Natural Healing Solutions

Dr. Joe Tatta:                Welcome to this episode of the Healing Pain Summit. I am your host, Dr. Joe Tatta. It’s great to be here with you. Just a couple of housekeeping tips before we move on. Make sure that you go and visit the Healing Pain Support group, which I created especially for everyone on the summit this year. It’s a private Facebook only group for all the attendees of the summer. We can go and you can show strategies, you can share your pain story, you could share your pain experience. It’s a place to go and meet like-minded people who are on their path to recovery. Today on the, on the summit we’re talking to Dr. Kim d’Eramo. She’s a physician, a speaker, a number one bestselling author of the mind-body toolkit and the founder of the American Institute of mind-body medicine. She’s board-certified in emergency medicine. After healing herself from a chronic illness using MINDBODY tools, she now empowers millions to use the same tools to merely shift their health, brain chemistry and create a longer life of health and vitality. She conducts online group training programs and speaks internationally to doctors, medical students and the general public to teach them about self-healing tools and how to heal their bodies naturally. Dr. Kim d’Eramo, welcome to the Healing Pain Summit. It’s great to have you on this year.

So I know you do some really incredible things around natural ways to heal their non-drug nonsurgical, noninvasive approaches. It’s really fascinating to me because it’s definitely what I’m promoting on this summit, so it’s perfect with my mission, but I had to say, how did an ER doctor get started? Cause when you think of VR, you think of medication and surgery and open heart and trauma. How did you get involved with this kind of natural healing?

Dr. d’Eramo:                 Well, my background was in the trauma in the ER, but before that I had been very much interested in how the body heals itself. It’s a really different question that a lot of doctors aren’t asking and are looking at and especially when it comes to pain, it’s about 90% of pain isn’t from an organic medical issue. It’s actually a mental, emotional predisposition. So if there’s, you’re all flared up in a stress response, your body, you’re going to generate that inflammation. It makes you much more susceptible to pain. It’s a seeing so many people in the emergency room with chronic illnesses, chronic pain and then they come in when it got totally out of control and they needed a shot of morphine or Toradol or whatever. Great. But no one was assisting these people with releasing that pain. It’s like okay, you know, come in when you’re really bad again and go keep living in your misery and try to handle it as best you can. And that’s really one of the worst ways to deal with pain is by just like turning off the pain response and then not addressing what it really indicates.

Dr. Joe Tatta:                It’s almost like the end of the bandaid approach. You put a bandaid on it just momentarily, but eventually that band is going to get old, it’s going to come off and then the, the wounds so to speak is going to kind of be exposed.

Dr. d’Eramo:                 It’s not a matter of don’t use, you know, some ibuprofen or even if it’s something stronger that you need to emergently get yourself out of pain, like with morphine, but don’t pretend that that’s a real solution. You’ve got to know that you’ve just turn off your body’s alarm system and the fire is still going. So now you want to look at what’s going on here. What does my body have to say to me that I want to address?

Dr. Joe Tatta:                Yeah, I think it’s a great point to start. I think the alarm system is so key because obviously pain is it alarmist calling your attention to do something and like you said, you may need that opioid or you may need a drug, whether it’s an unsafe for a very short period of time as you start to integrate some other natural approaches into your life. Most of the things I’m talking about in the summit are so why I want to tell you on, but how do we start to gear people toward these, you know, natural approaches. How do we, how do we start?

Dr. d’Eramo:                 Well, the most important thing is listening to your body and instead of making your body wrong, which I, you know, I had this really interesting background with this autoimmune illness and it was years of trying to heal myself and mind over body and I should overcome this and I just got worse and worse. And it wasn’t until I realized I needed to let my body be right. Like what is my body trying to shift for me? What is it trying to get my attention about that is here to serve me? It’s here to expand me into something so much more. And until I did that, I just, things got worse. More and more inflammation, more and more chronic, severe pain. And when I changed this approach, which for so many of us happens after things get so much worse that we’re like, okay, that’s not my solution.

