Answers to the 7 Most Puzzling Questions About How to Exercise When It Hurts

You’ve heard it from your practitioner, TV, and the Internet, that exercise can improve your quality of life and even decrease your pain, but where do you begin? There may be numerous questions buzzing through your mind such as: How much should I exercise? What kind of exercise should I do? Why is exercise sometimes […]
The Top 5 Overlooked Benefits of Exercise and How It Works to Rapidly Alleviate Chronic Pain

No medication even comes close to exhibiting equal pain relieving benefits as exercise and it has virtually no negative side effects. Exercise has been shown to be just as effective as prescription medication for managing pain (1). There are numerous benefits for your health and some of the most well-known benefits include: Reversing obesity Managing […]
5 Powerful Ways to Reverse the Nocebo Effect and Feel Better

Are you ensuring that the language you use when conversing with your patients is having a healing effect? If not, your lack of awareness may be the reason some of your patients have a difficult time managing their chronic pain. Your words are very powerful and have the ability to heal or harm. The language […]
The Pain Imaging Revolution – Answers to Why Acute Pain Turns Chronic

Imagine you’re injured in a traumatic accident. You take the appropriate steps: you undergo surgery, you are prescribed medication by your practitioner and you follow the appropriate steps for recovery. But what if, despite these steps, you’re still feeling pain? And worse, the pain impacting your daily life? You thought this was all behind you […]
5 Valuable Tips to Overcome Gluten Sensitivity

Are you tired of being unable to enjoy a meal with friends or family due to fear of the unpleasant series of intestinal pain or joint pain that may occur afterward? If so, you are not alone. You are one of 21 million Americans, including some of the top celebrities such as actresses Mariel Hemingway […]
How the Power of the Mind is More Effective Than Pills

You suffer from chronic pain and you don’t understand it. It came out of the blue and now you face a lifetime with an incurable burden. You may find your self-esteem affected, your friends and loved ones struggling to understand your pain and help you when they feel helpless. How can you find the relief you […]