Autoimmunity and Pregnancy
Autoimmune disease affects more than 23.5 million Americans. It spares no race, culture or gender, although women of childbearing age are the most likely sufferers. For whatever reason, that is a time in a woman’s life when it first appears. And pregnancy, for reasons not yet fully understood, can either inflame the autoimmune response or […]
Gluten-Free, But Not Symptom-Free? [ Blame Cross-Reactivity]
Have you ever followed a gluten-free diet only to have mediocre results? When you first started your gluten-free diet you probably thought you’d found the holy grail, and soon you’d be experiencing the amazing benefits you’d heard about – but you wound up disappointed and frustrated instead. The devil is in the details, and in […]
Lectins: Love them or Leave them?
Beans are part of a healthy diet, right? Aren’t they are a healthy source of protein and carbohydrates? Enter the debate on lectins… We may not think of ourselves as “predators” to plants, but plants do! And they’ve developed a mighty weapon to thwart our appetite for them: lectins. Basically, lectins are anti-nutrients that can […]