Welcome back to the Healing Pain Podcast with Tom Malterre
I wanted to take a moment to wish you a very happy holiday season and a healthy new year as we move into 2020. It’s been an honor spending this time with you in 2019. I look forward to spending more time with you in 2020 as we dive into effective ways to treat chronic pain. This podcast is important both for practitioners who treat pain and people looking for solutions. I could not do it without your participation and your help. As we move into 2020, know that I’m thinking about you and I wish you a happy, healthy and very successful 2020 filled with lots of love.
In our episode, we are discussing how food sensitivities contribute to chronic pain. Our expert guest this week is Tom Malterre. Tom has been studying nutrition since he was ten years old. He has earned both a bachelor’s and a Master’s degree in nutrition from Bastyr University. He is a faculty member of the Institute for Functional Medicine. He has over fourteen years of clinical experience and is the author of a book called The Elimination Diet, which we’ll be talking about more.
In this episode, you’ll learn how food contributes to pain. The connection between food, nutrition and intestinal permeability, immune reactions and nutrient deficiencies. How to figure out which foods are causing your pain and which ones are not. What are the biggest pitfalls when doing the elimination diet and which particular foods are more problematic for people with pain than others? As part of this episode, Tom is giving us a free chapter from his book called The Elimination Diet. The name of that free chapter is Food is The Most Powerful Tool For Changing Your Life. To download this chapter for free, all you have to do is text the word 163Download to the number 44222. You can open up a browser on your computer and type in IntegrativePainScienceInstitute.com/163download. The topic of nutrition and food sensitivities is important for our tribe. Let’s begin and let’s meet Tom Malterre.
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How Food Sensitivities Contribute To Pain With Tom Malterre
Tom, welcome to the show. It’s great to have you here.
Joe, it’s awesome to be with you. It’s great to see you again.
I’m excited to talk to you. It’s right around the beginning of the New Year 2020. People are thinking about their health and with that, they hopefully should be thinking about diet and nutrition. I was like, “Let’s get one of the world’s greatest nutritionist on the list. Let’s talk about the elimination diet,” which is something I’ve talked about. People with pain and other health diseases and conditions are starting to explore. I know you’re an expert. You wrote the book on the elimination diet, which everyone should grab. They can find it on Amazon, it’s called The Elimination Diet. Let’s say you’re in your clinic and a client walks in and you say, “I think you would benefit from an elimination diet.” They say, “Tom, what is an elimination diet?” How would you respond and answer to that question?
I’d say the reality is we’re all walking around eating whatever we want, whenever we want. We’re assuming that whatever we’re putting into our mouth is responded politely by our body. Our body doesn’t necessarily like everything we consume. In fact, if you pull the average population, you’ll see that 70% to 80% of the people who walk through my clinic haven’t determined that there’s some food, either 1, 2, 3 or more, that doesn’t work well with their system. They’ll say to you, for example, “I eat eggs like Sean Croxton and I get constipated. The reactions do not work.” “I eat dairy and I get some sinus congestion and/or I break out in some rash.” “I eat gluten and I feel fatigued and I get GI upset.” It’s very common for people to recognize there are foods that don’t work well with their symptoms and their systems. They haven’t analyzed all of the foods.
What I say is, “We’re going to determine which foods work best for you.” That’s what the elimination diet is. It’s not something where we eliminate foods out of your system for the rest of your entire lives. It’s something where we explore, we investigate and we do some experiment to determine what flips on the light for you and makes you feel twenty years younger. What holds you back and creates pain in your joints, your back, your shoulder, your head and keeps you from having normal bowel movements. What are the foods that are causing you problems? We determine what makes you rock and what’s holding you back.
Everyone who’s reading this blog wants to be rocking in the new year. I know you’re an amazing clinician, but you’re also someone who can go deep into the science, the research and the data. We were talking where you’re doing some great research into Alzheimer’s on the side, which is such important work. When it comes to pain, tell us which foods could potentially contribute to pain. More importantly, a lot of practitioners reading, they’re going to wonder, how does gluten affect your body in an adverse way that causes pain? On that systems-based biology, if you run through that in your mind.
