Erase Your Fear, Cure Your Pain
Fear is not your friend when it comes to living with chronic pain. Fear of movement can hold you captive causing further regression into a life of more pain and further disability. Your brain is constantly rewiring itself, processing new information, and creating shortcuts to adapt to environmental changes. While these processes occur unconsciously, they can […]
Central Sensitization and Healing Your Chronic Pain
If you suffer from chronic pain central sensitization is important for you to understand. You might notice that occasional bumps or stubs hurt more than you think they should. Sensations like a simple touch or massage can be painful as well. Even simple daily activities can be excruciating. This is a distressing condition, often aggravated […]
Four Simple Steps to Heal Pain & Leaky Gut!
The health of our gut is so vital to health and well-being and is key to decreasing inflammation and pain in the body. Now what occurs in the body also occurs in the brain and the gut is now being referred to as the “second brain”. So what can we do to ensure a healthy […]
Foods That Fight Pain
As a physical therapist pain and inflammation is something I deal with daily. Inflammation can be caused by both mechanical and chemical factors.