Dr. Peter Osborne: No Grain, No Pain

Welcome to Episode #2 of the Healing Pain Podcast with Dr. Peter Osborne!

Today we are joined by Dr. Peter Osborne, DC author of the #1 best selling book No Grain, No Pain. Dr. Peter Osborne is the clinical director of Origins Health Care in Sugar Land, Texas. He is a doctor of chiropractic, doctor of functional medicine, doctor of pastoral science, and a Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist.

In This Healing Pain Podcast You Will Learn: 

  • How nutrition can be used instead of medication for pain relief.
  • How functional medicine differs from conventional medicine in its approach to solving pain.
  • Why a grain free diet is beneficial for those who struggle with pain.
  • How common pain relieving drugs cause vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
  • A free lifestyle prescription for immediate pain relief.


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Welcome to the Healing Pain podcast. I am your host, Dr. Joe Tatta. It’s great to be here with you for episode number two.

My question for you today is, what if the quickest path to pain relief was not with finding the right pill, but putting the right food on your plate? I discuss that and more on today’s episode with special guest, Dr. Peter Osborne. He is a chiropractic physician as well as a doctor of functional medicine. We discuss going gluten-free, grain-free, cutting things out of your diet such as beans, corn, as well as a number of other lifestyle strategies to prevent pain and to help alleviate your pain. It’s a great episode. Please enjoy it and share it with your friends and family. And without further ado let’s welcome Dr. Peter Osborne to the Healing Pain podcast.

Hey, thanks for having me, Joe. It’s great to be here.

So just to start out, in addition to being a chiropractic physician you also practice functional medicine. And you use both as you treat pain. But can you kind of talk about functional medicine a little bit and describe how functional medicine takes a different approach toward pain relief than conventional medicine would?

Absolutely. Yeah, so conventional medicine, if we look at the model it’s, “Hey, I hurt. I’m going to go see the doctor”. Generally speaking the doctor’s going to prescribe some type of medication that either inhibits pain or blocks inflammation, depending on the type of pain. If it’s chronic inflammatory autoimmune pain, it’s generally drugs. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory, steroids. You know, something to mask the pain. If it’s some type of traumatic injury, then sometimes it’s drugs but also physical therapy and chiropractic therapy or acupuncture or other types of modalities that can help with pain.

That’s pretty much the conventional model. So in functional medicine what we really seek to find out is why the pain is there in the first place. If it’s non-traumatic or if it’s not an injury or car accident or something along those lines, then generally there’s an underlying source or underlying reason why the pain is there. It’s not because a person’s aging. It’s not because they’re just getting older. There’s usually a reason. And that reason mega-multi factorial, meaning it could be a person sits at a desk for eight hours a day and their lower back hurts and they just need to be told to not sit at a desk for eight hours a day, right? Stretch it and to do some physical activities and things that could help their pain. That’s a physical aspect and of course functional medicine looks into that. And as a chiropractor, as you’re aware, we look into the physical aspect of the musculoskeletal system and make sure everything is working appropriately.

But then there’s this whole realm of biochemistry … And this is where really functional medicine shines … There’s this whole realm of biochemistry that very rarely gets investigated by pretty much most doctors. That realm of bio-chemistry, I call it the Four Fundamental Factors. You’ve got to know a person’s nutritional status, whether or not they have the raw ingredients that their body needs to produce new tissue, to heal and repair damaged tissue. These are B vitamins. vitamin C. Calcium. Zinc. Magnesium. Chr onium. Se linium. Copper. You know, nutrients.

Sometimes people have deficiencies. We live in a world where we’ve all been told, “We’re not a third world country. We don’t worry about malnutrition anymore” and that’s just not true. I see malnutrition in my practice every single day because what most people eat is so processed and so laden with garbage and so nutritionally deficient, that they’re getting plenty of calories but they’re not getting plenty of micro-nutrients. And so that’s part of where, again, functional medicine shines because we investigate that. We measure it. So that’s one of the fundamental factors.

