Debora Wayne: Rapid Release for Pain, Depression, Anxiety, Trauma & More With Biofield Healing™

Welcome to Episode #5 of the Healing Pain Podcast with Debora Wayne!

What if releasing pain, even chronic pain, could be easier than you think? Biofield Healing™ is a revolutionary method of healing that helps to rapidly release patterns of Chronic Stress & Pain, Depression, Anxiety, Trauma, Immune Weakness, and more, even when other methods have failed.

Today Debora Wayne joins us. She is the founder of the Pain Free Living Program, a #1 best selling author and director of the Biofield Healing™ Institute.

In This Healing Pain Podcast You Will Learn:

  • What a Biofield is and how it relates to your health.
  • Discover a revolutionary way to get your energy and life UN-stuck and back on track, even if you’ve tried everything to get pain free and nothing has worked!
  • Discover why, even with the most advanced medical technology, oftentimes nothing will show up on medical tests.
  • Finally stop the pain of trying to figure out “what’s wrong” and “fix” yourself.
  • Learn about a new Healing Modality that has helped thousands of people all over the world finally end pain and disease and start living life with more joy!


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Deborah Wayne, thank you for joining me on Healing Pain podcast. How are you?

I am fabulous. Thank you for inviting me. It’s such a pleasure to be here.

Great. It’s very refreshing to have you on the podcast because you are my first, shall we say, non-medically trained expert. I know you have some really interesting things to talk about today. Just as an introduction, if you can tell the viewers and listeners of the Healing Pain podcast a little bit about your training and how you got into this whole field.

Be happy to. My formal educational training is in, originally fine arts, since the very young age of four. Then, it led to psychology. Became after that, trained a clinical hypnotherapist, hypnoanesthesiologist. From there I went into chemical dependency counseling. I became also a certified yoga instructor as well as a Reiki master. All of these pieces led me to the healing work that I’m doing today.

Excellent. So you have some background in some more traditional forms of therapy and counseling, if you will, but you’ve started to obviously branch out into other things like some of the more spirituality things that we’re gonna talk about today.

In your experience, can you tell me why people kind of get stuck in these patterns of pain and what they can do about it? Obviously, there are a lot of people that struggle with pain for a long time and they at times try various types of techniques. Everything from medication to physical therapy to nutrition. Even still, sometimes people really have struggles with chronic pain. Tell me about your view of it and how you’re approaching it.

Many times in my experience, people get stuck. In fact, that’s who ends up at my doorstep. They’ve tried everything and not been able to get well. Sometimes things don’t even show up in medical tests but they have real live symptoms and it’s ruining their lives. What I have found in every single case is that people are looking in the wrong place to solve the pain puzzle.

Typically, we live in a world that teaches us; where does it hurt? We look at the part, we go to the body part, the physical structure and look for the solution. In my experience this is the challenging piece that people are missing. If they’re stuck, especially the people that have tried other methods, and they’ve not gotten well there’s a deeper level to look for. It involves looking at the subtle level. The energetic level of thoughts, feelings, and the biofield that surrounds the body. This is the latest discovery, Joe, that the field that surrounds every living thing including your body is housing this hidden information. No one’s looking there. They’re just looking at the physical.

Obviously, as a yoga instructor you work with the physical at times and you’re not saying that there’s not a physical reason at times for pain, because in our society, in our culture people are very sedentary and a lot of people don’t move at all throughout their day if throughout their week. You have embraced the physical aspect of it through your yoga work but now you’ve kind of gone and you’re looking deeper.

Absolutely. The physical body is the clue. It’s where we need to look for the clues. But, there are reasons people are sedentary, there are reasons people aren’t moving. Those are often the issues that need to be addressed. Don’t get me wrong, don’t misunderstand, it shows up in the physical. The pain is very physical for people.

That pain though instead of being avoided or look to drug it out or cut it out, what we need to do is go right in that doorway and find out what is that pain trying to do for you. What is it trying to teach you. This is the key. There’s always a grand learning and an opportunity to move to our next level of awareness if we don’t avoid the pain, if we learn from it.

You mentioned this thing called the biofield. I know you focus on biofield healing, can you explain to us what a biofield is?

Yes, we know from science that everything is energy and that around every living thing there is a field of energy. It’s not just energy, that’s what’s so fascinating. It’s filled with information. This comes from studies back in the 1980’s, Russian scientists literally classified a new form of field … we’re talking about physics here … that until that time was not even considered in existence. There were gravitational fields, magnetic fields, electric fields, nuclear fields. They found a new field, which has become known as an information field or a torsion field, as sometimes they’re referred to. It’s really the key.

That’s what the new science is showing. This is the key to both health and illness. This field, which surrounds us, is like having a recording device on 24/7. Its calculating and recording information that’s affecting us and it shows up in the physical, but it actually begins in the field around the body. That’s where we can work at that level to help shift the physical, the mental, the emotional situation. Sometimes, if you’re just looking in the body you won’t find the information. It’s still lingering in the field or it’s too hidden from the view because it’s too subtle.

Right. This biofield … you talk about this energetic field that surrounds our body, it’s obviously going to be new to many people listening or watching this podcast. However, we know that, for instance, the heart gives off a type of field to it. Some parts of your cells have a field or an energy field around them. Your atoms and your molecules move and create a field. Is this something that the average person can see or feel or touch or examine? How do we assess this field.

They can learn to. I teach people how to do exactly that. It’s about becoming sensitive to this subtle level of energy. You can actually feel it. It’s palpable. I feel it with my hands when I scan someone’s field. Either in person or at a distance, you can learn to feel and sense this information. Some people will perceive it visually or, I also hear auditory tones believe it or not, when I’m working with people. I can hear frequencies that are occurring. Disturbed patterns of information.

You can hear it auditorily, you can see it visually, and you can feel it kinesthetically. People can learn to sense … in fact, that’s one of the benefits of yoga … is that people become … yogi’s have been talking about this for centuries this is not new. The subtle bodies, that’s what yoga reveals to people. You work at the physical level, yes, in these postures. But, you become aware of subtleties of energy and information that’s everywhere present in yourself, and in other people.

In fact, people have awareness of this all the time. If you, let’s say for example, you’re in a great mood and you go over to see a friend. You walk in the door and all of a sudden, you just feel like this negative energy hanging in the aethers. You can feel it. Or, you’re in a terrible place and then somebody just calls you or you run into someone and you walk away feeling like they just lit you up, like all your problems were lifted. That’s the sense of subtle energy and how we impact each other and ourselves. We’re sensing this all the time, it’s just unconscious for most people. You can learn to bring it into full conscious awareness and use it to become a master of your energy, your vitality, and your health.

To listen to you talk, you talk a lot about energy, and you can feel people’s energy in their fields and you use that as a form of treatment. How does what you work with, or what you do as a treatment different from, let’s say, Reiki?

Well, first of all, I don’t even call this a treatment. It’s not medical treatment, obviously. In terms of Reiki, it’s a broader bandwidth. It goes beyond the level of technique, first of all, this is not a technique. This is a level of consciousness that I actually embody and can connect to a higher state of what I would call spiritual consciousness. It’s also based on principles of physics so it’s really no different than science. It’s just they’re saying it in different languages. However, when I work with people, I bring in these higher frequencies that are cosmic frequencies of energy that can be used and transmitted via the field to inform the person’s physical body. Mental and emotional body.

It translates and shifts them to a higher vibrational state than they’re able to currently hold on their own. With enough exposure, through me, helping them get to this higher vibration, this higher state of consciousness, they shift. Now, Reiki is a technique that’s done exactly the same on every single person, there are certain points you touch on the body in order to facilitate a Reiki session.

First of all, this involves no touching what so ever. It’s a matter of my connection to this higher vibrational source, that helps raise … I’m the conduit to help your vibrational field, the entire rate of your field raises to a higher state of consciousness. When you’re exposed to it enough, you’ll begin to hold it on your own. We’re going to a much broader bandwidth of what’s possible, than with something like Reiki and other methods that I’m aware of. Ever since … I did Reiki for 20 years and from the moment this came in, I’ve never looked back. Never done a Reiki session again because the effects were so dramatic.

Joe, from the very first session that I ever did with someone when this came through, it was mind blowing. The changes, dramatic changes that I saw. It was consistent, and now it’s proven, because I’ve worked on tens of thousands of people around the world that I’ve never met. Never even seen their face, and seen dramatic changes. It’s not that Reiki is not valuable, it is. But, I like to compare it to … let’s say you want to go traveling. You can walk, you can ride a bike, you can drive a car, and you can fly a plane. I prefer a plane. Non-stop. That’s what we’re doing here.

Excellent. You are talking about this energetic biofield. When you talk about energy, the first thing I start to think of is a scientist or someone who’s studied science. I’m not actually a scientist, but I’ve studied science physics and chemistry. Can we measure this field? Have people tried to measure this field and are people doing studies around this field that maybe one day we’ll be able to measure it and use it in more of an objective way.

Absolutely. It definitely can be measured. I’ve actually been privileged to be involved in three studies in a subtle energy research lab where they used a machine developed in Japan called an AMI machine. It measures all the meridians, it can show in graph on a computer all the data of where … when I’m facilitating the session … where the energy is traveling. Which organs, it’s really quite fascinating the amount of data. In fact, I did three very controlled studies in a research lab using this machine and we saw the reduction in a cancer patient who had stage four lymphoma. All the tumors, after these three sessions, were reduced 82 percent. This was all documented.

Now, here’s the tricky part, I’m not certain yet that we have sophisticated enough equipment to measure everything that’s actually going on. I believe that biofield healing taps into speeds that are faster than the speed of light. Dr. William H. Teller, PhD Stanford, all his research currently is in what he calls the super luminal realm. He’s written over a 100 white papers. I’m certain he’s onto it and is currently really figuring out mathematically and theoretically what it is that I’m actually doing. He calls it the super luminal and I’m not certain yet that we are able to really measure the full spectrum, but I’m sure … and I know that there are physicists right now that I actually know who are actually working on equipment to … we’re just at the tip of the beginning of this iceberg, this avalanche of what’s possible as the next evolutionary step in health and healing.

You mentioned cancer. What other types of diagnoses might someone like you see when you … Someone comes for treatment … obviously, pain is one but to also kind of break them down into different categories. What kind of clients are you seeing?

Wide spectrum. Lots and lots of pain, chronic pain. Worked on many, many people with thyroid disease, immune disorders, all different types of cancers. Digestive disorders, oh my goodness, I think everyone is suffering from some form of digestive disorder right now. Depression, anxiety, which of course as you know very well, goes hand in hand with almost any chronic condition. They’re going to flip flop from depression to anxiety. This method is profoundly helpful for both of those conditions. Severe cases, even.

Mental disorders, I’ve worked on people even with schizophrenia. Bi-polar, lots of work with people suffering from addictions and trauma of all types, that have led to everything from skin disorders and breathing disorders. Asthma. COPD. Pneumonia, you name it. I’ve worked on people with paralysis. MS. Lupus. Oh, boy, Joe, like everything. Every one.

If someone’s interested, what does it look like? How do they receive this type of intervention from you?

Okay. Great question because it can be delivered in a number of ways. I can work with people one on one. In person. But most of my clientele now is all over the world and I work with them at a distance. The real truth is, I don’t need the phone, I don’t need Skype or anything visual. I can literally work on them in silence but typically what I do, because it’s a little bit more comfortable for people, is we connect over the phone or over a visual platform like this and we talk for a few minutes and then I guide them in with my voice. I help them relax and I teach them a little bit of what they might expect.

Then we go into a silent portion and I’m using my hands. They can’t see that, they don’t need to know that, but they will have an experience at their end as I work on them. Then I either bring them out and we talk about what they experienced and I help explain it to them and find out a little bit deeper what came up for them. A lot of people have very dramatic release and some people have very subtle experience and they can’t tell right away what’s going on.

Other times, and in many cases, I prefer to just let people come out of the session naturally and then we connect over the email or phone at a later time. Because the session can go on quite a long time. Longer than even my facilitation of it. So, it’s usually one of two ways … It can also be facilitated over a recording. I make a recordings for people and then they just listen to it on their own. I personally love working when it’s live, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

You mentioned emotions earlier in the podcast. Can you talk about how emotions maybe, let’s say, from past trauma come into play in your work and how you address it through the biofields.

I think it is the main issue that’s going on here. Emotions get buried, we live in a world that has taught us to go into our heads, think our way out of everything. Try to figure it out, mentally walk away from feelings. They’re just not okay. We’re told that it’s weak or unprofessional or you’re just being childish. So people have very consciously and unconsciously, both, shut down the entire spectrum of emotions. A lot of times I find people are very afraid that if an uncomfortable or undesirable feeling should start to come up that it will last forever. So what do they do? They try to stop it. They try to positive think themselves out of it. They try to say … layer affirmations on top of it and be positive. Or, they ignore it completely. They stay busy, they distract themselves, they drink, they smoke, they drug, whatever. They eat. They try to numb it out. Drug it out. Suppress, repress it, deny it.

Guess what? It stays forever! Emotions are critical, it’s a huge portion of all my programs and any of my one on one work. What’s so incredible about biofield healing is that when people have no idea at all that emotions are causing physical pain, it often starts to come up and move out right away. Very effortlessly in the session and it doesn’t last forever and sometimes people even get it in observer mode, I call it. They witness their own emotional release without having to go through the pain of it.

