Top 5 Strategies to Eat Your Way Out of Pain

Dr. Joe Tatta:
Welcome to today’s edition of the Healing Pain Summit. My name is Dr. Joe Tatta. I am a physical therapist and a certified clinical nutritionist. Today we’re going to be talking about eating your way out of pain, which is so fascinating and interesting to me cause I love to eat and it’s a great way to prevent pain in your life. My special guest today is Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo. She is fiercely committed to transforming our current broken healthcare system into a true healthcare system where each practitioner is skilled at finding the root cause of health challenges. As the founder of the Institute of nutritional endocrinology, she specializes in restoring hormones with the emphasis on thyroid, adrenal and insulin imbalances. Her training programs empower practitioners to get to the root cause of health concerns using functional assessments and natural therapeutics to restore endocrine balance and overall health. Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, welcome to the Healing Pain Summit.

Dr. Loscalzo:
Well, I’m so excited to be here, Joe. This is one of my favorite topics to actually talk about. I’ve done a lot of research and a lot of work with this area and I’m excited that I get to share it with your audience.

Dr. Joe Tatta:
Excellent. I know you’re a chiropractic physician, you have a master’s degree in nutrition, so you have, you know, really spent your entire life obviously studying this as well as curing people. Let’s talk first around inflammation cause obviously inflammation is the root cause of a lot of diseases, but how does it specifically relate to the persistent pain that people struggle with on a daily basis?

Dr. Loscalzo:
Right, so pain is inflammation is actually the what people think of as swelling. So inflammation is a process that the body has that is naturally intended to heal. The intention of inflammation is not to make you miserable and not to cause you pain, but it’s to bring nutrition into the area that’s injured or irritated if it’s in the case of an organ and to help it to heal. So it brings bloodshed cells in, it brings nutrients that are supplying the area with like clotting factors and it brings everything that that area needs into there. And inflammation then causes pain because a lot of times that inflammation is basically causing an expansion of the size of the area it’s causing it. Well, it depends on the area, what the inflammation is for, right? If the inflammation is as a result of, you just had an injury and your body’s bringing all these chemicals in, the, the pain is there as a result of that trying to fix it. But sometimes people have chronic pain, like you know that as a physical therapist, right? People come into you and they say, yes, I’ve had this back pain for 14 years and their body’s in this state of inflammation for 14 years, and that’s not because it’s trying to heal an acute injury. It’s because that inflammatory mechanism in the body has gotten confused and it keeps playing.

Dr. Joe Tatta:
Excellent. So, so in kind of the persistent chronic pain, that inflammatory
mechanism is kind of going on longer than it should and people are kind of stuck in a mode where they can’t quite heal. Exactly. Is that right?

Dr. Loscalzo:

That’s exactly right. Okay. So you mentioned before that when there’s the inflammatory process going on, it’s really essential to get certain nutrients to the site of the injury. Exactly. Talk to us about what nutrients are really important for healing. Yeah. So if you’ve got something, you’ve just injured a joint, say, or you’ve sprained an ankle or whatever, there’s a lot of nutrients that are needed to heal that area. So there’s vitamin C that’s important for collagen formation. It’s also important to keep the inflammation from getting out of control. There’s manganese, which is important for the collagen formation. Again, um, there’s vitamin E which is important as an antioxidant in the area. And the biggest one of all that I see is, is um, fatty acids, essential fatty acids, Omega threes, and then a bunch of other nutrients that help the body take when you eat that’s in your diet and you want to convert them into anti-inflammatory chemicals.

Dr. Loscalzo:
There’s a whole bunch of nutrients like B vitamins, B, three, B12, niacin, magnesium, zinc. It’s a whole host of those that are needed for your body to then turn what you’re eating into these anti-inflammatory chemicals to help to calm and SUSE information. So the point about fat is very interesting to me cause I think when people are injured, they’re very scared to put weight on, so they start to cut things out of their diet. And oftentimes fat can be the one thing that people look at as a negative thing. But obviously it’s, it’s a positive thing. Talk to us about the types of fat that we should take into our diet and maybe the ones that we should be leaving out or get rid of. Right, right. And that’s a good point because most people are fat, essential, fat deficient, which is kind of odd in a coin a society where so many people are conscious of fat and cutting it out and they’re caring about cholesterol and they don’t want to get fat.