One of the other fundamental factors for chronic pain that very rarely gets measured is the presence of infection. There are a number of different forms of infection. Most notorious, if we’re talking about autoimmune pain syndromes like rheumatoid arthritis or lupus or scleroderma or fibromyalgia, often times we’ll see things like klebsiella infections or Pseudomonas infections, Lyme Disease … This is an area that medicine generally doesn’t associate an infection with a chronic-pain patient. We generally tend to think of infections as acute, I’m running 103 fever and I’m sick for seven to 14 days and then beyond that, my body recovers. But there are a lot of forms of chronic infection.

Probably one of the most well-recognized is Helicobacter pylori or H. pylori. It doesn’t cause musculoskeletal pain per say. It causes esophageal pain. Reflux. It’s a bacterial infection associated with reflux because it’s a bacteria that can cause ulcers in the stomach. An example of where we can investigate an infection to isolate where the pain or where the inflammation is coming from is making the patient symptomatic. That’s fundamental factor number two.

Then we also have food as a whole. Yeah, food provides micro-nutrients but some people are allergic to the food that they eat and the foods they’re eating are creating an inflammatory response that’s leading to chronic inflammation and pain. Probably the most well-studied and the most well-talked about to date is gluten. Gluten sensitivity is being a trigger for autoimmune pain.

Then again we’ve got micro-nutrition, we’ve got infection, we’ve got food. And then the last fundamental that I see very frequently is environmental chemical exposures. And so this could be heavy metals like lead or arsenic or mercury or cadmium. This could be other things as well like mold. Environmental molds and mycotoxins.

So in a clinical practice setting we want to investigate those four things in every patient who has chronic pain, chronic inflammation, as a baseline to try to help determine where it’s coming from. There are other things that can cause it certainly. There are lots of other factors but those are really the four fundamentals.

Great, it’s an awesome intro to today’s interview. I think what you’re really saying is in functional medicine, you really first start with nutrition, and you start to look at nutrition first as a factor towards someone’s health.

Yeah, definitely. Nutrition and lifestyle. Most people, if it’s not an injury …. An injury … You know, you broke your foot, that’s why it hurts. But if it’s a mysterious chronic pain, we’ve got to look at lifestyle first. Most people, what they’ve been told is completely inaccurate in terms of eating, in terms of nutrition. What they’ve been told about diet not being related to their disease is completely inaccurate. We’ve got to start with fundamental lifestyle choices first.

I think what’s interesting is that most physicians aren’t actually trained in nutrition at all in their residency.

Yeah, I think the last big study that was done on this topic … It was an average of less than seven hours of nutritional training for the average physician in the country, in the U.S. By comparison, you take a doctor who’s trained in functional medicine, most of them have anywhere from two to four years of additional training. Me personally, I have well over 10 thousand hours of additional training post-graduate in nutrition and functional medicine.

Awesome. So you wrote a whole book on this topic, and the name of the book is … You want to tell everyone what the name of the book is?

Sure. I wrote, “No Grain, No Pain”. It’s a 30-day diet. Although, we say a 30-day diet; it really needs to be longer than that to keep the pain at bay. But a 30-day diet for eliminating the root cause of chronic pain.

So now obviously the book is sitting on your shelf there. It looks really good. So when you talk about no grain, are you really talking about taking gluten out of your diet or are you talking about all grains and all forms?

I’m talking about all grains and all forms. Be clear. No grain, No pain is not a book about going gluten-free. It’s a book backed by a lot of hard science. There’s over 35 pages of references and it is much deeper than gluten. Gluten is the tip of the iceberg as it relates to chronic autoimmune pain.

Awesome. So, in your book you talk about a prescription pain trap. Can you articulate that for us a little bit and what that really means to the average patient, the average person who struggles with chronic pain right now?

Sure. So, the prescription pain trap is that generally somebody’s got a chronic pain condition. They don’t know why but they’ve been given a list of different kinds of medications. One example would be nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory like in Ibuprofen or Mobic or Naproxen or Celibrex. Even Aspirin.

