Energy Medicine

Dr. Joe Tatta:                Hi Dr. Massey, welcome to the Healing Pain Summit 2.0 it’s great to have you here this year. It’s a really interesting topic that we’re going to talk about. I’m sure a lot of people would be interested in it. I’m really looking forward to it. So, energy medicine is kind of new and very interesting. But tell us how you kind of started and what’s your personal story is around this?

Harry Massey:               Kind of you mentioned, I’m sure. Well, I’m 41 now and when I was 21, I ended up, I ended up with fibromyalgia and was bedridden for, for about 10 years. And that mainly, that mainly started from a, from a climbing accident that I had when I was 21. And I fell off Ben Nevis ice climbing and ended up fracturing factoring my spine, although I didn’t know I’d fractured my spine at the time. Um, and then I’ll also contact, um, contracted glandular fever and basically over the next couple of years I basically got…conventional medicine at the time didn’t, didn’t really know what to what to do about it. And um, uh, yeah, I mean a long, a long story short, I ended up fully, fully bed-bound. Um, I was fully bed-bound for about seven years and then pretty ill for about about 10 years.

Dr. Joe Tatta:                So how did you, how did you come across kind of energy medicine and how did you start to kind of, you know, integrate it into your, your healing and your transformation?

Harry Massey:               Sure. Well one, once I tried a number of different things, I mean not quite a quite a long period to try things. So I would try conventional medicine approaches should be try nutrition and various mine techniques. Um, I like I came across, I think cross like the idea of energy medicine really because I’d explored all these other avenues and I wasn’t particularly getting very far. And I think it was the book called the field by Lynne McTaggart that really gets into this idea of, of how, of how really behind all masteral reality, um, everything ultimately is controlled by energy fields or this fields. And, and this idea of sort of it, I mean it even goes, it sort of goes back to Einstein, the great Feinstein equation of, of E equals MC squared, which is basically saying that energy is equivalent to, to matter or not. I read about that I guess when I was 26 or 27 for that. That makes a lot of lot of sense. And if I could correct the fields behind, behind, behind the matter or the fields that were controlling my biology, uh, I should be able to get relegated.

Dr. Joe Tatta:                So to the average person, when you say the body has a field of energy around it, it sounds a little, you know, we were at times to people, but where, where does, where’s the science? Where do we, to

Harry Massey:               this being kind of matter of fact in that actually reality show this, there’s may, there’s many levels that you can look at this. So for instance, I mean, well if we just, I haven’t got a mobile phone in front of me, but if you, if I did, you picked off a mobile phone, you know that that mobile phone is a missing, uh, is a missing electromagnetic waves, which are picked up by the local things so you can, can communicate information. Um, and we don’t really understand how that works yet. We know it’s there. If you’re looking in the body, uh, in normal medical terms, there’s a EKG and ECG devices and you can put those on your brain or over your house and pick up the electromagnetic signals like that. You can also pick up a magnetic fields, sort of, um, well meters away from the body because the heart produces a really strong magnetic field and, and it’s most basic, but the body, if you’re looking at the nervous system, um, on the heart and perhaps a few few other organs, you can see that they produce, uh, an overall field.

Harry Massey:               And this field we turn as the body field. Uh, but as I sort of met mentioned just before we’re going stone, it also goes in all such, it goes a lot deeper than that in, into the fundamental nature of reality itself. Because we know when you’re really getting into the fundamental nature, reality matter isn’t, it isn’t even really there really, really matter where it’s positioned is controlled by, by fields and hence, hence that sort of Einstein equation of energy be being equivalent to mass. I mean, what, what he was really saying is that that matter is basically an energy field. I mean, the truth is like each, each cell in our body, every single cell has an energy field to, to in of itself. Correct? Uh, absolutely. I mean, if you, if you look at the cell membrane, it basically produce about, it’s about 200 millivolts across, across that membrane.