After running thousands upon thousands of people through an elimination diet over the years and having an online program that runs people through the elimination diet and watching thousands of people from around the globe doing this, it’s very clear to me that there are six particular proteins in foods that cause issues for people. The foods that have those proteins are gluten, dairy, eggs, yeast, corn and soy. Those are the top six that I find that turn on people’s immune systems and cause whether it’s going to be chronic migraines or exacerbation of rotator cuff injuries or chronic low back pain or most commonly there’s joint pain fatigue that’s associated with these foods. Those are the top six, gluten, dairy, eggs, yeast, corn, soy.
I would say there are a king and a queen. The king is definitely gluten. Gluten seems to be problematic in a lot of people. Gluten can cause pain in the gastrointestinal tract. It can cause pain in the musculoskeletal system. It can cause pain in the head like headaches. It’s everywhere. Something that would be normally considered healthy like whole grains or whole wheat or whatever that dieticians have been telling us for decades that is fantastic for you. It will give you the fiber, give you the bowel movements or whatever it is, how can that be potentially problematic? It’s amazing because there are specific proteins in specific foods and including these top six I mentioned: gluten, dairy, eggs, yeast, corn and soy. They are very difficult to digest.
In fact, we find that the gliadin protein and other subsets of gliadin are very difficult to digest. It’s impossible for most humans to completely break down. What happens to proteins in foods that are not broken down very well? They end up going past the gastrointestinal tract, normally through our mastication or chewing our stomach acid and then through the enzymes of the stomach and further on through the intestines. They don’t get broken down so they are larger in size. Normally, we’ll want to break things down into single amino acids or double amino acids. We don’t want 3, 4, 5, 17 or 32 amino acids stuck together.
If they’re still intact and for some reason, they’re allowed to pass through our intestinal aligning. If you have an intact peptide or a protein fragment in the system, what do you think your immune system is going to do? They’ll look at that thing and say, “This is not a human cell. This is not something that I recognize. Therefore, I’m going to attack it.” You have two problems then. Number one, you have an undigested protein and number two, you have a leaky gut. The reason gluten is king is that research is very clear in showing us that every single human that ingests gluten gets a leaky gut.

Every single person, it doesn’t matter if you have celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. It seems to stimulate the release of particular proteins that cause intestinal permeability. If you consume gluten, you get a leaky gut. If you consume gluten, you can’t digest it. You have larger protein fragments that are now allowed to pass into the system if you have a leaky gut. Since every person who consumes gluten gets a leaky gut, you have the one-two punch. You’re going to have these undigested peptides exposed to your immune system. Granted, if you have a super healthy gut bag, if you have a lot of mucus production in your intestinal tract, if your immune system is pretty calm and doesn’t overreact to things, this might be a non-issue for you.
For anybody who has an imbalanced immune system, imbalance gut and imbalanced nutrients that don’t allow them to produce enough mucus or protect the inflammatory response of the intestinal tract, it can be a nightmare. A lot of people who consume gluten these days have adverse reactions to it. One of the adverse reactions is their immune system responds to it every time they eat it. If your immune system is responding to something, what do you feel? Redness, swelling, heat and pain. Those are immune responses. If you’re going to get pain after you consume food every single time, that’s not to your benefit. I would hope that at one point in time, in every human’s life on this planet, they would consider at least doing a gluten elimination.
Since we now find at least 50% co-reaction with dairy, they do a gluten and dairy elimination diet. Let’s say it’s too much for you to do yeast, corn and soy, fine. At least for the new year or whenever time you’re going to choose, eliminate gluten and dairy and see what happens. Over 70% to 80% of the people who come through the doors of my clinical practice and go on an elimination diet, we will hear fantastic responses. “I didn’t know that I could have clear skin. I didn’t know that I wouldn’t have joint pain. I didn’t know that my low back pain might be associated with the foods I’m consuming. I didn’t know that the trigger finger or carpal tunnel syndrome that I have is associated with consuming certain foods. I didn’t know that my chronic migraines can disappear in a matter of 12 to 14 days and they don’t come back as long as I eliminate the gluten and dairy.” It’s a gift for you to experiment and see if your system appreciates or doesn’t appreciate and is having adverse reactions to these foods.
It’s an excellent introduction. Whenever someone starts talking about gluten and leaky gut and immune reactions like you’re talking to, I think about chronic pain in general, but the one group where there are big lights that go off in my head are the people who are predisposed to any autoimmune condition.
If you look at the research now, we are at over 300 different diseases that are co-associated with the consumption of gluten with autoimmune diseases being at the top of the list.
As we know, there are three things that you need to have autoimmune develop. You need to have that trigger, leaky gut and the genes. That trigger that could cause a leaky gut could be gluten and/or dairy in those people. I also love about what you said, Tom, is that there are elimination diets out there that are upwards of 10 to 15 different foods. Paleo autoimmune protocol is one, but starting with 1 or 2 foods may be beneficial for people.
The reality is that most people when they start doing an elimination diet or a new diet program fail. They don’t stick with it. Whether it’s intentional or unintentional, the first time you try it, many times people don’t succeed. I was walking people through in my clinical practice all the time because I had issues, I had fatigue problems. I had bowel problems. I had joint pain issues. I had mood problems. I realized that when I let go of the gluten and dairy, these things disappeared and everything normalized. I felt like a new human being. You exist on this level and you’re half awake and then you’ve taken care of whatever issues you need to take care of and then you exist at this level. Whether that’s dietary, in my case, or psychological in other people’s case or nutrient deficiencies, whatever it is, you exist here.
When you feel like this is possible at all times, you go, “Let’s go. Let’s bring it up this next level.” I was going around and I was touting all these elimination diets to everybody else and I said, “Let’s go.” I had the passion, I knew the results and I would try and convince other people to go along with it and cerebrally, they get it. They say, “That’s great. I know I should do that,” but then all sorts of stuff come in. “It’s not convenient. I socialize over my beer and pizza with my friends. I can’t be without nachos after I calmed down from snowboarding.” All these things pop up for you. There’s a lot of emotional, psychosocial connections with food.
Did you know, Joe, that the most addictive food is cheese? There are actual compounds in cheese, the opioid peptides that cause you to crave them much like you would like drugs. I’ve had some people who have gone on elimination diets and in the middle of the night they’ll call me up and they’re sweating and dreaming about cheese. They’re like, “What am I going to do? I have these images of nachos floating in my head. All I want is a grilled cheese sandwich. I can run out of my kitchen right now.” I’m like, “Take a breath. It’s okay. Here’s what’s happening. You have addictive proteins found in milk. Those are meant to keep young animals, young humans constantly breastfeeding so they can grow and develop and they’re supposed to be sedated when they’re doing this so they make a lot of noise and attract predators. This is a natural process of us having drugs in milk to calm us and keep us well fed. If you take away a lot of the liquid, a lot of the fat, and you highly concentrate the protein casein, which you do in cheese. These casomorphins, these addictive morphine-like compounds are concentrated exponentially.”
All of a sudden people are like, “I want to do an elimination diet, but all I think about is cheese.” You’ll have social cues, biochemical cues and all these things that are holding you back from success. That’s why I had to write a book. That’s why I had to do an online program so I can walk people through it. I can remind them, have these little calls and encouragement and say, “You can do this?” Have an online Facebook group so everybody is like, “I know you’re craving this now, but let it go.” Two days from now, six days from now, twelve days, fourteen days from now, you’re going to be a new human being so just stick with it. The reality is if you can just try, gluten and dairy first and learn where all the hidden sources are. Learn what food alternatives you can consume and learn what recipes work for you, then you can jump into the ten food elimination diet or twelve food or the autoimmune paleo protocol, whatever you want to do. If you take it in chunks, oftentimes people have better success.
That’s really great about the cheese aspects. I never thought about the calming effect that milk and dairy have on someone. That makes sense from an evolutionary perspective because it’s milk, you’re feeding it to a baby and it’s nutrition for the baby. It’s the mother’s milk, but it’s that calming effect on the baby. It doesn’t quite work like that when it’s cow’s milk or cow’s products that you’re now giving to a full-grown adult. It has different biochemical processes going on. I have gluten dairy. It should be relatively easy for most people. Out of those 4 to 5 others that you mentioned, if you had to choose 1 or 2 others that people with pain should be aware of, where does your mind take you?
Eggs are far more prevalent than people would imagine. There’s a local pediatric allergist who says, “Eggs equal eczema in kids because the immune system is so stimulated by eggs.” Not only are eggs introduced early on in the diet, but oftentimes they are agitants. There are protein ingredients in vaccines. People’s immune systems get exposed to those egg proteins very shortly after birth for many of our children these days. I would say eggs have to be on the list. After that, you could do soy, yeast or corn. It depends. Those run in a three similar pack. Gluten, dairy, eggs, I would say king, queen, prince. You tackle those three and I’d be shocked if you don’t notice a change if you’ve been dealing with chronic pain for a while.