So what happens … These medications, one of the side effects is leaky gut. There’s a study just published found that even in low doses, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories cause erosion and ulceration in the stomach and small intestines. Which in and of itself can create a whole battery of problems as it relates to autoimmune disease.

But one of the other side effects of this class of medication is that they can actually contribute to vitamin and mineral deficiency. Most notably with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories you can get folate, vitamin C and iron deficiency over long terms of using these medications. Well, how does that create a pain trap?

Prescription pain trap is that one, if the pain isn’t autoimmune pain and the drug we’re using creates leaky gut and leaky gut is a precursor to creating autoimmune disease, we’re never going to get out of the trap. Two, if the drug we’re taking cause a nutritional deficiency in the case of iron, vitamin C, and folate, those three nutrients are necessary to form collagen and cartilage and healthy muscles and tendons and ligaments. So if we’re trying to overcome pain and we’re blocking critical nutrients the body needs to heal, we’re never going to break free of that cycle.

Now couple that to what the CDC just did. This is new information. The Center for Disease Control just issued the strongest warning ever against doctors prescribing pain medications. Primarily we’re talking about the opioids. The narcotics. One of the reasons why is they kill so many people. If we take pain medications as a cause of death, they’re responsible for more than 30 thousand deaths annually. Every year.

By comparison, we look a few years ago when the herb Ephedra killed ten people in an entire year, everybody was in uproar and they pulled it from the market and make it illegal. But here we have a viable class of medication causing over 30 thousand deaths a year and nobody’s saying anything, it’s swept under the rug. It’s a major problem. Not even to mention the addictive aspect of those medications but they kill a lot of people. They’re dangerous.

It’s true. I want to get back to the opioids. But to talk about NSAIDs first. If you go into any drug store, like a CVS or Rite Aid, the isle with NSAIDs is probably the biggest isle in the store. We have, in a way, trained people to take those medications, off label, and that they are “safe”.

Yeah, I mean they are “safe” to the tune that non-steroidal kills sixteen thousand, five hundred people every year, and that’s an underestimation. That’s what science shows us. That’s what research shows us at this point. How safe is it actually? People are just dropping dead. Everybody who takes an Aspirin doesn’t just fall over any die. I get that, but the reality is so many people … It’s justified that we just say, “Okay. My knee hurts. Here’s a drug.” Just take it every time you need to go exercise. Take it every time you want to go for a run. It’s a bad move because when you mask the pain you are masking the origin of the pain and you are allowing for the insidious damage that’s creating it to perpetuate. That insidious damage can lead to other very, very big problems.

Again, the problem is a person … Let’s just take a thirty year old guy who wants to ride his bike every weekend but it hurts. So he’s always popping the Advil. He’s always popping the Ibuprofen and he’s just doing all this intrinsic damage to his leg because he’s blocking the pain and then he’s using the joint. The joint is already damaged and the wear and tear makes more damage. So he’s just creating a bigger and bigger problem that, ultimately is usually going to lead to a surgical procedure and we still haven’t fixed the origin of the problem. All of that at great expense.

We look at it just from a business perspective. The cost of that, just the surgery alone, depending on the kind of surgery but most surgeries you’re going to run upwards of over twenty thousand dollars. You look at the cost of that versus the cost of addressing root cause, root origin of where the pain is coming from.

Sometimes it’s just as simple as exercise patterns and movements and stretching and mobility and not being sedentary. Sometimes it goes a little bit deeper. I’ve seen chronic pain syndromes, particularly joint pains, because of a vitamin A deficiency or vitamin C deficiency or gluten sensitivity or dairy sensitivity. It’s simple to investigate if a doctor is just trained to look at it.

Awesome. I think we should just maybe give a minute or two toward the CDC statement on the opioids. What would your recommendation be to someone who goes to a physician and says, “I have back pain”, or, “I have neck pain”, or, “I have shoulder pain” and the first thing they are given is prescription for an opioid. How to we start to move people away from … The drug is what’s going to cause the pain. I think both you and I know there are many many other natural ways to cure pain.

I think, number one, if that’s the first thing that your physician is pulling out of his tool belt is an opioid you need to get a second opinion.