Harry Massey:               And in fact, I mean in fatness is a fat that’s a bit of an oddity, but we all think of food as some sort of source, the source of energy. But the reason food is a source of energy is because it converts to ATP, which ultimately is basically a source of electrons. And the, I mean the re the reason your cells work and work and have energies is because they have an electrical potential across the cell membrane. And, uh, and again, you know, with the Mike, well that’s sort of how the mitochondria works. So even even our conventional way of looking at the body’s source of energy eat carbohydrates and food is actually explained through, through electromagnetics. Interesting. So I think that the concept of, of energy from a cell phone, everyone can understand that it’s very easy to relate to it. But when it comes time to look at the body and the body’s energy field, is there a way that we can quantify quantumly measure that or examine it or look at it?

Harry Massey:               Um, yeah, I mean there’s, there’s a number of ways. Um, I mean it’s sort of sort of goes back about a hundred or a, um, and there’s, I think originally sort of people were looking at auras are using Caribbean photography and you can basically see that sort of sort of like a halo or bits of distorted light coming out of your body, which you can use using our special Caribbean, uh, cameras, um, that these, these days. I mean, we’ve also invented a device that you can put your hand on and that’ll be, see, pick, pick up electromagnetic information and then you, we can be, see, compare, uh, help, uh, healthy tissue with your tissue. So we can be, see, scan all the different organ systems and emotional States and mental States and that type of thing. Um, which I think that some other other devices, but I mean, yeah, this, you can actually see it in your voice patterns as well. Like, um, when, uh, when people are ill, well, I’m sure if you speak to an ill person, you know, you can, you can really, you can really hear that they’re real and, and there’s all this, um, if you do a furrier transform of their voice pattern, you can basically do, do health analysis from their health fan. So yeah, I mean ultimately like the fields of the body can be picked, picked up looking at light sound, um, electromagnetism, anything. Yeah. Or, and a combination of all three,

Dr. Joe Tatta:                which to me is so fascinating because we’re so used to hearing the word MRI magnetic resonance and that’s a form of energy. We were putting your body in a, in a field to get a picture, but we haven’t quite kind of mastered, we haven’t quite accepted that we can actually measure that field and manipulate it for our own health or wellbeing. Yeah. So it’s a real curious phone. I think it comes down to the sort of, it’s like this sort of

Harry Massey:               listen medicine bat backer I guess back a hundred years ago. So back at that time, like these ideas of a vital force. I think they called it like in the theorial and the theory of body, all these types of things that they didn’t quite understand. It was pretty strong in medicine. And then we’ve got the got the rise of biochemistry and as soon as we had the rise of biochemistry, it’s sort of said, well yeah, we need, we need to sell our chemicals so we’ll sort of squash squash this other growing field. And in then in universities you end up with, uh, a medical department of biology department, chemistry department, physics department. But there is no such thing as a biophysics department and that no one’s looking at the physics of biology apart from probably Phillips in the MRI scans. But I mean, not, you know, not, not too much.

Dr. Joe Tatta:                Yeah, that’s a really good point. I mean, no, those, those kind of sciences are not overlapping in the, in the kind of university setting so much.

Harry Massey:               Yeah. Yeah. No, unfortunately. And that’s, that’s really because of where the funding goes of some funding comes from drug companies goes into chemistry and biology and, uh, yeah, I mean what we’re talking about, if you can, if you can look at people’s energy fields to more accurately know what’s going on on with them and then fix them. Um, and obviously as a, well, it’s a superior methodology than a yeah. Blanket pill for everyone who’s got diabetes or heart disease or whatever it is. So that’s why. So you mentioned the heart having its own fields of energy and there are other parts of the body where energy is maybe stronger or weaker or where it’s kind of concentrated. That’s a really interesting question. Um, I mean, EV, every single cell it’s really concentrated and um, sort of have to, there’s this idea of cavities and if, if, if you imagine like you have a Qatar, um, if you only had the strings and play the strings, it wouldn’t make any noise.

Harry Massey:               But the fact that it has a cavity behind it, uh, where the cavity resonates or basically amplifies the energy or the sound Wade so you can hear exactly the same thing, hands in your body and your, if you imagine what your mitochondria is like a little cavity, the cell is a bigger cavity within it. Uh, then the organ tissue is, and what she, if we’re looking at the heart, so let’s say it was the heart and then the rib cage and so on. So you basically have all these nested cavities within yeah. Within cavities. And ultimately, ultimately there’s really all these other sources of energy that your body can live on and that makes for easy to relate to as lights or if you like if you like infrared heat and all of our, all of our cells are able to, are able, I say lost cells.

