Welcome To The Pain Science Education Podcast With Joe Tatta, PT, DPT

Welcome back to the Pain Science Education Podcast with Joe Tatta, PT, DPT

A lot of things have changed since we started the Healing Pain Podcast five years ago. From our conversations with leading names in the pain management and related fields, we have gone down the rabbit hole of no return, exposing us to the wide, wonderful, and in many ways, untamed world of pain science. What exactly is pain science? There is a lot to unpack about this concept, and we’re excited to announce that that is going to be the focus of this podcast moving forward. In this episode, Dr. Joe Tatta, PT, DPT, announces the rebrand from Healing Pain Podcast to Pain Science Education Podcast. He explains the rationale behind the move and the new direction this whole initiative is taking. Exciting things are on the horizon starting this year, and it all starts here. Tune in!

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Welcome To The Pain Science Education Podcast With Joe Tatta, PT, DPT

Welcome to this episode of the Pain Science Education. I am your host, Dr. Joe Tatta. If you’re new to me or my work here at the Integrative Pain Science Institute, I want to welcome you whether you are a health and wellness practitioner or you’re someone living with a chronic pain syndrome or condition or another health condition. Everyone is welcome in our community here at the Integrative Pain Science Institute.

Many of you have followed my work for years. I first started a show in early 2017 and that show was called the Healing Pain. I wrapped up the Healing Pain in late 2023 with episode number 354. I took a little bit of a break around the holidays to look at the work I’ve done since 2017 and the work I’ve had an opportunity to collaborate with as far as research, courses and writing books and textbooks. I said, “Maybe it’s time that I rebrand the Healing Pain,” to what is now called the Pain Science Education.

Time For A Rebrand

I’ll give you a little bit of a backstory on how this all happened. In 2017, I wrote my first book which was called Heal Your Pain Now. I was fortunate enough to secure a book deal with a major New York City publisher. At that time, the publisher said, “Do you have a website?” I said, “I do.” At that time in 2017, it was a basic website with my name and my credentials, rather brief bio.

The Healing Pain Podcast | Pain Science Education
Heal Your Pain Now: The Revolutionary Program to Reset Your Brain and Body for a Pain-Free Life

The agent said, “You need to start putting out some content around the topic of product pain.” This was important because it was right before the opioid epidemic started. I wanted to start to educate people. Provide free information, essentially, about safe, non-pharmacologic and non-invasive options for treating chronic pain. From that, the Healing Pain was born. At that time, to my knowledge, it was the first show, the treatment of either acute or chronic pain.

I started inviting pain scientists and researchers, pain clinicians, educators, and even people with pain on to share their story, share bits of information and to share the latest research so that essentially, this could be a public service announcement about how to evaluate, treat, and manage chronic pain. Over the course of five years, my message has changed. The messaging has changed. I’ve also become involved in a lot of research in the last couple of years and published maybe 5 or 7 research articles in major journals like the Journal of Physical Therapy.

I’m starting to look at, “What is this thing we call pain? How can we treat it better?” At the end of 2023, we published a model called the Prism Model, the pain recovery and integrated systems model. With that, I started looking at the entire platform looking at the whole platform. I said, “What I’m doing here or what all of us are doing here as a community is educating the world about pain science education and how important that is.”

The word pain science education, I want to break that down a little bit first. Pain science is the study of pain and nociception. Nociception is that signal that runs from the periphery of our body up to our brain where it’s processed then our brain decides, is this painful or is it not? Education is simply educating people about what pain is, how they can understand it better and how they can use that knowledge and learning to help them better self-manage or self-treat their pain, whether that’s acute pain or chronic pain.

Quality, Safe, And Effective Pain Management

With that, we have the first episode. Even though it’s not the first episode I’ve ever done but it is the first episode of what will now be called the Pain Science Education Show. I see this as a public service announcement to help people access quality, safe, and effective pain management. Whether it’s the United States of America or Canada or Australia or the UK or any country around the globe. We have a long way to go to help people struggling with pain understand how they can identify it, understand it, learn about it, and manage it effectively.