Dr. Loscalzo:
But most people that I see are essential fatty acid deficient in specifically Omega-three fats. There are two essential fats that we need to get one’s Ellyn away. ACC acid, one’s alpha-linolenic acid, one’s in Omega three, one’s in Omega six. And when that balance is just right, the body knows when to make inflammation to heal and it knows when to turn it off. But what happens is we get this out of control. We don’t have the right kind of fat. We have more of these Omega sixes, we have more of the saturated, processed hydrogenated fats in the diet, which interfere with and keep the inflammation go. I kinda like it and it to fire. So inflammation is this fire that’s burning out of control. And you’ve got these firefighters that are naturally been built in, build the fire, get some heat, do what it needs to do, and then get rid of i t.

Dr. Loscalzo:
So the firefighters come in with their hoses to put it out. One of the key firefighters is, isn’t that I don’t make a three fat called EPA, a Casa Penton OIC acid. And that firefighter is delicate. He’s not one of those real big strong ones. He’s real delicate. So if we’ve got some of these Omega six PE guys in there that are battling it out and trying to light the fire, arachidonic acid is one of those that are really very inflammatory. And you’ve got this battle between the arachidonic and the EPA and the EPA kind of goes or you know, and you don’t get enough of that. So the fire goes out of control and you have 14 years of back pain. Interesting. So I eat a lot of fish or I try to, you know, I try to a good amount of fish, try to pick the mercury free ones.

Dr. Loscalzo:
Right? Salmon is a good source of fatty acids. Um, a nice lean, organic piece of meat is, but what about those who are vegan or who don’t prefer meat? How do they get those fatty acids into their diet you’re speaking to? And I’ve been vegan for 30 years and I’m still healthy and very healthy as a result. Um, Omega six Omega threes are getting, I get flack seats, she has seats. I don’t do a lot of flex cause I don’t like the way they stick in my teeth. Just to be perfectly transparent. I need a lot of lacks. I’ll put some flex oils sometimes, but she has seeds. I love those. I make putting out at them. I make, I make a breakfast porridge out of them. Hemp seeds. I sprinkle that in a lot of different things. I do. Um, walnuts are a good source.

Dr. Loscalzo:
Uh, algae is a good source and most people don’t eat algae. They’re like, Oh that’s in the pool that I scrape off and I want my guests to see nice clean pool. But really algae, certain types of algae are very strong and they have EPA in them and a personal aim, which is a wild edible. A lot of your wild foods have this in it. Most of the foods that are non fish forms, they have what’s called the short chain fatty acids. And your body then has to convert them to the EPA that you find in fish. Algae has the long chain because guess what the fish eat to make the, they eat the algae. So I just skipped the fish and I go right to the algae. Okay. I’d like to go right to the source. So what’s the cow eating is eating the grass?

Dr. Loscalzo:
I’ll like the grass quite that far but so anyway, so you you’ve got to be able to convert that and that’s it. It’s a simple mechanism in the body. It hasn’t specific enzyme. We can get rid of geeky and talk about the science behind it or we could just keep it light and know there’s an enzyme that helps the body take that, that Omega three that’s in your chia and flax and walnuts and hug and convert it to the same kind. That’s the anti-inflammatory strong firefighter that’s in the fish and the algae and personally so personally is one of the few land vegetables that has a good source of it. Most people don’t even know what it is. You probably have it in your garden and you probably pull it out as you’re trying to weed your garden because it looks like a weed. Right?

Dr. Loscalzo:
It looks like a weed but it has a really nice little flavor to it. Almost like a tangy lemony flavor and I like to throw it in smoothies or chop it up and put it on salads and it’s just an extra source of EPA. But for those who are vegan and are just eating the, and I talk in biochemical pathways, I’m sorry, I’m seeing the pathway up here talking in the short chain Omega threes, then they need to convert it to EPA and it’s, that’s a very in in um, efficient pathway. That’s why a lot of people will say, Oh, you can’t, you have to eat fish. But it’s an inefficient pathway because it’s very, it’s got a lot of nutrient cofactors and they’re most of the nutrients that the standard American diet is deficient in. B vitamins, zinc, magnesium, vitamin C. so if you’re eating a diet that’s replete with those or you’re taking extra supplementation of those, you can help that conversion happen.

Dr. Loscalzo:
The other thing, there’s been some studies that show that coconut, we all know that coconut oil has, these, has this like people in the heart healthy, Oh we don’t eat coconut and right in the middle is probably somewhere it’s good. It’s coconut is good because it has specific fatty acids that while they’re not an Omega three or six, they’re very helpful in that process. So things like ms spheric acid and Lorik acid actually help that conversion happen more efficiently. So I always add some coconut to my Omega threes. So I may make a chia porridge and it’s rich in Omega three I throw some hemp seeds on it, more Omega three and then I put some coconut on it. Excellent. This is all good. This is like a food cooking show with our, you know, biochemical pathways, which is exactly, that’s what I love to do is biochemistry and food altogether.

Dr. Loscalzo:
The biochemistry of food. That’s an idea. Yeah, I’ve heard you talk. So if someone had to resort to supplementation of Omega threes, let’s say, what’s the range of milligrams that you recommend? It depends. So, um, if they’re, if they’re taking something that’s a true EPA, DHA now for DHA is, isn’t is like a companion to EPA. EPA is the one that has the higher in anti-inflammatory. DHA helps to regulate blood sugars. So that indirectly has an effect on inflammation. Cause if you have blood sugars out of whack, you’re going to have inflammation. So it’s good to get the two of them. But the EPA is the one you need more of. I usually, when I look at the supplements, there’s somewhere balanced in there. So an EPA is maybe say 200 milligrams in the DHA, maybe 300 milligrams. And it depends on the person, right?

Dr. Loscalzo:
I’ve put people on as much as three grams of omega3 if they’re in a chronic inflammatory state, if they’ve got lupus or ms or an autoimmune disease, I may have them on three and sometimes even six grams total of the Omega three. So the EPA DHA combo, but more like from maintenance kind of thing. Somewhere in the neighborhood of you know, 500 double what I just said. So 400 EPA and 600 DHA could be a good amount. But again you have to look at do you have a lot of inflammation? There’s a test you can do. And I love testing when you are not sure cause why guests tests, right? So when we’re not sure, and somebody has got some inflammation, not sure what the levels should be. There’s a test called the fatty acid test. There’s one that’s called the blood spot fatty acid test, meaning you just have to poke your finger, put it on a card, send it in, you don’t even have to go to the lab.

Dr. Loscalzo:
And then there’s more advanced ones where you have to get your blood taken out of your, your vein and send it in. And it gives you the balance of your Omega threes and sixes and the intermediates. And so right from there, I can Whoa, this person needs, this person needs two grants for a while, let’s do it for three months and then go in and fix it. And what I see is people’s inflammation goes down dramatically when we have that, that balance. So food first, obviously it’s a food forward approach, trying to get everything you possibly can from your meals, right? Supplementation. A lot of people do need it, require it absolutely fast, which is really important. So with the, with the fatty acid supplementation, how fast can you see someone’s pain? Starts to turnaround pretty quickly. I mean, I’ve seen it, I’ve seen the test results shift dramatically in three months.

Dr. Loscalzo:
I’ve seen the pain. I did this with somebody, I gave her some advice. She left my office on a Friday. By the next Wednesday she wrote to me and says, could this be working so fast? Absolutely. I didn’t need pain for 22 years and it’s like 90% gone. I didn’t touch her knee. Right. I didn’t touch her knee, which is where the nutrition. Yeah. It’s incredible. And you know, I think a lot of people go toward um, their pharmacy first for the solution. Yeah. When the solution can just, you know, come from natural ways of healing herbs, food. Um, right. It’s a little bit more about the foods as we were talking about how to eat pain. Um, yes. Food should we try to avoid so that we don’t increase the inflammation in our body or joints or muscles. Our brain parts of our body. Yes. Yes.

Dr. Loscalzo:
So the processed foods, anything that says partially hydrogenated, anything. I don’t care whether it’s coconut oil, soybean oil, or flax oil. Partially hydrogenated is the keyword avoided. Anything that’s really a heated polyunsaturated fat. And those are fats. You know the vegetable type fats, when you heat them above 118 degrees, you get fatty acid oxidation. And it’s those oxidative byproducts that interfere with that whole inflammatory cycle. So avoiding those things, avoiding those packaged foods that say vegetable oil, like what the heck is vegetable oil? Right? That’s people’s first of all, don’t have much oil in it. So it’s really corn or corn and soybean and you know, sunflower, whatever. But those, they’re heated high temperatures. The average processing of the jar of oil that you buy at the supermarket that says organic safflower oil, 400 degrees, which destroys the Omega threes and creates these oxidative byproducts that are going to damage your joints and you know, cause inflammation.

Dr. Loscalzo:
So that’s an important piece to keep in mind. And if they’re clear, then they’ve been gone through a refining process that introduces some chemicals that are not good. So really, really careful about oils. I just say don’t heat oils. Coconut oil is an exception cause you can heat it coconut oil up to, you know, two, 300 degrees. You can do a light saute with that without hurting it. But mostly don’t heat the oils. That’s the stuff to avoid. The processed foods, the sugar gluten, I mean this is just, it’s bursting. People are talking about gluten days and it’s to the point where people are saying, Oh, it’s a fad. You’re telling me gluten free for everything. In my experience in 25 years of doing this is yeah, pretty much everything responds to gluten free. Some people it doesn’t. But if you’ve got painted in inflammation, I’ve seen people’s pain and inflammation go down dramatically in a week off of gluten.

Dr. Loscalzo:
So gluten, avoiding gluten, voiding, um, dairy is very, um, very inflammatory cause it’s mucus formation. It can gum up the intestinal lining and not allow you to absorb these other nutrients that you need. So avoiding dairy and if you have any food allergies, avoid them. Don’t just say, well I have a little bit of that now and then it gets caused me a headache. But it’s worth it. No, it’s creating how the inside of your biochemistry. So we avoid food allergens, right? So take, take them out. Basically Ulta altogether, altogether. Just take them out. If you, if you get a stuffy nose when you eat a certain food, just don’t eat that food until you heal the body. Once you heal the body, you may be able to add it back in, cause it may be digestive things, adrenal things, thyroid things, which is where I left to go.

Dr. Loscalzo:
So I definitely want to talk to you about certain herbs that can help the healing process. But before we do that, I think it’s really important to talk about some of the kind of poly-pharmacy and the medications that people are on. You know, claim to help. Pain button may not helping. So you know, there may be a time when we need some nonsteroidal anti inflammatories to recover. Well tell us about some of the pitfalls for those types of things. Absolutely. So remember that pathway that was talking about before where we have our food source and then we have these chemical reactions that happen and then it becomes the firefighter, right? So basically what the nonsteroidal anti inflammatories, they go into that biochemical pathway and they put out the fire and they kill the fireman at the same time. Like, okay, now I’ve got no fire but I got dead firemen.