I agree one hundred percent.

I mean, that’s not to say all opioids are evil or bad. I want to be very clear. I’m not anti-drug. I’m anti-drug abuse. I’m anti using the drug in the wrong scenario for the wrong length of time.

If you’ve got a chronically ill cancer patient who’s got a huge tumor and they are in severe pain, give them the opioid. That’s not the issue. What we’re talking about, traditionally are people who just haven’t been taken through the right criteria to justify the use of such a drug on day one.

There’s a lot of natural things that can be done for pain. Aside from isolating and identifying the root cause of where the pain is coming from, there are a number of natural anti-inflammatory compounds. One of the cheapest and most effective is high dose Omega 3. One of the reasons why it works so well is because so many Americans eat a diet so rich in Omega 3’s counterpart Omega 6. Omega 6 fats, which are high in vegetable oils, high in hydrogenated fats, high in most processed foods and high, high, high levels in grain. This is one of the reasons why, aside from gluten, I have patients that I take them off of grain is we can reduce their Omega 6 count.

Omega 6 triggers inflammation. It contributes to chronic inflammation. If a person is eating foods that have a lot of Omega 6 fat on a regular basis and they’re not getting adequate levels of Omega 3, their body is going to be in a hyper inflamed state regardless. If we can reverse that Omega 6-3 ratio with fish oil and the right diet changes, it’s very very effective at reducing pain naturally without having a need to do anything else.

Some people will use herbs or spices. Tumeric is probably one of the most noted and well studied as an anti-inflammatory for pain. It works really well. I find proteolytic enzymes to be extremely effective at acute pain relief in patients who need acute pain relief but don’t want to do non-steroidal inflammatory’s or some other type of pain medication.

There’s plenty of natural alternatives. I will even caution people about natural alternatives. Just because it’s a supplement and it’s safe for bandwagon, find out why the pain is there because you can do just much damage taking the natural alternative if you don’t figure out the origin of the pain. You can use the natural alternative in the interim, in the beginning, to reduce the pain while you are still hunting out the reason the pain exists in the first place.

Excellent. So in your book you advocate eliminating all grains from the diet. So I want to play devil’s advocate for a second. The diet you recommend is very similar to the one I use with my patients, but is someone were to say to you, “Well, I have beans maybe once of twice a week and they don’t really bother me and someone told me that grains are full of fiber and have some essential vitamins in there”, what would you say to them about that?

I would say, “I don’t ever guess.” Let’s preface this by saying, I don’t ever have hypothetical conversations with patients. The reason why is that it’s a rabbit hole that never wins. I always test. My Credo in my clinic is “Test, don’t guess.” If a person needs to be grain free we need to justify it and the way I do that is through genetic testing. There is a set of genes that we look at. If a person has certain gene patterns, if they eat grain they will have an inflammatory response. I don’t care what they think about the fiber. I don’t care what they think about any of those other aspects.

You and I can have a very academic discussion about lectins and oxalates and phytates and anti-nutrient ingredients in grains and beans that even though the grain or the bean might have these vitamins, your digestive tract it not known to get to those vitamins because those plant based chemicals prevent you from being able to get to those things. That’s what their job is.

One of the reasons why these grains and legumes are not generally very great for people to consume as a staple food is because the plants have their own protective mechanisms. Their job is to protect themselves from irradiation of predators and we are the predator. These are not animate objects that can run away from us. These are seeds in basically … If we say legumes and grains are all seeds. The job of a seed is to protect and preserve its own species, not become a food source for predators.

It only goes to make scientific sense. We’ve studied it. We know this happens, but if we’re just thinking about this theoretically even. Every species has the ability to protect itself from predators or becomes extinct. So we look at grains in general. We look as legumes in general. They contain lectins and phytates and oxalates and other proteins like A Ti’s [inaudible 00:18:45] and inhibitors. These are proteins that shut down out pancreatic digestion. They shut down our ability to produce enzymes because these things don’t want to be digested by us.