With regard to eggs, when someone noticed a difference if they’re having a “conventional store-bought” egg versus an organic egg versus a duck egg. I know it’s super technical but the reason why I asked to be a little bit selfish here is I do great with duck eggs. I have no reaction to duck eggs, but any chicken egg is not so great for me from an IBS perspective.
A lot of people get digestive complaints with the eggs where there’s constipation. That often as you know leads to intestinal issues and imbalances and then that often leads to the pain issues. It’s totally possible that a person may not respond to a duck egg. I’ve heard that multiple times over the years, I see that all the time but then there are also the people who don’t do well with duck eggs and chicken eggs. It depends on you as a person and that’s why you do the elimination diet process. When you take out the gluten, dairy and eggs, for example, what I would encourage most people to do is challenge back in then the duck egg first. Wait for that 72-hour period and then challenge back in the chicken egg and see if one is tolerable versus the other ones.
You can take food from the same food group. Challenge them individually to see, for example, a cow’s milk. For an argument’s sake, a cow’s milk, you may not respond to, but you may respond to sheep’s milk.
Sheep or goat, that’s totally possible. It’s usually the other way around because cow’s milk in the United States is so prevalent early on and whether its formula proteins are given prematurely. There are some interesting things that are happening in the allergy research these days too where a lot of people are pushing for the introduction of food while a child is still breastfeeding between 4 and 6 months of age. If you look closely, there’s a whole other group of allergy researchers who are saying, “No, do not introduce any of those proteins, the peanuts, the dairy, the gluten until two years of age.” Especially what the gluten camp is saying, “If you could prevent children from eating any gluten until two years in full immune development and the gut is healed, sealed and ready to rock, then we could within a few generations alleviate celiac disease.”
It’s the introduction that seems to be important as to when somebody is going to respond. I would say by adding back in specific types of foods, you can determine if there’s some you can tolerate. The most important part of the experiment though is completely getting them out. The problem that I’m seeing is that anytime you eat out, anytime you prepare foods with friends that are using utensils that have wheat flour on them or whatever is succeeding in getting them out. Whether it’s intentional or unintentional cross-contamination, the biggest barrier that I see people having for the success of a true elimination diet is truly eliminating everything.
People aren’t conscious of the fact that if I go out to Mexican food, they might be adding a little bit of wheat flour into the sauce to thicken it. If I go out for sushi, a lot of white rice is being added with wheat flour to thicken and make the sushi rice stickier. If I’m going to eat lentils and I’m a vegetarian for example that most lentils in the United States and Canada or of North America are cross-contaminated with gluten-containing grains in the lentils. If you sift through the lentils, you can see there are gluten-containing grains in there. It’s a lot about reintroduction, but more importantly, even before we get to the reintroduction phase is let’s make sure we get all of it out. A thing I want people to be conscious of too is, “Am I going to feel better? I’m going to try a gluten-free, dairy-free diet or egg-free diet as well,” but make sure that you have 100% of it out.
One of those things where people often come back to me and they say, “Tom, I’d be getting most of my gluten and dairy out and I don’t feel better yet.” I was like, “Is there a person who’s mostly pregnant?” Is there a person who is like, “You’re either pregnant or you’re not pregnant. Do you have a peanut allergy? You either have an allergy or you don’t have an allergy?” It’s the same thing. You’re either taking it out and your immune system is no longer getting teased and tickled by these little proteins or you’re not taking it out. Let me tell you one case I had. She texted me. We couldn’t figure out. She knew she had a gluten reaction. We kept running these tests and she had positive gluten. She kept looking at her diet and she couldn’t find anywhere in her diet that she was getting exposed to gluten.
I then said, “Look at your entire life and see if there’s anywhere that you’re exposed to it in your life.” She says, “That’s interesting. I wake up every morning and I feed my chickens.” “Where do you feed your chickens?” “I go into their enclosure. I take this scooper and I scoop out this feed.” I say, “What’s in the feed?” “It’s got barley.” I’m like, “Stop. You’ve got this barley in there and there’s dust in there. The dust that you’re inhaling in the air, is it enough?” I have an article from the New England Journal of Medicine. It had similar results where two people had diagnosed celiac disease and they weren’t getting better. The researchers followed them and they found out that the dust in the air when they were feeding their animals and inhaling the dust was enough to get into their intestinal tract and cause an immune reaction. People right now might be startled and they’re like, “That’s ridiculous. Breathing it in and I’m going to have a reaction? That’s militant. I’m not going to restrict my life that much.” I’m like, “If you go in an airplane and someone coughs five rows back from you and you then inhale that air, you know you could get the flu.”