Harry Massey:               It’s really that water is tuning into that cause. Um, there’s this, there’s this great scientist called professor Polich from Seattle university who’s actually done a lot of research into structured water and based basically infrared heat or, or light at certain wavelengths is basically able to increase what he calls us the structured water inside the cell. Um, which kind of long story short is able to be you use as a source of energy by your cell and then yeah, within those cavities. Again, it’s fascinating. I mean when I think of energy I think back to like really the basic like neurophysiology and neuroanatomy classes and they really, they teach you about the nervous system as being it conducted electricity, if you will. So it makes me think, does the brain or the spinal cord brain, spinal cord nervous system have more of a capacity to conduct energy or more energy than other parts of the body?

Harry Massey:               Um, yeah, the nervous system. That’s, that’s another I, I love, I love the nervous system. I’ll give you some interesting weird facts about the nervous system. So it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s see the spinal cord is so thick and then every single, and then it goes onto the knowns, the arm and then it contracts and seismic contracts and size. I can’t remember how many legs, it’s like five or six different…of, uh, of, of nerve fiber. And the weird why that’s interesting is because the actual Wavelink speeds of how signals traveled down, each type of nerve, uh, nerve are all completely different. And when it goes into a really narrow, no fiber has actually become, it becomes really, really slow. And sort of how the body is able to sort of coordinate. It’s trillions of reactions that are happening every second in the body that doesn’t become so plausible with the nervous system.

Harry Massey:               Um, but what is more plausible is that the nervous system is basically setting up an energy field. And as long as you have a field across the body, uh, information is able to transfer, um, potentially instantly or, or perhaps close to the speed of light crop across that field, which helps to explain how basically you’re able to coordinate all these trillions of active, true trillions of activity in the body or almost instantly. Yeah, that’s really, I mean, that’s fascinating when you think about the brain. Like people go to bed and they think they’re resting, but the truth is your brain never fully rest. There may be a period of time where you’re in more of a recovery mode, but the brain is active almost at all times throughout the day. So it’s important to have, you know, that working on a physiologic basis as well as an energetic basis.

Harry Massey:               Um, you know, where I want to go next is if there’s this field around my body, in my body, around my body and we can measure it, is there a way that the average person can affect their own energy fields on a daily basis? Um, absolutely. I mean, that’s, uh, there’s, there’s a lot, there’s lots of ways. Um, I mean things that they can just do themselves or see, we see, we just mentioned that you can, you can go outside and into the sun and absorb, just absorb free energy that’s out there and that, you know, that’s going to be immensely helpful. Um, up to the point. You don’t get some them of course. Um, and uh, you know, I mean they’re not on the another very easy, easy, well perhaps, uh, perhaps a useful metaphor is to look at the body a bit like a battery.

Harry Massey:               So you can use sun to charge out your energy. I bet you can also use a select trumps to charge yourself up. And to do that you can basically just go bare for on wet, on wet ground. Um, you can also just swim in the cold. Oh, well it doesn’t have to be cold. We can just swim in the ocean and that type thing. Um, I’ll say one caveat. If you do it in a city, um, you will also become very magnetically attractive to all the little slogan dust particles are. Because as soon as you ground yourself, um, all the crap in the air will stick to it and it’ll stick to your lungs. So I wouldn’t recommend doing it in a city, but it’s talked about very much. That’s really fascinating cause most of most people today in the United States live in major cities.

Harry Massey:               So, you know, it’s a way to look at, if you’re going to go out to a park, let’s say you want to be cautious about how much energy you actually take in. Uh, yeah. Uh, or, or just make sure the air is pretty clean in that day and do it next to the belching buses. Um, but yeah, I mean, I guess, yeah, to, to further answer your question, I mean, if, I mean there’s, there’s all sorts of devices and things you can, you can do it on, on yourself as well or if you can, if you want to be more Pacific, if, uh, like if a particular part of the body, uh, I mean jet, I mean jet January, what genuine people get diseased, a particular part of the body or that particular tissue. The, the, the, the voltage potential in the cells in that tissue, they basically deplete and they don’t function properly.