So if we’re really talking about are these things nourishing, is that fiber nourishing? No, it’s not really nourishing. It’s counter-nourishing. Plus it shuts down our pancreas. Plus it causes digestive problems. Then if we look at some of the other ways and the way grain and legumes are farmed, most of them contain very high levels of molds and mycotoxins. Now our body has to deal and metabolize mycotoxins, which it doesn’t do very well for most people. They don’t do very well. Especially patients who are already in chronic pain. That’s one of the reasons they are in this scenario is they’ve been eating this staple food that’s full of mycotoxin and mold and they don’t metabolize those things very well so it creates an inflammatory response.

Then you have the fact that many of these grains and legumes are grown and they contain heavy metals like cadmium and arsenic and mercury. These things can interfere with how our calcium is pulled into our joints and how calcium is pulled into our tendons, ligaments and bone. It can create a weaker bone, a weaker tendon, a weaker ligament that’s predisposed to injury. That’s predisposed to ripping and tearing just by normal use.

So there are a lot of reasons why … Again, academically we could argue how grains and legumes are just a poor food source, period, no matter who you are. If we look at culturally, why do the cultures that use these things as staple foods, why do they all have some type of mechanism of either rotting the food … I say rotting the food. I mean if we look at like fermentation, for example. Soy is fermented into tofu, soy is a legume, because it can’t be digested unless you ferment it.

So you literally have to rot it an predigest it before you can eat it, otherwise it plays havoc on your digestive tract. Corn does the same thing. The Hispanic population, the reason they eat corn and their historical method of preparation is to crush the corn on limestone because limestone can an ingredient in it that breaks down the very very difficult to digest proteins within the corn. I mean, there’s all these different methods and ways that we have, as cultures, as society, created to be able to digest these foods that are traditionally extremely hard to digest and cause a lot of problems, but because we use these foods to feed hundreds of millions of people we’ve kind of scaled the production of these foods and those ancient preparation methods are no longer in use. They are no longer being used. So now what we get is we get corn that’s not ground by limestone. We get grains that aren’t being fermented or sprouted. Even if we were sprouting them, I still don’t recommend eating them because at the end of the day all those things I just said are still true.

They still have mycotoxins, they still have heavy metals, they still a very high glycemic and so they contribute to diabetes. There’s just too many problems involved around eating those as staple foods.

I think the glycemic index or the glycemic part is really important too. The patients I see, some of their diet is upwards of seventy-five percent grain basically. Maybe there’s some protein thrown in there.

We’ve been kind of mislead as a population in the US. The government has stepped in and created a food guide pyramid that has really been quite misleading. The origination of the food guide pyramid was not necessarily to be used as a guideline in medical schools or in nutritional schools to teach physicians or nutritionists how to recognize healthy and non healthy nutrition. It was created as a tool to promote USDA, the United States Department of Agriculture.

So we’ve got … You look at the core of the pyramid. It’s grain and secondary to that it’s dairy. We look at some of the two most inflammatory insighting foods is grain an dairy. We have perfect examples of study populations where we’ve seen the fastest rates of diabetes and heart disease. It’s in the Alaskan Inuit peoples who ate ninety percent meat and fat. So we’re talking about saturated fat, ninety percent of the diet, which we’ve all been told how horrible that is for us and they had no incidence of diabetes or heart disease. Then when we subsidized their food and fed them nothing but carbs, high glycemic grains, they had the fastest growing diabetic rates of any other culture ever known in the world.

Same thing happened to the Pima Indians. So we’ve got these two study groups that we use kind of in epidemiological studies to say, “What actually are these guidelines that we’ve put in place for every American and how horrible is that?”

Most people today in the US aren’t Pima Indians and aren’t Inuit people, but we hale from a similar hunter-gatherer type of genetic pool. In our DNA, we’ve got several hundred thousand years of hunting-gathering as part of our DNA knowledge versus this agricultural boom. Most agriculture’s have only been around for seven and a half to ten thousand years. Even when we studied the archeological data where grain is introduced as a staple food in a human populous, we see bone growth stunting, we see osteoporosis, we see ancient writings talk about the gastrointestinal afflictions.