Dr. d’Eramo:                 I’m not going to go that way. Like some doctor told me, we have the answer, this is your disease and these are all the medications. And I was like, I don’t think so. And so that changed everything for me. And I said, what’s right about this that I’m not getting what is actually happening, that if I could appreciate it, it’s not the end of the world. It’s my body expanding me into something more. And so what happened for me was this whole, my whole life probably of sort of fighting my body, overcome, achieve, you know, run faster, do more, go further and there was so much more available to me than what I was ever going to get. Approaching life like a fight, fighting illness is the same thing. It flares up your nervous system, it flares up your immune system, it creates more of the problem that you’re fighting against. So what you resist persists. And that was certainly major, a major key for me and completely releasing within um, like about 10 days I was completely symptom free, no more pain, no more joint pain, muscle spasms, migraine headaches, all of those symptoms that I was having. So it’s how am I going to listen to my body and align with it and receive what this message is for me?

Dr. Joe Tatta:                Yeah, I mean the auto immunities really kind of importance and maybe touch base on, cause out of the over 100 million Americans that have chronic pain, probably about half of them, probably around 52 million have some kind of autoimmune conditions. So if you could, if don’t mind sharing, what was the autoimmune condition that you, you know, kind of struggled with and

Dr. d’Eramo:                 yeah, for so many of us, like it’s like, uh, so many have told me they kind of give you your own acronyms, something you’ve never heard about. So he said it was some rare form of late onset juvenile rheumatoid arthritis or something like this. And it’s like, my mom used to always tell me, she said, you have Kimmy itis, I don’t even know what’s wrong with you. They couldn’t quite figure me out. And it’s kind of like that with autoimmune disease because it can manifest in your own specific flavor. So when patients will ask me like, well I have headaches on Tuesday and then I’m really tired on Wednesday and this happens after I drink milk or eat gluten. Like they’re trying to piece it all together. But it doesn’t make sense in the conventional thinking. It’s kind of unique to you and it’s the way that your immune system gets flared up and your body speaks to you.

Dr. d’Eramo:                 So your body may speak to you with like tension and pain in the shoulders and the neck, or it might be in the hips and the pelvis. It does have a wisdom of its own. There is a meaning, but when we’re so flared up and fired up and I go to fight the pain, I got to get out of pain and can’t stand it anymore. We can’t hear that wisdom. All we can hear is the misery and there’s something wrong with me. This is all wrong. You’ve got to turn this off. And then you get those sort of intermittent periods of like, okay, everything’s good now that’s in between. And you’ve never really come into a resolution between you and your body.

Dr. Joe Tatta:                Yeah, and when it comes to auto immunity, one of the things I find really interesting is that a lot of people describe it as your body attacking itself. And I think you and I were both really, your body was an attack itself. Your body doesn’t have the means to attack us up, but it can be a little confused.

Dr. d’Eramo:                 Well, if you’re fighting your body and you’re fighting illness and you’re fighting pain, every perspective you take, every thought you have, your body’s listening, your cells are listening and they are going to be the physical representation of your approach to life. So for me it was like keep moving forward, achieve, you know, get ahead. And that was breaking me down because body is going to be a reflection of your attitude, your perspective, your beliefs, even the subconscious. Most of them are subconscious. And so pain is a great way of tuning in to realize what’s ready to shift in you. What’s ready to, what are you ready to grow beyond those old limiting beliefs or maybe perspectives of your parents. I thought I needed to be like the superstar in that life was a challenge and it was an invitation to expand in a much more abundant life, a much more easier way of living. And when I embraced that, my body relaxed, my body got the message. So then my body began to reflect that in the pain resolved.

Dr. Joe Tatta:                Yeah. So what kind of modalities do you use today in your practice and how has it shifted? Cause obviously you’ve made a big shift in how you’ve done medicine. You now have your own Institute.

Dr. d’Eramo:                 Yes. The American Institute of mind, body medicine. And one of the main things that, um, we’ve been doing is assisting other practitioners with incorporating this perspective. And so how do you do that? What are the tools to use and what is the science behind it? I don’t, I understand this and one of the big things that I’ve been using lately is EFT Meridian tapping. And it’s one of, you know, several different tools I like really assists you and turning off the nervous system and releasing those beliefs that the beliefs are like records playing in the back of your head. No, no, no, I can’t do this. I can’t, it’s not going to be okay. And I have a really interesting story. When I was actually a first year medical student, I decided to run my first marathon or sounds like kind of crazy because it was actually a while ago when everybody, you know, wasn’t running a marathon.