Harry Massey:               You can locally stimulate that in that space. That’s basically sort of science behind like pulsed electromagnetic frequency devices and things like that. So yeah, you can, you can increase it locally in that way. Interesting. So you have worked for years this, um, technology. Tell us about some of the things you developed. I’m sure it’s a, it’s a few things, but I, I re originally, originally just as, I was basically when I was ill and I was wanting, they see wanting to get better. The idea I had in my head was basically to create a home wellness home wellness system, which would be a way that some someone could work out what was going on, the honor themselves from the comfort of their own home under the guidance of a, of a practitioner. Um, and then basically from that idea, I ended up meeting the scientists from Australia called professor Peter Fraser, who he’d been mapping out the energy of, of the human body field.

Harry Massey:               And we ended up teaming up to make this system where you can put your hand on a device and then it could be ski and you know, whether it basically analyze the energy of your different organ systems and mental States and nutrition and etc. Uh, but then, uh, perhaps more significantly, we also worked out a way of how you could energize the body’s healing system. Are you using what we, what we call in for ceuticals, which is this idea that you can imprint information in the memory of water and then you simply just drink that water and it’ll trigger a healing response in different parts of the body. And that’s arts had like a 200 year history start starting with Hannaman with homeopathy, uh, which the LC, the biochemistry drug company didn’t like. So this mostly got wiped out in the States along, you know, long time ago and this little bit of it here and there.

Harry Massey:               Um, but that, that science was basically further, it was being forbid quite a lot in the last 30 years. And as a French artist school Jack Benevista, uh, who, who basically proved that he could, he could imprint or you could imprint an antibody into what, not a real antibody, just the information of antibody into water. And then, uh, uh, basically, uh, I think some last, yeah, Marcel with Betsy, pick up the information and react as though the antibody was there. Um, there was a massive who hire nature over that who, uh, they did publish it. But I mean that’s, that’s a whole long story long I won’t get into now. Uh, and then beyond that there was a, yeah, it was another Nobel prize winner called loop Montana who basically shown that you could transmit the information of DNA into glass of water and then add all the, I think the add all the base pairs to that liquid and just from the information and the base chemicals, it would re reconstruct the original DNA, which is just, it’s just incredible.

Harry Massey:               And then really what Pete, what Peter is doing or um, yeah we’ve got with our company is we sort of looked at that idea and said, well yeah, the gene information is one thing. What about the actual epigenetic expression cause we wanna re really to repair really to repair yourself. Um, you bet. You basically need to change the expression of the gene so it will go on to make all the right repair proteins, et cetera. Um, so basically Peter spent, I spent about 35 years mapping out the information of various epigenetic expressions so that we could then trigger up or trigger appropriate healing responses in relation to the scan, uh, that, that you can do. Which is fascinating cause I guess what you’re really saying is that the, the double helix of your DNA as a type of charge or, or has its own energy field around it and you can kind of deconstruct it, place it in water, use the electromagnetic fields of water to deliver it to your body.

Harry Massey:               Um, yeah, it’s pretty, yeah, it’s pretty, it’s pretty much like that. Um, but yeah, all you have to do is imprint the information into water. I think on the, I’ve got one on my desk, right. So, um, basically, yeah, they just, they just end up as drops and then yeah, you just take the drops on your tongue and that’s it. So there are different, um, types of them for different diseases or conditions or symptoms. How does it work? Uh, so we look at the body and not as a, not, not from that disease point of view. We may see look at everything in the positive. So we’ve, we basically map, we’ve mapped the epigenetic expression or the information for how, for how a healthy heart is working or a healthy liver or healthy kidney, et cetera, et cetera. Um, and then when we do the scan, we’re comparing it to, we’re comparing it against the, basically how a healthy body field and if it says, yeah, if it basically says your, you know, your liver isn’t as healthy as this, then we just give, give the positive information and then the body takes that up to, um, yeah, to be quote AC, stimulate his healing processes.