This has all been pretty well documented. It’s not a great mystery. I think it’s just a great mystery for the average person.

Excellent. So you’ve given us a ton of strategies today. If you’re in pain, you can listen to this interview over and over again. There are just so many things here to help you out. But if you had to give our listeners a really quick framework on how they can get themselves out of pain over the next three to four weeks, what would that be?

I’d say, well one, follow the No Grain, No Pain protocol. It’s a thirty day diet. I give you meal plans. I give you the diet. I tell you exactly what to eat, what not to eat. But beyond that, lets just talk about some really good things that are free that you can just start to apply. Number one, you’ve got to get motion and movement. You’re joints don’t have a blood supply directly. They get their nourishment from motion and movement. So if you’re sedentary … If you’re sitting at a desk for eight hours a day, you’re probably going to suffer from some source of pain simply because you’re just not moving and your joints aren’t being nourished.

You don’t have to become a Cross fitter. You don’t have to go do heavy heavy Olympic weight lifting workouts. Just start moving. There’s this big trend right now in the general population. Eight to ten thousand steps a day is a good idea for every human. So get you a pedometer, start walking more, start getting out more. So one, movement. Two, sunshine.

Sunshine makes serotonin. It helps you make melatonin, which is a natural pain reliever. It helps you make vitamin D, which is a natural immune regulator. It’s a pain reliever. Actually, vitamin D deficiency is known to cause muscle inflammation. It’s known to cause pain. It’s known to trigger autoimmune disease and it’s known to cause muscle atrophy. When your muscles atrophy and shrink, your joints become compressed so they become more exposed to the wear and tear. Again, sunshine, motion and movement, proper sleep.

Most people don’t get sleep. They abuse that aspect of their life. My advice is to try to mimic or immolate your sleep pattern with the sun. Try to go down when it’s dark. Try to wake up when it’s light. I know in the winter, especially if you’re further north, that’s harder to do because it gets dark at five-thirty. But really try to sleep between the hours of ten P.M. and two A.M. Preferably longer on both ends, but this is when your hormones reset and this is how your cortisol is regulated.

Cortisol is our body’s natural anti-inflammatory. It’s what our body makes to fight and defend against stress and inflammation and pain. So if we’re not getting adequate sleep, we end up having a low cortisol reserve and over time we become more prone to pain. Again, sunshine, movement, sleep. A couple of other things that we could look at just from a diet perspective, the right food.

I have three rules of nutrition that I like to have patients adhere to. Number one is understanding this: you cannot get healthy, you cannot stay healthy eating food that is not healthy. So if your diet contains of diet soda and french fries and Taco Bell, you’re not winning the war. You’re not going to overcome your pain. I don’t care what anyone ever tells you. You will lose one hundred percent of the time. You can’t get healthy eating food that isn’t good for you. Fast food isn’t healthy. Processed food isn’t healthy. Real food is healthy, but then that brings rule number two which is: don’t eat what you’re allergic to or intolerant to.

That can require some testing. It can also require some paying attention. Sometimes people can just keep a food diary and say, “Hey, every time I eat that I don’t feel so well.” It’s not always that simple that’s where testing can really come in handy. Then the third rule is: listen to your body. Look, if you’re eating it and you feel bad immediately, stop eating it. Don’t tell yourself, “I’m going to eat it anyway and I’ll just pay for it tomorrow.” Listen to your body. There is a wisdom there. We’ve learned to tune our bodies information out at great cost. Arguably, we have the worst healthcare system in the world and arguably we spend more money then any other country in the world on healthcare, but we’re sicker then anyone else.

That is partly because we don’t listen. We don’t let our body talk to us. We’ve tuned that out and we ignore it. Again, if we look at sunshine, exercise or movement or motion. We look at sleep, we look at just eating healthy, eating real food, not eating processed food. Those are all free. Those don’t cost you anything other then it may cost you a hit on your ego or it may cost you a sacrifice if you’re out at a party and you turn away a particular food. But it’s really not costing you anything. It’s actually gaining you so much more because the healthier you are, the more you can do, right?

