Natural Healing Solutions

Dr. Joe Tatta: Welcome to this episode of the Healing Pain Summit. I am your host, Dr. Joe Tatta. It’s great to be here with you. Just a couple of housekeeping tips before we move on. Make sure that you go and visit the Healing Pain Support group, which I created especially for everyone on […]
Energy Medicine

Dr. Joe Tatta: Hi Dr. Massey, welcome to the Healing Pain Summit 2.0 it’s great to have you here this year. It’s a really interesting topic that we’re going to talk about. I’m sure a lot of people would be interested in it. I’m really looking forward to it. So, energy medicine is kind of […]
The Role of Emotional Trauma in Chronic Pain Conditions

Dr. Joe Tatta: Welcome to this edition of the Healing Pain Summit. I’m excited to have our guest today. Her name is Niki Gratrix. She is an award-winning and internationally renowned nutritionist and health writer specializing in stress and mind-body medicine. In 2005 she co-founded one of the largest mind-body clinics and integrative medicine in […]
Explaining Pain

Dr. Joe Tatta: Welcome to the Healing Pain Summit 2.0 I am your host, Dr. Joe Tatta. It’s great to have you here for the second year of the summit. If you are new to the summit, welcome. If you are returning from last year, it’s a pleasure to have you back in helping me […]
Autoimmunity and Pregnancy

Autoimmune disease affects more than 23.5 million Americans. It spares no race, culture or gender, although women of childbearing age are the most likely sufferers. For whatever reason, that is a time in a woman’s life when it first appears. And pregnancy, for reasons not yet fully understood, can either inflame the autoimmune response or […]
What is a Pain Neurotag?

Everyone has neurotags, and if you experience chronic pain, a neurotag may play a particular role in your symptoms. Learning about how the brain interprets and adapts to input can help you take steps to manage your pain. What Is A Neurotag? There are billions of neurons in a single brain, and each one can form […]