How the Power of the Mind is More Effective Than Pills

You suffer from chronic pain and you don’t understand it. It came out of the blue and now you face a lifetime with an incurable burden. You may find your self-esteem affected, your friends and loved ones struggling to understand your pain and help you when they feel helpless. How can you find the relief you […]
Got Joint Pain? Why Dairy Makes Me Hurt

Most of us have been raised to believe that we need milk and other dairy products in order to have a healthy body, not only when we are young, but also as we age. But what if we have been led astray? Have you ever considered that we were not meant to consume the milk […]
How Imaging May Harm Those with Pain

Are imaging studies helpful for those who live with chronic pain? The short answer is yes… and no. Imaging techniques such as X-rays and MRIs are helpful diagnostic tools for physicians when ruling in or out many conditions. Bone fractures, tumors, and internal bleeding are clear as day in imaging reports. But how do we […]
The Truth About Opioids for Pain

[Scroll to the end of the article to learn about the statue of Spinario] Opioids are a problem and pain is extremely complex involving changes in both the brain and body. When treating someone with chronic pain, compassion and caring come first. However, it is important we stop the illusion that opioids are a cure […]
The Role of Central Sensitization in Chronic Back Pain

RLow back pain is one of the greatest contributors to disability worldwide. Additionally, the complete lack of any of classifiable pathoanatomical changes is the norm for up to 85% of chronic low back pain cases. Recent studies have investigated the potential relationship between central sensitization and chronic pain disorders, including chronic low back pain, revealing […]
Cervical Herniated Disc & Stretching

This is Joe Tatta, Physical Therapist, helping you to move towards better health. Today, I’m talking to you about the Cervical Spine. Here’s a mistake people make when it comes to treating their own cervical pain. A lot of people get tightness or the sensation of tightness on one side of their neck. If it’s […]