Dr. d’Eramo:                 So I knew this one person in my medical school who had, who had run, and I kept saying, Oh my gosh, Matt, tell me again, I can do this. And I’m not crazy because everybody thought I was not, especially my mother. And what happened was after I started building my mileage and building my mileage, when I got to about 15 miles, I just couldn’t run. My knee would hurt, my hip would hurt, I’d have an injury and it happened like over and over again. I’d rest, I’d recover, I’d get back out to start building my mileage and it would happen again. And I finally said, wait a minute, there’s some pattern here. This isn’t random. It’s almost like I just believe I can’t run that far. It’s a bad idea. I’m going to get hurt if I run that far. So I wrote down all of my old limiting beliefs and some of them that came out, I couldn’t believe what I was writing cause I was like, Oh my God, that’s really in there.

Dr. d’Eramo:                 I can’t run because of a medical student. I’m not built like a runner. I’m not meant to be a runner. Running a marathon is crazy. The body’s not supposed to do this. I’m going to get hurt. And of course my cells were listening and so they made a line down the paper and wrote on the other side, I can be a medical student and successfully complete this math marathon. I can be healthy. And the more I run, the healthier I am. I’m in harmony. I can easily achieve this. And I, you know, ripped up the paper and threw the old one away and I posted the new ones to remind myself that I could embrace this new truth, that this was more of that the essence of who I am. I could align with this and allow myself to receive it. And it was immediate.

Dr. d’Eramo:                 Then I was able to then go and pass the 15 mile Mark and successfully complete my training and complete the marathon, but it was a real key to me because I didn’t know those beliefs were in there, but my life was reflecting before me. So if you’re having pain, you actually can look at what is it that’s my limitation here. What do I think I can’t have? What do I think I have to do that I’m buying into? Oh, I have to do this job even though I hate it, or everyone wants me to do what they want to have to do what they want. Who knows? But your pain, I guarantee you it is the greatest gift you could possibly have to bring you into that expansion of life really does have in store for you. And so EFT Meridian tapping is just a way of releasing all the old records that are playing and upgrading the possibilities so that your brain registers it. Your nervous system registers it and your body receives that new signal. Yeah, I know we’re going to do some EFT here in a while, so I’m super excited to do. Um,

Dr. Joe Tatta:                but can you give us maybe just like one or two tidbits on, on how we think that EFT works in the brain? I know we have some research on it. We have some studies, we have some, you know, hard data. It’s not just um, you know, quote unquote root type medicine that’s going on.

Dr. d’Eramo:                 Yeah, it’s pretty amazing what we’re finding out about the amygdala, the amygdala we’ve known for a long time is the sort of central core that sends messages to all the different glands and the whore, the areas that may cause someones and also your muscles, your ligaments, your joints. It’s sending hormones that affect every part of your body and that play a major role in pain. And when we change what’s going on at the amygdala, it, and it goes like that sets off the bells and whistles of the fight or flight system gets your body geared up. What happens when we sort of tune that down? We allow the body to come into that restoration mode. Repletion it eases your digestion because you’re not digesting. When you’re in fight or flight, you’re actually turning off digestion. You can’t secrete enzymes, you can’t break down foods. People have food allergies, it flares up your immune system.

Dr. d’Eramo:                 And now you can only eat like three foods because you’re living in fight or flight. So instead of trying to, I got to take these 10 supplements and I could avoid these 20 foods, you actually want to first get yourself out of fight or flight. And we’ve seen that we can give new feedback, new information to the brain that does exactly that. It sort of quiets down the amygdala and lets you make the low. No, there’s no real threat. So the difference between real and perceived threat, if you’re three years old and you see something terrible happen or you’ve had abuse from a man or whatever it might be, it gets registered in your amygdala. Men are not safe or I shouldn’t talk too loud or you know, whatever the belief is, I don’t deserve to have what I want. And now every time you see, you know that that kind of incident, a man comes toward you, it triggers you into fight or flight. You don’t even know why your heart starts going faster, you’re breathing faster. It’s because that old memory that locked into your amygdala and your amygdala knows there could be a threat for that. It’s not a real threat. It’s a perceived threat. You can let your body know all as well. It’s okay, I can open. Men are safe, I’m safe. It’s okay. That makes a huge difference.

