Risky or Rewarding? Exercise for Pain Relief in People with Type 2 Diabetes

Rheumatological and musculoskeletal symptoms (RMS) are a main cause of chronic pain in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D). Some RMS, such as limited joint mobility syndrome (diabetic cheiroarthropathy), neuropathic arthritis, tendinopathy, diabetic amyotrophy, and diabetic muscle infarction, are considered specific complications of T2D. For other RMS, including osteoarthritis, low back pain, carpal tunnel […]
The Undeniable Link Between Sugar, Aches and Stiffness

Is your daily intake of sugar causing you pain and inflammation? With the increase in sugar consumption over the last several decades, we have also seen a rise in obesity, chronic illness, diabetes and many other painful and inflammatory conditions. The average American consumes about 150 pounds of sugar per year, where less than 100 […]
Blood Sugar and Joint Pain

Sugar, in its many forms, is a menace. In 1988, the forward-thinking Nancy Appleton wrote a book entitled Lick the Sugar Habit, implicating sugar in 141 diseases. Today we understand that too much sugar – hiding under many names in endless combinations of glucose and fructose – causes a host of health problems, including PAIN. People […]
The Obesity and Inflammation Connection

Most people by now know that excess body weight is bad for your health. What many do not know is that there is a very strong connection between excess body fat and inflammation/pain. Especially visceral fat or the fat surrounding the major organs. Inflammation is a natural process used by the body to repair itself […]
Alleviate Pain Caused by Type 2 Diabetes

In the US, 29.1 million people have type 2 diabetes (9.3% of the population), and a whopping 100 million Americans suffer from chronic pain. As you might’ve guessed, there’s a lot of crossover between the two. In fact, 48% of people with diagnosed diabetes also have a diagnosis of arthritis, and people with diabetes are […]
FDA Warns Diabetes Medications Cause "Severe" Joint Pain!

If you manage your type 2 diabetes with a medicine classified as a DPP-4 inhibitor, the FDA has issued a warning that the medication may cause severe joint pain. The warning applies to the following medications, which are available under different brand names alone or combined with other diabetes medicines like metformin: