Top 5 Strategies to Eat Your Way Out of Pain

Dr. Joe Tatta:Welcome to today’s edition of the Healing Pain Summit. My name is Dr. Joe Tatta. I am a physical therapist and a certified clinical nutritionist. Today we’re going to be talking about eating your way out of pain, which is so fascinating and interesting to me cause I love to eat and it’s […]
The Grainflammation Cycle – How Eating the Wrong Foods Can Cause Pain and Inflammation

Dr. Joe Tatta: Welcome to today’s episode of the Healing Pain Summit. I am your host, Dr. Joe Tatta. Today’s topic. We are talking about the grainflammation cycle, how eating the wrong foods can cause pain and inflammation. Our special guest today is Dr. Peter Osborne. He’s the clinical director of origins healthcare center in […]
How Balancing Neurotransmitters can Alleviate Both Pain and Anxiety

Dr. Joe Tatta: Welcome back to the Healing Pain Summit. I am your host, Dr. Joe Tatta. Today we have a great topic and it’s going to really help you connect the dots between mood and people’s pain. So we’re talking about how balancing neurotransmitters can alleviate both pain and anxiety. And I have a […]
The Importance Of Mitochondrial Health for a Pain-Free Body

Dr. Joe Tatta: Welcome back to the Healing Pain Summit. My name is Dr. Joe Tatta. I am your host today we are talking about your mighty mitochondria, so it’s talking about how mitochondrial health and what it has to do with how you can decrease your pain. So my guest today is Dr. Susanne […]
The Hormone Reset Diet; Reset Your Hormones & Heal Your Pain

Dr. Joe Tatta: Welcome to the Healing Pain Summit. My name is Dr. Joe Tatta. I am pleased to have Dr. Sara Gottfried with me. Today we’re going to be talking about the hormone reset diet. Dr. Sara Gottfried is the New York Times bestselling author of the hormone cure, as well as the hormone […]