Some people do need to learn not to be afraid of their feelings and so they will experience it. They’ll cry, they’ll laugh, sometimes they laugh hysterically. It’s not always painful and it doesn’t last ten years. It comes up, it moves, it’s gone and they are free. I’ve seen this again and again. Literally overnight in one session, major trauma gets released. People are free in a way they’ve never experienced. They feel it physically, mentally, emotionally. It’s quite remarkable.

Excellent. Do you recommend combining this type of work with other treatments like, let’s say, some yoga or nutritional intervention or … you talking to your clients about other aspects of [inaudible 00:19:31] lifestyle of health and wellness.

Absolutely. In fact what I find again, this is so interesting, it will happen automatically. When I work with people with bio field healing, it raises their vibration and all of a sudden they’re drawn to completely different diet, different foods, higher vibrational foods. They’re drawn to exercise, whereas, in the past they were trying to will power their way to eat the right things. To force themselves to go work out. Now, it’s effortless.

You cannot believe how many people, overnight, say to me. ‘All of a sudden I’m just drawn to leafy greens and juices and healthier foods and I feel better in my body and it makes me want to work out’. People even drop weight that they have been unsuccessful at dropping through all kinds of methods.

What I do is, of course, I encourage a healthy lifestyle but healthy lifestyle is different for different people. It comes in a different form and a different speed. When you get people aligned with their proper vibration, which is what happens with biofield healing, they naturally want to move to the next step that supports them. Then of course, I’m all over that.

Awesome. So, I want to thank you for being on the podcast today. I want to give you an opportunity to tell everybody where they can find you. I know this has been … it’s not easy to talk about an energetic field through the internet, let’s say, because our society is very touchy-feely. We want to touch things. I just think we are now starting to enter the realm of thoughts and emotions and energy being the cause of our ill health and obviously, pain being one of those. For somebody who’s interested in the biofield healing and they want to learn more about you, where can they find you?

Thank you for asking. They go to In fact, if you go there, there’s a free gift waiting for you where … it’s a mp3 they can learn to hear my voice, helping them relax. Release physical tension and pain and stress. Calm the emotions and I invite everyone, please, use it.

Excellent. So why should someone try this? Obviously, some people may be skeptical and they’ve listened to this and not really sure what it is. Why should someone try this as an intervention, a part of their lifestyle approach to healing from pain?

Because, Joe, it is the fastest way on the planet that I am currently aware of … I’ve been exposed to over 41 modalities that I’ve either personally experienced or professionally been trained in … it is the fastest way to and through the issues that are keeping you stuck. Making you feel blocked and in pain or suffering of any kind. This is the 21st century Concord jet that will help you really get relief, release, discover, and uncover the real root of what’s going on.

Anyone who wants help, wants help because they want to live life. They want to be happy. They want to play with their kids. They want to go to the gym. They want to work or bring their talents and gifts to the world. This is the way to get there the fastest way that I know how and the easiest way. It actually is enjoyable. It makes releasing pain actually enjoyable. Which sounds completely counterintuitive and insane, but I hear it again and again. People experience a bliss, if you can believe it or not, in the process of releasing their pain and problems and patterns that they’ve had for life.

Everyone should try it. Just also to see what’s possible beyond the scope of their limited mind-set. Just to recognize we are way, way, more than we realize? Way more powerful- [crosstalk 00:23:37]

Excellent. I want to thank you for being on the podcast today and thank you for sharing this really interesting strategy for healing pain that people can look at, they can give it a try. Please visit Deborah Wayne on her website and stay tuned for the next episode of the healing pain podcast next week. Stay connected with me at and we’ll see you next week on the healing pain podcast.

About Debora Wayne

Debora Wayne is an internationally known pain release and Biofield Healing™ Practitioner specializing in helping those who suffer from Chronic Pain, Depression, Anxiety, Trauma, and more. Her effective programs help people get their energy and lives back on track, and are designed to find and release the hidden reasons for pain and symptoms that don’t and won’t show up on medical tests. Many of Debora’s past clients have reported complete and total healing of severe pain and illness even though nothing else they tried previously had worked.

Since her own “health wake-up call” over 30 years ago, Debora has been immersed both personally and professionally in the Healing Arts. She has earned degrees and certifications in Psychology, Hypnotherapy, & Chemical Dependency Counseling, has 30 + years practicing and teaching the Art of Meditation, is a nationally recognized Fine Artist, a Certified Yoga Instructor, a Reiki Master, Biofield Healing™ Practitioner, and Founding Director of the Biofield Healing™ Institute based in Del Mar, California.

Learn more by visiting

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