Harry Massey:               It’s of, it’s sort of almost the opposite of that homeopathic idea of, um, which is yeah. January trying to get the body to react, to react against the, yeah. The main symptoms. Interesting. Really interesting stuff. I’m sure people are really enjoying hearing some, some of this in addition to these devices in the biofield, you also do some movies about some kind of transformational healing, correct? Um, I do. Yeah. So well the first one we made was called the living matrix and that was that, that was basically looking into this idea of how energy is able to control, um, yeah. Basically how it’s able to control biology. And then we basically went and filmed a number of completely incurable diseases. So we had, um, yeah, one person was cerebral palsy, another person, I think they ha they have four for brain tumors. That was another person with, um, fibromyalgia is free.

Harry Massey:               Yeah. Edgar Mitchell. He was films next for Bernie. He, uh, he had the kidney cancer. Um, and then, um, and then, and then we basically filmed a bunch of experts in this field of bioenergetics to help explain how, how these NQ, how these incurable diseases were able to be cute, cured using energy medicine and then, um, yeah, anyway, yeah. That and that, that, that film did pretty well. It was the best selling document shopping in Oh nine and 10 or something like that. Um, and we made another one called choice point, which is not that one isn’t health related per se. It was more of a self help movie about helping people to align their purpose. And then our latest one is called supercharged, which is, it’s, yeah, it’s a bit, it’s a bit more, I say basic, it’s basically looking, looking at how I was looking at the sources of energy in the body and how and how, if you know how to utilize them, you can, yeah.

Harry Massey:               You can live a supercharged life or have more energy. And so it kind of leads to my next question is if someone’s listening to this and they would be a little interested, why is this something that they should try to incorporate into their life as far as healing goes? But I think a number of things, I mean, what one, one obviously at, well not maybe it’s not obvious, but, and, and, and the energy is just completely and utterly fundamental to life. I mean, without, without energy, you’re, you’re, you’re dead. So, um, so yeah, to, to understand how energy works in the body beyond, you know, beyond just food can, can just make a massive difference. Um, that’s one thing, uh, to to if you’re in a, yeah, if you’re in a lot of pain or you have, have some, have some disease, knowing how to activate your own body’s heating system is incredibly useful. And to do that properly, you know, you really need to know what’s going on in your body’s heating system. Seek then activate it more, more specifically. Um, uh, two points will do, won’t they? I was going to make, I was going to say free. You know, you always say free day, I can give them,

Dr. Joe Tatta:                well if you have it there and give it to us. Cause I think people like, you know, they liked it. The strategies as far as, um,

Harry Massey:               the third is per the third is purpose and it, it’s, it’s going to maybe sound a little bit the cuter, but, um, I know when I, when I was incredibly ill, um, yeah, I already got better for two reasons. One for meeting Peter and all of these healing things that we’re talking about at the moment that helped me to get better, but to what also helped me is, is, is having a purpose. Cause I, I made it my purpose to find out about these things and then share that knowledge with other people. So, um, you know, and it can be difficult, you know, if you, well, if you’re, especially if you’re bedridden below, I would say you no, somewhere he’s someone who’s, he’s been there, um, you know, fi fi finding some sort of purpose that, that’s outside of your own illness, uh, can actually be incredibly healing and beneficial in itself. So, yeah.

Dr. Joe Tatta:                So in a way, what you’re really saying is that if you find kind of the ultimate purpose or a deep purpose or meaning in your life, it can kind of transmute the pain or the difficulties you’re having.

Harry Massey:               Yeah, I mean, isn’t that, there’s never a guarantee, but it helped. It helps. It helps massively. Like, I mean, I know, I know with me it just, yeah, it just was, I was sort of investigating and building a lock. It’s the, I stop. It starts to disappear because you’re putting more, it’s just attention. Like the more attention you put on, on the positive and how well your body is, all the things that are going well and the less attention on the yeah. On the, on the bad things and the pain, the more, the more the positive over time we’ll start, we’ll just start to become, you know, 80, 90 a hundred percent of your life instead of you 10 20% of your life. And um, yeah, it’s, it can be a slow transition, but yeah, it’s, well, it’s well worth trying to start it.

Dr. Joe Tatta:                So, no pun intended, but you basically learning how to shift energy from a place of low negativity where you’re focused on pain to a place of higher vibration where you focused on purpose or forgiveness or whatever it is that you know, the person finds that they need and pay. I mean pain is very, it is very difficult. Cool.

