The Myth of the All-Powerful Painkiller
If you suffer from chronic pain of any kind you probably remember when your doctor diagnosed you with it. You may have many questions about the diagnosis and prognosis and wondered how you’d get your life back. You or your practitioner (or both of you) probably discussed painkillers. Maybe you’ve had someone else in your […]
Extensive NSAIDs Use and the Increased Risk of Heart Attack
If you have pain, what do you do to resolve it? Do you reach for an ice pack or do you try to massage the area? What about using NSAIDs, like ibuprofen? Have you ever considered how much of these drugs you might be taking, how long you’ve been taking them for, and if there […]
Here’s How the Brain Creates Pain – And How to Stop It
There are natural solutions for pain that don’t involve prescription medication or invasive procedures. It turns out the brain and one’s perception and response to stress have a powerful effect on the intensity of the pain experience. It also contributes to recovery’s length and efficacy. [1, 3, 4, 6,] Your Brain’s Amazing Flexibility Neuroplasticity (brain […]