Dr. Joe Tatta:                I think that’s beautifully stated because you know on the summit we’ve talked a lot about the brain and stored memories and a lot of times when people have chronic pain, they’re bringing up some type of stored memory. Whether it’s I can’t bend over cause I have back pain or I can’t walk as I have knee pain or I can’t sit at the computer too long, so I have neck pain. A lot of times it’s not the actual activity you’re doing, but it’s the experience and the emotion you’re having a particular moment and how it relates to your [inaudible].

Dr. d’Eramo:                 Oh yeah, it’s the emotion. You have reference to that pain. So when I had this really severe back pain and muscle spasms, every time I would feel my body, I would go into fear or I’d go into like the feet like Oh God, it’s back. When am I going to do, I can’t do about this. Paints would immediately trigger powerlessness and fear. Well those are hormone reactions. Those are emotional States, which are chemical States in your body. And it just so happens that the chemical, state of fear, chemical, state of despair or hopelessness, those impair healing goes actually worse in pain and they worsen the inflammation that creates breakdown of the tissue. So you do actually do get joint degeneration or you know, you wear and tear in the muscle or you get an injury, but it’s related to this underlying chemical state that you’re consistently in.

Dr. Joe Tatta:                So before we jump into this thing, we’d give it a try. How much time does someone need to devote to this on, let’s say a daily, a week or weekly basis? You know, cause obviously people are, they’re trying to work in nutrition, they’re trying to work in some healthy movement there. They have their regular job, their kids there.

Dr. d’Eramo:                 Yeah. I’ll say two things. One is it’s typically minutes and two is the harder you work on your health, the more sick you will become. Kind of the whole premise of my approach in mind, body medicine is to get you to release, trying to heal. Cause I worked on it so hard and I just kept getting worse. And if you can actually know, it sounds so counterintuitive because you just can’t just give up and do nothing but to receive and allow more than efforting and doing. So it’s really a, with EFT it’s pretty quick. So that’s going to help you out a lot.

Dr. Joe Tatta:                Perfect. So am I going to be your Guinea pig today or how are we going to do it?

Dr. d’Eramo:                 Yes. Now, um, um, do you have any pain? I was going to say, I don’t imagine that you do, but then maybe,

Dr. Joe Tatta:                you know, it’s funny. So I have this old, I’ll, I’ll say old hip injury, um, that when I get stressed and doing an online summit for those who are listening. Of course, I appreciate everyone being here on this summit, but just so you know, it’s kind of a big deal for not only me as the, as the presenter, but for all the speakers to gather the information, their, their, their programs, their products. We do the scheduling. So it’s a lot of coordination that we all do and it’s just on both of us. So today we’re kind of entering the last phase of the summit. So my stress level is starting to come down, but I still have this little bit of hip pain going on.

Dr. d’Eramo:                 Okay, great. So let’s go there and for everyone who is here, you can change the verbiage that we’re using. We’ll use the points together. You can change the verbiage to kind of reflect more specifically what it’s like for you. Um, and yeah, that makes sense. I know how much you care about what you’re doing and how passionate you are and it’s Austin and then it can get like kind of stressful. So I want you to first share with me, um, describe a little bit about what the pain’s like when it started. Um, what I’ll do first with EFT, we do get into the emotional component, but you actually, most people are just aware of the physical. Another major thing that pain is serving you with is connecting you with your body. Most people, they’re not connected with their body, so they don’t hear the subtle whispers of like, Oh don’t date that guy. Or Oh no, say no to that person. You don’t want to do that or you should really leave your job. And they don’t hear it cause they’re a distraction. So the body has to scream. And the best way for the body to get your attention is pain. So it’s great when we’re here. So share with me a little about the physical and then anything you are aware of about the emotions, like if it’s frustrating or anything like that.

