Could Your Pain Come from an Undiagnosed or Untreated Case of Lyme?

Dr. Joe Tatta: Welcome back to this episode of the Healing Pain Summit. I am your host, Dr. Joe Tatta. Today we are talking about Lyme disease. Could your pain come from an undiagnosed or untreated case of Lyme? My host today is dr Jay Davidson. He is a doctor focusing on a natural functional […]
Biofield Healing

Dr. Joe Tatta: Welcome back to the healing pain summit 2.0 it’s great to have you here. I’m your host, Dr. Joe Tatta. On the summit we have Debora Wayne, she’s the director of the Biofield Healing Institute in Del Mar, California, which she founded after receiving degrees and certifications in psychology, hypnotherapy counseling, as […]
Preventing Chronic Pain through Natural Medicine

Dr. Joe Tatta: Thank you for joining me again on the healing pain summit. I’m your host, Dr. Joe Tatta. It’s great to be here with you today on the summit. I am speaking with Dr. Jerry Bailey. He’s a chiropractic physician specializing in holistic family practice using acupuncture, functional medicine, nutrition, metabolic testing, hormone […]
The Relationship of Brain Health to Conquering Pain

Dr. Joe Tatta: Dr. Menolascino, welcome to the Healing Pain Summit 2.0. So everyone on this summit is talking about brain health and the importance of the brain as far as pain goes. So as our baby boomer population ages, I think dementia is on everyone’s mind. Absolutely, no pun intended, but can you describe […]
Unpacking Inflammations and Its Relationship with Pain

Dr. Joe Tatta: Dr. Tyna Moore is a board-certified naturopathic and chiropractic physician. She brings a unique perspective and expertise to the diagnosis and treatment of orthopedic conditions and specializes in the application of natural pain solutions and regenerative injection therapies to treat all varieties of musculoskeletal pain. Throughout her professional career. She has focused […]
The Dangers of Opioid Addiction

Dr. Joe Tatta: Dr. Zaphiris, Thank you for joining the Healing Pain Summit this year and taking the time out to talk to us about opiates. We’re glad you’re here. Dr. Zaphiris: Thank you so much. Glad to be here. Dr. Joe Tatta: So just tell us about your practice. If you could first, I […]