist, helping you to move towards better health. Today we are talking about transitioning to minimalist running shoes.
Exercises to Heal Tennis or Golfer's Elbow
This is Joe Tatta, Physical Therapist, helping you to move towards better health. Today we are talking about lateral – medial epicondyliti
Three Exercises to Heal Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Hi. This is Joe Tatta, Physical Therapist., helping you move towards better health. In today’s video, I’ll be talking about three (3) exercises you can do
Foods That Fight Pain
As a physical therapist pain and inflammation is something I deal with daily. Inflammation can be caused by both mechanical and chemical factors.
The Five Steps to Your Health Transformation
I have helped all types of patients on their journey to a health transformation. Each of us has our own unique path.
Alcohol, Arthritis and Athletes
Osteoarthritis is the most common musculoskeletal problem. If you are obese, diabetic, or have hypermobile joints, you may be