Dr. Joe Tatta:                So you want to know what I’m feeling right now or how it happened.

Dr. d’Eramo:                 Um, you just some of the history about it or anything that you’re feeling right now.

Dr. Joe Tatta:                So I heard, so for those of you who don’t know, I used to be a competitive gymnast so I was very active in gymnastics. It’s a great sport. Um, and I hurt my hip probably about Oh five years ago cause I still do it recreationally just to stay active. Um, but I heard my hip doing a back somersault

Dr. d’Eramo:                 and when was that?

Dr. Joe Tatta:                That was about five years ago and it lasted for about eight weeks and I did my rehab and recovery and it went away. But I do notice when I’m stressed it tends to kind of creep back.

Dr. d’Eramo:                 Okay. And anything about stress that comes up a lie. Oh, I’m overwhelmed. Oh this too much. Or on this head I’m never going to get better. Is there any awareness of how you feel about the hip pain?

Dr. Joe Tatta:                So for me, it’s not the amount of stress. It’s usually the intensity of kind of the work that I’m doing at the moment. That tends to make the pain worse.

Dr. d’Eramo:                 And so do you ever feel, and I know this also for a lot of the viewers too, um, I feel hopeless. I’ll never get better, or Oh my God, I’m afraid and we’ll be able to do the things I want to do or I’m so frustrated it hasn’t gotten better yet.

Dr. Joe Tatta:                Yeah, it’s a really interesting question. I think for me it’s um, it’s either the anticipation or the frustration that I’m entering, um, the end point of this project. So I really want to get this done. I can’t wait to launch it. I can’t wait to see it come to life to help all these people. But I know I still have that little bit of work to kind of do, but I want to kind of get done with it. So it’s a little bit of that anticipation, frustration to get the project on.

Dr. d’Eramo:                 Okay, this is awesome because so many of us live in, we’re ahead of ourselves. I once had an energy worker, she would tell me, just keep doing this one tool where I would feel my energy in three feet in front of myself. And she’d say, just pull it back in your body. And it was probably two years of practicing that because every time I would do it, I would feel ah, like a sense of ease because we do tend to live in the future. Okay, what’s next? Let me be prepared. And that prevents healing in your body. If your energy isn’t here in your physical body, you could have an injury that just never gets better, even though it could hypothetically heal instantly. Right? So let’s begin with that. So the way I’ve, um, done tapping, there’s different points we’ll use, um, on the center body, but there’s also the karate chop point where you do your setup phrase.

Dr. d’Eramo:                 Um, and I do have a link where people can get a little tutorial on this and I give them a few prescriptions, prescription for tapping, for anxiety, testing for pain, tapping for depression. And they’ll have that. So just for right now, go along with me and you’ll have that for later. So we’re going to start on the karate chop point and you just are basically giving a new message to the amygdala. Even though I have this pain and you repeat after me, even though I have this pain, I choose to come into harmony. Now I choose to come into harmony. Now, even though I have this hip pain, even though I had this hip pain, I choose to love and accept myself fully. I choose to love and accept myself fully, even though I’m still dealing with this hip pain, even though I’m still dealing with this hip pain from five years ago, from five years ago, I choose to allow my body to heal.

Dr. d’Eramo:                 I choose to allow my body to heal. Okay, good. Now we’ll just gently tapping on the inner. I just, you can do one side. You could do both sides. This and it’s, sorry, it’s your left hip. Yup, yup, yup. Okay. This pain in my left hip, this pain in my left hip, good. And then outer. I just on the brow bone, I’ve had it for from five years ago. I’ve had it from five years ago. Under the eye. It gets worse when I’m stressed. It gets worse when I’m stressed and I’m totally stressed right now and I’m totally stressed right now on the chin I did a back somersault. I did it back somersault. I still remember that back somersault. I still remember that back somersaults cause it’s about association and the brain under the collarbone. It’s like a little soft spot. I had pain for about eight weeks.