If someone is in your kitchen making cookies, cakes or pancakes and you see the dust all in the air and you’re breathing it and it settles on your food and you eat your food, how is it that would be different? I asked it when people do it. They do 100%. They investigate where those reactions are. That New England Journal of Medicine Article proved to us. It showed that when those people put on dust masks when they went to feed their animals, their immune reactions in their intestinal tract stopped. If you’re going to do this, let’s do this. “Can you help?” Of course, I wrote a book. You’ve got an online program. I’m here to help you find the little details, but what I want is a success. What I want is if you jump in, you’re going to do this, do it right and get those results because when you can get those proteins out, you can stop the pain.
You can grab the first chapter of Tom’s book by texting the word 163download to the number 44222. You can grab it at IntegrativePainScienceInstitute.com/163download. You’ve got that first free chapter and I can guarantee, you will want to buy his whole book called The Elimination Diet. It’s the best elimination diet book out there whether you’re a practitioner or whether you’re someone who’s interested in learning more about a diet. Let’s say there is a 45-year-old woman who’s been diagnosed with autoimmune disease. Let’s say it’s fibromyalgia. This doesn’t mean it has to be an autoimmune disease. She has already taken sugar out of her diet. She doesn’t eat dairy because she knows that she is intolerant to it in general. She’s going to take a stab of gluten. How many weeks or months do you recommend she should eliminate gluten before she rechallenges it?
It turns out that there’s a minimum of around 28 days, about a month in which the symptoms will subside in most people to notice the difference. If you look at the German research, it shows that the antibody levels are elevated for six months. If you said the minimum, I would say a month, 30 days. If you said optimal, I would say six months. Very few people are committed to six months. All the power to you if you can do that. If not, then bare-bones minimum, let’s do 30 days. For example, in my book, I asked people to eliminate a few different foods during that time frame. I asked them to add back in gluten at the very end. When you have already challenged everything else, then add back in the gluten and you should be able to notice a difference by that. It takes a while for the antibodies in your system to change and dissipate and therefore, you’ll calm down. Once you calmed down, then you can add back in and see if you spike again and you have some symptoms.
If you’re on a larger-scale elimination diet where you are challenging let’s say 3 to 5 foods, if you do gluten last, then you’d have stayed off it for quite up to 2 to 3 months then. That’s great advice. I don’t want to open a can of worms, Tom, but I’ve heard you talk about toxicity, which I know is another one of your passions. I’d love to have you back on a whole podcast to talk about it. We opened the window just a little bit on what toxicity could potentially do to your digestive or immune system. Pick one, pick your favorite.

Both. The reality is that we are designed to be interacting with chemicals all day long. We have things in the air that we need like oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide that we interact with all the time. Anytime you’re going to then tag on to those additional chemicals, something like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from burning or benzo[a]pyrene from burning, which is one of the PAHs. You’ve got these things that now your body has to process. You inhale them, they end up stimulating the brain in a manner of saying, “Alert and alarm. There’s something else here.” When they do that, they shift the brain cells behavior and specific in the mitochondria of the brain is very susceptible. All of a sudden, we get signals that say, “Alert and alarm, something is wrong.” It turns out the mitochondria are now part of the immune system as we’re learning.
That then shifts the entire system because the brain is the overseer of the whole body and hormone production will shift, the digestive function will shift to all sorts of different things. That’s air. With water, we’re drinking in substances that will get in through our liver. They’ll come in to our entire body and shift hormones. We’re now seeing metals in the GI tract change the growth of certain organisms. They’ll stimulate immune cell function. They’ll cause intestinal permeability. Wherever you’re getting in chemicals that are in higher concentrations than our cell network knows how to deal with, it will completely shift our function.
