Investigating 3 Common Forms of Gastrointestinal Pain

Because of the numerous ingredients that are contained in many of the foods today, it can be hard to track down the main culprit behind what may be causing your gastrointestinal pain and discomfort. Additionally, many people are unaware of how sensitive they are to certain foods (such as gluten). The gluten-free diet is something […]
5 Valuable Tips to Overcome Gluten Sensitivity

Are you tired of being unable to enjoy a meal with friends or family due to fear of the unpleasant series of intestinal pain or joint pain that may occur afterward? If so, you are not alone. You are one of 21 million Americans, including some of the top celebrities such as actresses Mariel Hemingway […]
Got Joint Pain? Why Dairy Makes Me Hurt

Most of us have been raised to believe that we need milk and other dairy products in order to have a healthy body, not only when we are young, but also as we age. But what if we have been led astray? Have you ever considered that we were not meant to consume the milk […]
Five Nutritional Strategies for Less Pain

You are ready to begin your nutritional healing journey toward a pain-free life, but do you wonder exactly where to start? It’s all so confusing – we are bombarded with information overload on a daily basis through social media, television, and radio. The food labels state things like “low fat, no sugar, and natural” but […]
5 Ways Gluten Causes Pain

Would eliminating gluten be the first thing you do to eliminate chronic pain? My patients tell me all the time that removing gluten helped relieve their pain. As a matter of fact, some doctors now test for celiac disease simply based on a patient’s reporting of joint pain because arthritis and osteoporosis can be one […]
How Chronic Pain Rewires the Brain and 5 Proven Ways to Reverse It

Have you heard about the latest neuroscience that is revealing some fascinating discovering about pain? More and more we are looking to the brain as chronic pain changes both the structure and function of our brain and nervous system. It’s no longer just about the body. Think of it this way “no brain, no pain.” […]