Dr. Loscalzo:
What if the fire comes back again? You know, it comes back tomorrow, my firemen are dead. Well I’ll take another a nonsteroidal anti inflammatory. So we don’t want to kill the firemen. Basically it disrupts the, the um, the EPA. So what would we want to do instead is interventions that support it, that put out the fire at the same time as like fortifying, making that firefighter stronger. That’s what we want to do. Excellent. So if someone, you know, people do take things like Advil and Aleve for long periods of time, what are some of the negative effects that are happening that people aren’t even aware of? Well, they’re affecting their prostoglandins. These are big words for some of the chemicals that the body uses, not just for inflammation, but for, for spasm and pain. So you end up with this, you may be taking it for a certain area and then you’re turning off the, the functioning in another area.

Dr. Loscalzo:
So meanwhile you’ve got some gut stuff that’s happening. Maybe you have an ulcer that’s getting worse because you’re not, your body doesn’t have the ability to turn that off to actually be the modulator of pain and inflammation. Right. There’s longterm side effects. Plus, you know, that’s some of the reason that these things actually they actually do have side effects of hurting the gut. That’s right. You know, years ago there was a prescription antiflammatory called Vioxx. Eventually figured out that, you know, there was discovered that it causes heart disease as well as stroke. So everything, all of those pathways eventually conduct focus. You know, they’ll have a influence on other pathways so to speak. Exactly. Exactly. And you just said sometimes it’s time. I took, I have taken one dose of ibuprofen in the last 30 years and the reason it’s the only painkiller I took after I had major surgery on my arm when I broke my arm and I had a piece of bone displaced and I had to have surgery and have the bone put back in after the anesthesia woke off.

Dr. Loscalzo:
Roth, I was taking some of the stuff I’ll talk to you about in a bit about some of the pain and implant anti-inflammatories that I was taking. It was working really well and it just was at one point it was like I can’t sleep. It’s just getting worse. And I was just like, I need sleep. Do I take it, do I hold out? And I took the ibuprofen, I fell asleep and that was it. My body responded really well to it because I hadn’t been taking it. When you take something over and over, your body kind of gets adjusted to it and you need more and more of it to have an effect. So if I’d been on ibuprofen everyday for headaches or you know a three times a week because of my knee pain, then I went to take it because of this surgery pain, I probably would’ve had to take it over and over again for three or four days to get major surgery pain to go down.

Dr. Loscalzo:
But there are other things I was doing in conjunction with it, which I can talk to you about in a bit how I would naturally manage it. Talked about food. There’s first of all you want to start with food, right? You want to start with food. So I have a little booklet that I put together. It’s eat your way out of pain, anti-inflammatory foods and there’s some really good foods you want foods that support those pathways I was talking about. So lots of green leafy vegetables and bright colored fruits and vegetables to have all the antioxidants and things in them. Good fats, good sources of Omega three fats like I was talking about before the the flax that she in the hemp though the Walnut, the algae and fish if you, if you eat fish. So those are things you need to be including in your diet on a regular basis.

Dr. Loscalzo:
But there’s herbs that like really enhance it. And two of my favorite are ginger and tumeric. And they fit right into those pathways I was telling you about. They actually turn off the pathway that creates the inflammation and they enhance the pathway that four to five is your EPA, four to Pfizer firefighter. So ginger is amazing. And I had people who have had years, literally years of chronic back pain and I adjusted them once and I said, you know what? Try this ginger in conjunction with the adjustments. And so I told them to take make ginger juice. So take ginger juice it, put it in some water, make like a ginger lemonade, put some lemon juice in it and drink this and drink it like three times a day. Well he did this and he called me back and he said, you know what? The pain went away.

Dr. Loscalzo:
But after two and a half hours, the pain started coming back. So I had the ginger juice again and the next time I did it at a two hours. So that I didn’t get the pain back and he said, as long as I kept up with the ginger, I kept the pain at Bay and me while we worked on what the cause was, which was some imbalance in his spine. And that helped. Another guy I spoke to, it was a senior center and I did a talk on nutrition and I told this story about how ginger juice, and you can do this with ginger juice. So this guy has, his girlfriend writes me back, she’s the one that set up, I think she writes me back and girlfriend, they were here, they’re in their sixties so his lady friend writes me back and says, you know, he heard this talk and he’s been on ibuprofen for Tylenol or Advil, something for his wrist pain for his arthritis and his risk for 15 years, every day, three times a day.

