From Pain to Pleasure; Attract Love and Wealth by being Your Own Soul Mate!

Dr. Joe Tatta:Welcome back to the Healing Pain Summit. I am your host, Dr. Joe Tatta. Today’s topic. We are talking about how to take your life from a place of plain pain to pleasure and my host today is, or my guest today, I should say, it’s Jacquie Somerville. You won’t find another motivator […]
Drug-free Ways to Lower Your Blood Pressure

Cardiovascular disease, which includes high blood pressure, is the number one killer of women and men in the United States. It is also a leading cause of disability, keeping you from leading an active life. High blood pressure (hypertension) is a major risk factor for, stroke, heart attack, diabetes, and kidney failure. The good news […]
Solutions for Cancer Patients and Cancer Survivors: Meeting the Challenge of Pain Without Pain Medications

Dr. Joe Tatta: Okay, everyone. Welcome to today’s edition of the Healing Pain Summit. I have a great, very interesting guests for you today and we’re going to be discussing how to overcome the pain of cancer and how to recover from cancer. So our guest today is Dr. Nalini Chilkov. She can combine her […]
FDA Warns Diabetes Medications Cause "Severe" Joint Pain!

If you manage your type 2 diabetes with a medicine classified as a DPP-4 inhibitor, the FDA has issued a warning that the medication may cause severe joint pain. The warning applies to the following medications, which are available under different brand names alone or combined with other diabetes medicines like metformin:
Mindfully Eating Through Pain

Dr. Joe Tatta: Welcome to today’s episode of the healing pain summit. I have a very special guest today. Her name is Dr. Susan Albers and we are talking about how to mindfully eat through a painful episode in your life. So she is a New York Times bestselling author and a clinical psychologist at […]
The Missing Link to Optimal Healing

Dr. Joe Tatta: Okay, everyone. Welcome to today’s episode of the Healing Pain Summit. I have a very special guest today. Her name is Dr. Elizabeth Lombardo and we’re going to be talking about the missing link to optimal healing. So let me first tell you, Dr. Lombardo Has both a master’s degree in physical […]