Who wants to be around in chronic pain? If we want to live a healthy life, a fruitful life, not just a long life but a long life that’s got great quality where we’re never restricted on what we’re able to do … You know, most people work … Joe you know this. Most people work half of their life earning enough money to retire and they spend the last half of their life spending every damn dime trying to figure out what’s wrong with their health because they spent the first half of their life destroying it.

So take the time now to focus on those four fundamentals and when you get to a point of retirement you won’t have a loss of function or a diseased state. You’ll be able to do the things that you always wanted to do.

I think the loss of function is a really great point. When I look at our population as a whole, people should be functional way into their ninety’s. Maybe the last six months or year of your life maybe you start to lose some function but I think the population we have now where people lose function in their fifties is really unacceptable.

The most amazing thing I ever saw was, I think she was ninety-seven. She was a Japanese woman. She scrambled up a tree like a squirrel to pick a piece of fruit. It was a documentary series I was watching. The reporter who was doing it, his jaw just like dropped and he said, “How did you do that?”, and her answer was so simple. She says, “I never quite.” I mean, the beauty in the simplicity of that answer. She just never stopped climbing the tree. In out society we get told, “Hey, you’re getting older. Slow down. Hey, you should look to not do as much.”, but in reality, we should be looking to do just as much today as we are in twenty years and in thirty years and not use age as the excuse because so many people get caught up in that trap and doctors are guilty of prolonging this artificial belief that just we’re getting older we need to slow down. Just because we’re getting older we should be expecting to be sicker. It’s just not true.

I agree. It’s a great point. Point well taken. So I want to thank Dr. Peter Osborne for being on the healing pain podcast for episode number two. Please check out his book No Grain, No Pain and you can visit him on his website at www.drpeterosborne.com. Anything you want to leave? Last thoughts for the podcast today?

I think the biggest thing is just look at where you’re at. If you suffer with chronic pain apply those four things. Really, if you just apply those four things you will feel better, guaranteed you will feel better. I’ve never met a person, fifteen years of clinical practice treating over five thousand patients, I’ve never met a person who didn’t apply things didn’t feel better. Even if we didn’t give any drugs. Even if we didn’t give any supplements.

Excellent. So if you enjoyed the podcast, please share it out with your friends and family on Facebook and your other social media outlets and make sure to sign up for the podcast on my website at www.drjoetatta.com. It’s been great having you today Dr. Osborne and we’ll see you on the next podcast.

Thanks for having me Joe.

Thank you.

About Dr. Peter Osborne

Often times referred to as “The Gluten Free Warrior”, he is one of the most sought after functional medicine doctors in the world. His practice is centered on helping those with painful chronic degenerative and autoimmune diseases with a primary focus on gluten sensitivity and food allergies. Dr. Osborne received his doctorate from Texas Chiropractic College. He is one of the world’s leading authorities on gluten sensitivity, and lectures nationally to both the public as well as doctors on this and many other nutritionally related topics. He is the founder Gluten Free Society, the author of The Gluten Free Health Solution and Glutenology, a series of digital videos and ebooks designed to help educate the world about gluten. In addition, he is the author of No Grain, No Pain published by Touchstone (Simon & Schuster). He has been featured on Fox News, CBS, Celiac.com, The Gluten Summit, and The People’s Pharmacy Radio.

Dr. Osborne has served as the executive director and the vice president for the American Clinical Board of Nutrition. He is on the advisory board for Functional Medicine University.

For more information about Dr. Osborne visit http://drpeterosborne.com/.

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Effective Date: May, 2018

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The following Privacy Policy governs the online information collection practices of Joe Tatta, LLC d/b/a joetatta.co and www.backpainbreakthrough.com ( collectively the “Sites”). Specifically, it outlines the types of information that we gather about you while you are using theSites, and the ways in which we use this information. This Privacy Policy, including our children’s privacy statement, does not apply to any information you may provide to us or that we may collect offline and/or through other means (for example, at a live event, via telephone, or through the mail).

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