Dr. Loscalzo:
And so he decided to try the ginger in five days. He completely got off his ibuprofen. Incredible. That’s how incredibly potent it is. Tumor X, another one. That’s amazing. And there’s been, Oh God, thousands of studies that show the benefits of turmeric. Not just for inflammation, your general everyday inflammation, but for cancer, for tumors, for autoimmune diseases. So tumeric is one of my like, Oh yeah. And you can put that in so many recipes and I’ve got a little recipe guide that you guys can have this. You want to have a look at some of those recipes. Yeah. So it’s really fun to start playing with the food and go, Ooh, this one’s anti-inflammation. Let me have this one. And you actually, instead of taking your ibuprofen, you’re taking your ginger lemonade.

Dr. Joe Tatta:
Excellent. So you know, you and I have talked about, or you’ve actually educated me on how important regulating your blood sugar is and just learning, you know, how your foods influence your blood sugar, how your mood can influence it. Talk to us about how important that is for healing. Just chronic disease in general.

Dr. Loscalzo:
Yeah. So when your blood sugar is having these ups and downs swings and it’s causing your blood sugar to rise, your insulin levels to rise, you get an increase in inflammation. And when you get an increase in inflammation, it can affect you all over. So there’s been studies that show that insulin resistance and blood sugars that go up and down all over the place affect the lungs. People with asthma have an effect on cancer, have an effect on heart disease. Big, big time effect on causing inflammation in the arteries. Cause really heart disease is not having cholesterol in your blood. It’s having inflammation in there where the cholesterol sticks to it and then the calcium sticks to that and then it causes a problem. But if you don’t have inflammation in there and you don’t have damage and you can repair that damage, you don’t have a problem. So it’s really a matter of keeping that blood sugar regulated at all times because it is known to be inflammatory. Those high levels of insulin will cause inflammation and inflammatory chemical called C reactive protein has been tied with that.

Dr. Joe Tatta:
Excellent. So you know, I have to point out and ask you, why are you standing right now? I am, you know, I can tell you out of the, out of every speaker I’ve interviewed for this summit, you’re the first person who has stood during the interview, which I think is so great. So obviously you’re a chiropractic physician, you know, movement is part of your life. Can you just tell me a little bit about like how, what, what is the influence that movement has in your life and what’s your daily routine like? Mine. Oh

Dr. Loscalzo:
man. So I have, I have a desk that goes up and down. And so right now I have it down because that’s where the camera fits perfectly. But typically I’ll pull it up for most of the day and I’m standing at my desk. I have a little Hildall Stearman machine, the Xciser and I keep it under the desk. And so I didn’t want to do it cause it didn’t make noise during this. But it’s a good time when I’m on calls, it’s stuff I just go up and down. You can’t, you know, you can tell I’m moving, but, um, it’s video. I do all the audio, so I move like that. I do squats at my desk a lot, you know, just just to keep moving. We have a staircase that leads up, so I’ll sometimes stand to take a heavy, like a 10 pound ball and I’ll go up and down the stairs a few times.

Dr. Loscalzo:
Um, I do pushups. I don’t do as many as I used to, but I’m working on getting back on Monday. I did 50 of them, 54 steps in 55 times up and down the stairs with the weight. Um, and I do, I run, my favorite is running. I know it’s not the best thing for my joints, but I have, I don’t have joint pain so I run and I’ve been running for [inaudible] odd years, 30 something years. I run because I love it and I know I should be doing more balance to my exercise. So I do the other things too. But really if all I had to do is just get outside and run, that’s when I would do, so I run a few times a week. I do the, um, this year is, I have one day a week. I do heavy duty more with weights.