Dr. d’Eramo:                 I had paid for about eight weeks and I did all this rehab and I did all this rehab underneath the arm, so just right like nipple line right underneath the armpit and it still comes back when I’m stressed, but it still comes back when I’m stressed top of the head. So I have to deal with all this pain so I have to deal with all this pain. Then we’ll do another round inner eye. I’m so frustrated, I’m so frustrated. I’m frustrated. I have to deal with this hip pain and frustrated. I have to deal with this hip pain, outer eye, all of this pain that’s still in my hip, all this pain that’s still in my hip under the eye from when I was a gymnast, from when I was a gymnast. Now I’m just doing it recreationally. Now. I’m just doing recreationally. Can’t really do it anymore.

Dr. d’Eramo:                 Like you’re really doing more than what I used to under the nose. I had this injury in my hip. I had this injury in my hip. I’m still totally remember this injury. I still totally remember this injury on the chin and everything that I went through and everything that I went through. Okay. Anything else that’s there about how you feel about it? Did you feel bad? Like, Oh God, why did I do that? Um, yeah. Okay, so go. I wish this didn’t happen. I wish this didn’t happen. I wish I didn’t do it that way. I wish I didn’t do it that way. I’m gonna call ball cause I still have to live with this pain cause I still have to live with this pain. I don’t want to live this pain. I don’t want to live with this pain. No, I’m resisting it. So I’m resisting it and there’s this rejection in me and there’s this rejection in me.

Dr. d’Eramo:                 I’m rejecting what is, I’m rejecting, what is I’m rejecting my body, I’m rejecting my body. And so this pain doesn’t really move easily and so this pain doesn’t really move easily and my body doesn’t really resolve this and my body doesn’t fully resolve this. Every time I feel the pain, I’m stressed, every time they show the pain, I’m stressed. That makes the pain stay and that makes the pain stay. However the head, this pain is my reminder. This pain is my reminder when I’m stressed, when I’m stressed to open, relax, and let go to open, relax and let go. Then in breath, take a big deep breath in and then take a big deep breath out because a big part of the EFT that resets your nervous system, breathe in and breathe out. As you know from working with the body that that inhalation, exhalation sends signals to all of your sympathetic nervous system that goes up and down the back of the rib cage. So that cycle of breath is really a big part of what happens. So how do you feel?

Dr. Joe Tatta:                I feel really good. You know, it’s funny, halfway through the, the, uh, tapping, I could feel my pain decreasing. Um, the other thing that I find so fascinating about what we just did is that I, when I talked to pain, when I educate people about pain and I talk to them about their memories, that there are memories that you’re not even aware of. You’re not conscious of it. They’re very subconscious, but they’re constantly in your mind that they’re there when you wake up. They’re there when you’re doing your work, they’re there, they’re there when you’re happy, when you’re sad that they’re at all times. So as we’re going through this tapping process, I’m very cognitive of what you and I are saying, but I also get these little flashes of things that happened in the past. So I remember when I hurt my hip, I was actually scared. I wasn’t able to go to work the next day and help my patients, which obviously is a big part of my life so that, you know, it ties into my experience, so in my pain experience, yeah, there’s hip pain there and I’m worried about walking, but I’m really worried about getting to the office to help my patients.

Dr. d’Eramo:                 Yes. There’s always an underlying components that’s bigger than the pain cause it’s, it’s just pain. It’s like, all right, I’m having this pain and moving through something. It’s the emotional component that keeps that pain in place, and I’ve seen this a hundred percent of the time in chronic pain patients, 100% of the time. I’ve seen that this underlying emotional piece, because emotions are energy, they’re chemical responses in the body that in neurologic responses that keep the pain in place.

Dr. Joe Tatta:                Yeah. The other thing I got a little bit with a little bit flashes. I have this annual ski trip that I do with my friends, which I absolutely love. I go out to Utah and I go skiing and I had this little side that’s kind of where we live, this little flash of me not being able to ski and it’s not the actual fiscal, but it’s the idea that I won’t be able to be with my friends. And I think it’s really important because the social connection that people lose when they have pains, they become very isolated at times. It’s really profound.

