Nutritional Deficiency, Obesity, and Poor Eating Behaviors in Chronic Pain Patients Receiving Long-Term Opioid Therapy
Are patients with chronic pain on long-term opioid therapy more likely to be overweight? To what extent are chronic pain, nutritional deficiency, poor eating habits, and obesity related? The field of nutrition has gained increased interest in medical circles over the last 20 years, as science continues to support the correlation between nutrition, diet and […]
5 Ways Social Interactions Promote Analgesia
Imagine two identical female patients with chronic low back pain walked into your office. Both women have suffered from low back pain for over 5 years and both tell you that their current pain intensity is 8/10, with 10 being the worst back pain imaginable! The first woman calmly describes her frustrating journey with pain. […]
Evidence Supporting the Anti-Inflammatory Diet
A guide to beating inflammation and managing chronic pain What do heart disease, arthritis, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, chronic fatigue, and persistent pain all have in common? Inflammation. So, what is inflammation? How does inflammation cause pain, and can food and nutrition really help? What is Inflammation? The word inflammation comes from the Latin word […]