Dr. Loscalzo:
Um, but on a daily basis, my life is pretty busy. So I have appointments scheduled like today, nine o’clock in the morning till nine o’clock at night. I have nonstop appointments. So the only way I’m really going to exercise is to do this stuff at my desk. You know, my spots and you know, I can do stretches. I love to sustained in tree pose. We can tell him standing and tree pose. Um, and I just have to move. So, you know, so you’ve really learned to just incorporate movement into your life no matter where you are. So you don’t have to go to a gym, you don’t have to have a gym membership or the, you know. Yup. Excellent. Nope. And swimming is fun too. You know. The other thing too, to keep in mind is that we just talked about blood sugar. So a great way to lower your blood sugar is movement exercise.

Dr. Loscalzo:
You burn up, which you’ve just put in. And I’m not saying go eat a candy bar and then do exercise and you’ll get rid of it. I don’t endorse that at all. But the other thing that that causes your blood sugar to go up, that people don’t realize it’s stress. So you’re sitting there getting like this deadline and all this stuff going on that’s causing your blood sugar to go up just as if you ate a candy bar. And I proved that to myself one day. I usually have very good stress management techniques and I just lost it and I just started screaming at wonder what my much I took my budget was 150 I mean damn, I could’ve eaten at candy bar and had more pleasure than just losing it. My cool. And so I had to do some things to bring it down.

Dr. Loscalzo:
So some of the stuff is to get on the little stair thing and move up and down and to just do some squats and just kind of move it, you know, get moving, get moving. Excellent. Excellent. So can you tell all of our viewers where they can find out more information about you and your programs? Absolutely. I’m at dr Rita That’s dr Rita Marie, R I T a M a I And we have um, a link to a freebie that we can give you so you can provide that on the page, which is basically my eat your way out of pain. Little mini guide lists of foods that are inflammatory and lists of foods that are anti-inflammatory and then some recipes, some just fun ways to throw them together. Um, and I’m also at the Institute of nutritional endocrinology. You can go to nutritional for practitioners.

Dr. Loscalzo:
If you are a practitioner and you want to incorporate more of this in your life, that’s where you can find more about me. Excellent. So I want to thank dr Rita Marie for being on the healing pain summit. Please check her out on her various websites and follow her work. She’s really an expert in a professional, so the utmost, you know, you’ve got to follow her work. So anything else you’d like to leave us with? No, I yes, yes I do. I want to just leave you with take charge of your health. This is a great summit because a lot of people live with chronic pain and if you’ve ever had acute pain, like sometimes I’ll hurt myself and I go, Oh my God, people are living like this every day. If you really feel for it. So there’s you don’t have to live with it is look for solutions.

Dr. Loscalzo:
The solution is not just a little pill box because that’s just a bandaid. We want to look for root cause. So what is it? Maybe you’ve healed the area, you’re moving it, you’ve got it adjusted, you’ve gone to a physical therapist, you’ve done all that, but you’re still having pain. I always tell people when they’re working with me, if you’re still having pain after three visits, you know, then it’s something else. It’s not just this joint. If you’re not improved after three visits, it’s not just the movement that you need in the joint. It’s much more and you have to look at the nutrition and if you don’t get the nutrition then you’re going to be living with this chronic thing for many, many years.

Dr. Joe Tatta:
Exactly. So the take home message is please don’t give up out there and keep going. There is definitely a way out of persistent pain and chronic pain and joint pain, and whatever your experience. Visit Dr. Rita Marie on her website. I want to thank you for being with us on the Healing Pain Summit and we will see you in the next interview.

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The following Privacy Policy governs the online information collection practices of Joe Tatta, LLC d/b/a and ( collectively the “Sites”). Specifically, it outlines the types of information that we gather about you while you are using theSites, and the ways in which we use this information. This Privacy Policy, including our children’s privacy statement, does not apply to any information you may provide to us or that we may collect offline and/or through other means (for example, at a live event, via telephone, or through the mail).

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