Harry Massey:               I mean I I’ve, I mean, yeah, I mean I had a while, I was in a lot of pain for years and even even actually low in last weekend show, um, my, my rib pop, my rip popped out. Yeah. It’s either whether you’ve got agony in your chest and stuff, it’s, yeah, it can, it, it can be diff, it can be difficult. And you, um, I think just try. Yeah. Well I mean I don’t know my strategy for that last week cause I was went on really long hikes and yeah, after about five hours, like four or five hours. Like it was, yeah, you stopped to know distraction is a, is a good thing. Um, I mean, yeah. I mean we also do have this other, I think we briefly talked about PMF, but, um, no, I haven’t got one around me, but, um, yeah, I mean there, there, there is a handheld device called a MyHealth that you can be see, uh, basically applied directly to the skin.

Harry Massey:               Um, is sort of like, it’s sort of like a combination of tens and PMF, which basically means it uses a, he’s an electromagnetic current, um, plus plus a plus a standard back on plus a standard magnetic poles. And then we put that idea of information in onto the signal out app to help reduce pain and pain and inflammation. So that’s a, that’s another good way. So similar to like a tens unit it sounds like. Um, yes. The wa where it’s different to tens is, is, is we, we spent a long time really research researching the frequencies to find out what frequencies would resonate in the body. Cause I mean this is, I mean I don’t try to remember whose principal it was. I know it was Harry Herring’s principal, but there’s this idea that you need lots of something like, you know, lots of pharmaceuticals or lots of, or in this case, lots of electromagnets nineties energy and a new date.

Harry Massey:               But basically all you really need to do is give, give quite a light signal to the body and the body is quite tuned to certain sets of freak season information and it does, it doesn’t need very much energy to sort of punt it back in back in the right direction. So, yeah, in the standard tens world, they, they hadn’t done any research or not really much research into freak season. You just are, you probably know a lot more about it than me. Right. You just basically dial up the volume until, yeah. Until the pain goes away and we’re not, we’re not doing that. We’re more, we’re more being quite precise to what the body wants and yeah, a lot more gentle. So when you use this device and something you can feel, does it tangle? Is it, is it painful? Is it noxious? What’s the sensation like?

Harry Massey:               Um, I should send you on, but basically, um, no, I can send everyone home one basic. Um, it, uh, it does all, yeah, it basically does all those things. Um, it does, it basically basically tingles. Um, I mean you can, you can turn it up so it’ll tingle quite strongly. But as I said, you don’t, you don’t need to do it to that seat. You just turn it up to leak and feed that. And that’s enough. And is there a certain frequency frequency or I’m sorry, a certain, um, you know, number of times per week for a number of weeks that you recommend people use it for or um, it pay. It really depends what, what’s going on in them. I mean if, if, if you have one at home and you’re in and you’re really trying to get over an injury or pain, then yeah, I’d actually use it twice, twice a day for five to 10 minutes on, on that particular area. Um, if you’re visiting a practitioner, often that’s not particularly practical. So you normally need to, yeah. You know, you normally might go and visit them once a week or once every two weeks.

Dr. Joe Tatta:                Interesting. So if someone wants to learn more about your work and more about the device you have, how do they hear about it? How can they contact you and learn more about it? A pretty easy to keep go to

Harry Massey:               NES which is N E S Um, and actually yeah, if you opt in there, you can watch the watch living matrix for free and find out about everything.

Dr. Joe Tatta:                And so the devices you currently cover is, um, it’s called, um, P PMs, is that what’s called an EMS,

Harry Massey:               uh, PMF pulse metic frequency device. The device is called a call a My Health and there’s a, uh, on the site as well. There’s a video about that and stuff.

Dr. Joe Tatta:                Okay. And that’s, there’s free information that people can go their opt-in and learn all about the device. Yup. Yup. Okay. Excellent. So I want to thank Harry Massey for joining the Healing Pain Summit 2.0 as with every guest you can help him out by sharing the videos. So if you click the link below for Facebook or if it’s Twitter, you can share it out so your friends and family will hear about it and help spread his message of hope and healing through the great device he’s created. Stay tuned, make sure to go into the Facebook group for the Healing Pain Summit and we’ll see you on the next video.

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