Dr. d’Eramo:                 [inaudible] a lot of times it’s, Oh gosh, well if I can’t perform, it’s embarrassment or shame that I won’t be able to, you know, do the things I could do. Um, I have a great story about this. Can I share that? It was the, another physician who was an MD and a psychiatrist, so very, very in his head. And he came to me because he was seeing my colleague who was an acupuncturist and she told him about my work and he said, well, I know you’re not going to be able to make my pain go away, but maybe you can just help me deal with it a little bit better. And right there there’s the belief. So I said, Hmm, well what if I could help you go away? Would that be okay with you? And he’s like, Oh. And he kind of laughed like full.

Dr. d’Eramo:                 Yeah, I guess that’d be okay. And the crazy thing that happened was I was still doing osteopathic manipulative medicine in my wellness practice at the time. Now everything I do is just online on Skype. And at that time I did some physical stuff in the body. And then I said, we’re going to do some EMT because this guy was already so set up like my pain, my pain, my pain, and will never go away. And no one was getting at these underlying emotions. So I said, let’s do some of this other stuff. And when I asked him about the, the physical and the pain and what had happened, like we went through and I said, anything emotional, do you feel about the pain? He said, no, no, no, no, no. But when we tapped through, it was very clear. He’s frustrated. And then once you release a little more and a little more, he said, Oh, I’m really scared.

Dr. d’Eramo:                 It will never go away. And then the other thing he said, I cycle regularly with my wife and a big group of people and I’m embarrassed that I can’t do what I used to do. And I don’t want to like let people know I’m injured. So embarrassment, which is shame, very low frequency in the body, very destructive. Talk about inflammation is can kill you and fear pretty much same thing. So when we tapped on the fear and the shame, his pain released, he called me the next day, he said, can’t believe it. I can’t believe it. I have no pain. This is the first day. I’ve had no pain in over 10 years. This guy had had narcotics, physical therapy, everything. He said, um, I don’t know what you did, but, and I’m sure it’s not gonna last, but this is absolutely amazing and so still more conclusions.

Dr. d’Eramo:                 And it came back a week later and said, well, my pain’s back and you know, I don’t want to do any of that cognitive stuff. Let’s just do the physical treatment. And I was already aware of what really made the difference and it isn’t cognitive and all right cause they’re getting way, way, way below the cortex and the conscious awareness. And um, and he had the treatment and you know, he never came back. A year later I saw him and it was more of a business. Uh, he was actually asking me about a question for a new technology he had. How do you see us using this technology? This is this new company. I know you’re an entrepreneur. What are your thoughts? I said, you know, my thought on this would be this was be an excellent way to help people connect with their and know what’s going on, such as what to tap on when they use EFT.

Dr. d’Eramo:                 So there’s a ton of people doing FTE right now. There’s Olympic athletes. I, you can see them on the camera before they go out to compete and they’re doing EFT. Um, I saw a guy last week at the pool outside. I’m like, all right, this is getting pretty mainstream. And so I said, but people don’t know what to tap on when they’re doing. And this gets them the technology. He had more aware of what’s going on in their body. He said, well, tell me more about this EFT thing. So now he wasn’t the patient anymore, it was like doctor to doctor and he had a more open mind. And I said, well let me, let me share it with you. And we went into my office and we did some tapping and in four minutes he was completely pain free. And he sat there just stunned for like 10 minutes. Just didn’t even want. He said, let me see you, let me move it around. And it was so shocking to him that his physical body can release that tension and that energy and be pain-free. It blew his mind because in his paradigm, that’s not going to happen. And it changed him forever. You know? It was a huge opening and it was a huge release for his body.

Dr. Joe Tatta:                Yeah, it’s, that’s a huge, powerful story. So you, so you mentioned two things. You mentioned fear and guilt, which are the two things that I always talk to my patients about. There’s one more thing that I always talk to them about around the pain experience and that’s anger. Can you talk about anger and UFT for a moment?