We have a long way in helping people struggling with pain understand how they can identify it, understand it, learn about it, and manage it effectively. Share on X

We also have many practitioners that are still way behind on their education and learning about what this thing called chronic pain is and how we can treat it in a way that’s safer and promotes quality of life. I want this show, as we move forward, talking about pain science education to think about ways we can improve people’s quality of life, living because that’s what this is all about.

We want to decrease pain and we want to alleviate pain but more importantly, we want to help people access wellbeing and a sense of vitality in their life so that they can move on and do whatever activity that is. Whether it’s getting back to work, cleaning their house, or returning to a sport. It’s about health and wellness and vitality.

As we move forward, we will continue with similar themes looking at the fields of physical therapy, the fields of neuroscience, psychology, medicine, occupational therapy, and health coaching and all the wonderful fields that are contributing to pain. That will still be a through line. Each episode will still have about 45-minutes worth of content. You can find all of that on the website at the Integrative Pain Science Institute.

We have the audio and video recording there. We also transcribe the entire episode. Whether you like to listen or watch or read the episode, that’s all available to you at the website at the Integrative Pain Science Institute. I put out a episode every week. Sometimes, if I go on vacation or if I’m teaching on a conference, I may skip a week but you can expect one episode each week for me about pain science education.

Now, if you have questions or comments or have topics that you’d love to hear about that I have yet to cover or you want me to go deeper on a certain topic, reach out to me. You can send me an email. My email is pretty easy. It’s [email protected] or you can connect with me on social media. I’m most commonly found on LinkedIn, Instagram, or Facebook. My handle is @DrJoeTatta.

Reach out either me or one of my support team and we’ll communicate with you. We would love to hear what it is that you would like to learn more about. We’ll be talking about pain science and pain education, but we also overlap with integrative and lifestyle medicine, psychology and pain psychology. I will start to delve into topic of mental health because that’s vitally important both to people living with pain as well as the practitioners that treat pain.

Each episode, I’ll try to bring you something that is actionable that you can take home, whether that’s taking it home to your practice or into your personal home that you can use to help manage your pain. Also, if you could, go on to Apple Podcasts and leave us a five-star review. I say us because myself, as well as the incredible speakers that I invite each episode, do this with the goodness of their heart and do this out of their free time.

If you can go on and leave us a five-star review on Apple Podcasts or whatever player that you use, that would be helpful because what it does, it helps us elevate the message. It helps us to live the message to more people who need to hear a message of hope and healing about living with chronic pain because those of us who have been treating chronic pain for a long time know that this is treatable, manageable and in many cases, it’s completely reversible where people experience significantly less pain.

Those of us who have been treating chronic pain for a long time know that it is treatable and manageable. And in many cases, it's completely reversible. Share on X

They’re able to return back to whatever activity they’d like. Some people even experience growth, positive growth after a period of high-quality pain care. That can be delivered by many professionals. I am a licensed and trained doctor of Physical Therapy. That’s primarily what I do. I take an integrative approach to treating pain, which many of my peers do now as well, where they’re integrating principles of physical therapy along with principles of psychology, integrative and lifestyle medicine.

That is becoming the gold standard for treating chronic pain. Those themes will be built out as we move forward with the Pain Science Education Show. If you could go over to Apple podcasts and leave us a five star review. If you want to say something nice, that’s wonderful. I do read all the comments and I will reply both on Apple Podcasts and on our YouTube channel.

All the videos can be found on the YouTube channel. After this one, in your player, you’re going to see another episode where I’m speaking to Professor Cormac Ryan about how we can bring pain science education to the community. One of the things that I mentioned is not only how can we treat patients one on one better, but how do we deliver this message to people in a much bigger and broader way.

We’ll talk about that right on the next episode, which you can find in your player with Professor Cormac Ryan. We’ll be talking about pain science education in the community. Welcome again to this new rebranded show. As always, I am honored to be on this journey with you as we all learn about pain, how to treat it and manage it better and alleviate it for the millions of people who are suffering. I’m Dr. Joe Tatta. I wish you well, health and happiness always and much love to you.

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