It doesn’t matter if you’re wanting to bring in nutrients, if you want to protect yourself from bugs in your gut. If you’re wanting to calm down the system and deliver oxygen and energy and that’s impeded by chemicals. Every single aspect of the human organism is going to be influenced negatively by what we call exogenous chemicals. That chemical is produced outside the body that we can’t process quickly. That’s a very broad overview, but let’s say that chemicals influence every single aspect of life. The reality is we are in a global economy right now that promotes the sale and use of chemicals that can be patented and made profit from. Our current administration, for example, is highly promoting fossil fuels and they want to get rid of all air regulations to promote an economy that pumps more of these chemicals.
They’re highly promoting using fuels to make more plastic. The research is overwhelmingly showing us that plastics are behind a lot of the hormone disruption disorders that we’re familiar with these days like obesity, diabetes and autoimmune conditions. It’s very clear and the science is extremely clear that we’re messing with life here. The profit from these chemicals is driving the sale and use of them. We’re imagining that we’re going to have now about 300 pounds per person per day of chemicals being imported or produced in the United States very soon.
Within the lens of an elimination diet or looking at food and nutrition, what’s one thing someone could do to help mitigate some of that which might wind up on their food and in their body with regard to toxicity?
There are a lot of very simple solutions. Number one, getting rid of the exposure somehow. Air purifiers, water purifiers and eating organic foods. Those are the big stones in the jar. The things that will move the needle more than anything else. On top of that, it would be making sure that you’re consuming lots of liquid and fibrous foods so you will eliminate. Dilution is the solution to pollution. Making sure you get plenty of fluids that are clean, pure fluids. The fibers themselves will bind to the substances and get them into your fecal matter and into your stool and leave them there, which is great because they’ll end up in that toilet. Those things are really clear.
Accelerating the detoxification by consuming lots of whole vegetables is fantastic. In fact, the cruciferous vegetables, I did a TED Talk on broccoli, the DNA whisper that talks about how when you consume broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale and brussels sprouts. These sulfury-rich vegetables accelerate the detoxification and antioxidant function in every single cell of the human body. That along with blueberries and pomegranates and lots of full vegetables that they are literally hundreds of thousands of chemicals in these substances, they accelerate detoxification. They’ll replace chemicals at the cell receptor sites. By consuming things like rosemary, thyme and different herbs, we see that people will accelerate the excretion of chemicals in their urine and feces.
There are many great take home, Tom. For people who want to begin an elimination diet or maybe try an elimination diet a second time if they didn’t do it right the first time, they can check out your book, The Elimination Diet, which is the title. You also have two other books. One is called Nourishing Meals and the other is The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook. That cookbook has amazing recipes everyone should check out.
That’s Alissa Segersten. I’m the science geek and she’s the genius behind the recipes. I’ll give the why and she gives the what. Those are great recipes. You’re right. She’s an intuitive genius when it comes to making delicious stuff. They’re all gluten-free, dairy-free recipes.
I always say cooking is like chemistry, but if you meet someone who’s a great cook, they not only understand food and nutrition, but they also understand chemistry. It’s this beautiful mix of science as well as art. That happens. You can nourish yourself with it. Tell everyone how they can learn more information about you and the services and products that you have.
The best way is to go to WholeLifeNutrition.net and you can see The Elimination Diet book is there. The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook and the Nourishing Meals Cookbook is there. You’ll see that you can access the program if you’re interested in the elimination diet program as well. We have lots of information on gluten and videos. I see clients. If you’re interested in digging deep and wanting to do the nutrient testing or food testing or whatever you want to do, that’s possible. The best way to follow me right now is on the website.
I want to thank, Tom, for joining us on the show. Make sure you check out his website, WholeLifeNutrition.net and his book, The Elimination Diet. Make sure to share this episode with your friends and family on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter or wherever you’re hanging out with your friends. They need this information so they can check out how food sensitivities contribute to their pain. We’ll see you on our next episode.
Thanks, Joe.
Important Links:
- The Elimination Diet
- IntegrativePainScienceInstitute.com/163download
- The Elimination Diet on Amazon
- Nourishing Meals
- The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook
- www.WholeLifeNutrition.net
- https://www.Facebook.com/tom.malterre
- https://Twitter.com/tommalterre
About Tom Malterre
Tom Malterre has been studying nutrition since he was 10 years old. He has attained both a Bachelors and Masters degree in nutritional sciences from Bastyr University and is a faculty member of the Institute for Functional Medicine.
Tom has over 14 years of clinical experience and is the author of The Elimination Diet. For fun, Tom loves to hike, climb, and wild-harvest plants in the mountains for the Pacific Northwest.
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