Dr. d’Eramo:                 The interesting thing about anger is that anger is what’s bringing us above powerlessness. So if you think of the emotional scale on the lowest levels is like I am a scum of the earth, I don’t deserve anything. And then just above that is anger. Like, Hey, screw that. You shouldn’t treat me like that. I don’t deserve to, I shouldn’t have to deal with this. I’m better than that. And you go into that like, you know, the song I will survive was like the first step of women’s empowerment was like, Hey, I’m not the dirt and walk like your feet on the dirt. I will survive. I don’t need you anymore. But it’s anger, right? So you don’t want to stay in anger, you want to move beyond it, but you don’t want to skip it. For me, anger was wrong. I shouldn’t be angry, I should say.

Dr. d’Eramo:                 I have no one to blame. But myself and I, it actually kept me in a lot more periods of depression than I really needed to be. Cause if I could’ve just gotten anger, like wait a minute, dump all these beliefs, dump everything people have told me about myself, what is possible and what I’m really, what I’m really about and I’m just going to believe in myself. I could have moved much more swiftly. But when anger is wrong, we actually suppress ourselves. So you get a lot more energy. I mean how much energy you have when you’re angry, you’re like, Ooh. Then when you’re suppressed and depressed and hopelessness, so it’s a very useful stage that you want to be able to move through it. And your physical pain can be a huge indicator that there’s anger that’s ready to move. So with EFT, and there’s other ways to do it too, like you know, punching the pillows, it’s a great way to just be like, Oh I’m so angry. I’m like, let yourself have it. Breathe, breathe out. And here I am. I can be at peace. The more you let yourself brace that experience of the emotion. And that doesn’t mean I’m going to scream at that person, you’re wrong, you’re bad, you shouldn’t have done this. It’s not about you. It’s always about me. I’m angry, I’m angry, I’m angry. So when you bring the focal point back to yourself and you allow yourself to experience your emotion fully, it can move in like 12 seconds. It can move decades of anger, it can move

Dr. Joe Tatta:                perfect. I think it’s so beautiful and you know, it’s very simple and exquisite, which I think is just, you know, perfect. And, and it’s definitely the message we need on the summit. It’s probably the message we need going forward in healthcare. So I want to thank Dr. Kim drama for being on the healing pain summit this year and especially for doing the one-on-one EFT training. I thought it was great. And can you tell all of our viewers and listeners on the summit how they can learn more about you and everything you’re up to?

Dr. d’Eramo:                 Yes, yes. Well I met Dr. Kim D. dot com and we did put together a, let me make sure this is it. We put together a package because I wanted people to have a little more of an in depth experience of um, what EFT is and some of the other things I have. So it’s Dr. Kim D. dot com. Forward slash healing Dr. Kim D. dot com. Forward slash healing and it will give you, um, there’s a tool that I’ve used on my website. It’s a, it’s a quiz and really there’s three main reasons people stay stuck and don’t heal with pain, with autoimmune disease, with anxiety. And one of them we talked about like you’re fighting your body, but there’s three different ways. So it’s a little quiz to bring you through identifying for you what’s going on and then a prescriptive video segments to assist you with releasing that.

Dr. d’Eramo:                 Um, and then the second piece is the EFT Meridian tapping series. There’s a prescription for pain and prescriptive tapping sequence for anxiety and one for depression. And then there’s a bonus one that I use to do, give myself like a lift and get my energy going. And then also the first three chapters of my bestselling book, the mind body toolkit. That’s a book where there’s 10 tools to nine body tools to assist you with releasing pain and a video training called the instant elevation technique. And that’s a really fast way of integrating your mind body connection and coming into peace and harmony with your body turning off the fight or flight system. And I’ll walk you through that. So if they go to Dr. Kim D. dot com forward slash healing, they’ll receive those free bonuses.

Dr. Joe Tatta:                Excellent. So make sure you go to Dr. Kim D. dot. Com forward slash healing to check out the free gifts from Dr. Kim d’Eramo. She’s an awesome presenter and had a great time with her today. So make sure you click the share button to share this video out on Facebook as well as Twitter so we can help spread the message of hope and healing around chronic pain. And we will see you in the next video.

Dr. d’Eramo:                 Awesome, Joe. Bye.

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