Essential Steps to Release and Transmute Trauma to Move Forward in Your Life

Dr. Joe Tatta:
Welcome to today’s episode of the Healing Pain Summit. I have a wonderful guest that’s going to help us out as we talk about transmuting the trauma in your life and how it relates to pain. Her name is Dr. Robyn Benson. She is the pioneer of the self-care revolution and she aims to transform individual lives as well of our entire healthcare system. Her purpose is to help you live a vibrant PainFREE life and guide you to solve your most pressing health issues. She specializes in women’s health preventative and family medicine and offers cutting edge solutions. In addition to intravenous injection therapies. She integrates traditional Chinese medicine to enhance your longevity. She’s the founder of the Santa Fe soul health and healing center and the author of the bestselling book, the healthy conscious travel, which I would love to read because every time I travel I seem to get a sinus infection. Uh, which is a cause of pain obviously. So Dr. Robyn Benson, thank you for joining us today on the Healing Pain Summit.

Dr. Benson:
It’s great to be here with you and I love this topic.

Dr. Joe Tatta:
Thank you. Thank you so much. So you have a really great, wonderful approach as far as the kind of Chinese medicine background. So tell us, you’ve been practicing Chinese medicine for 23 years. What is your approach to trauma and pain? Basically?

Dr. Benson:
Okay. What’s wonderful about Chinese medicine is it’s a very integrative approach. A medicine that looks at your whole body. And so when people come in, let’s say what there’s an ear infection or back pain, we always look at the emotional component of anything. There’s, there’s really no separation. And so it’s just been part of every single, every, almost every single treatment that, that I’ve ever given is looking at the, the, the emotional trauma, sometimes the physical trauma that people have been been through and to assess patients, including that very important information. And so one of the main ways is a Dr. Martin medicine that we can, that we assess someone’s overall health is by taking their pulses. So sometimes I can get such insight from working with my patients just by taking their repulses. So if they’re telling me one thing and then I can ask questions just by noticing that they have a very wide repulse, I know that they have lots of stress, stresses, trauma.

Dr. Benson:
In fact, you know, this, this idea of trauma, um, you know, is being pain. I mean there’s something that every single person on the planet has experienced and sometimes people say, well, I have never experienced trauma. I really can think about it. Birth is a trauma just coming out of the womb. That’s our first experience with trauma. And so we look at that too. We like to ask questions like that. And how was your, your birth experience? So getting back to the pulses, I get an insight into your, in your body in terms of how energy is moving. So in terms of how you’re feeling at any given time has to do with your cheese. So that was that life force, that unseen energy in our body. And if it stuck, that means you’re more likely to have pain or inflammation when it’s CI is stuck or stagnant.

Dr. Benson:
And what we really want to see is you want to see your energy moving in your body, kind of like a beautiful river. When things are moving gently and calmly throughout your body, you tend to have more flow state. That’s kind of a, a state of, um, when you feel good and anything that’s not that can be really challenging. So, um, those are just some of the examples that I want to give. We also look at tongue so you can actually tell what’s going on in someone’s body, even on a level of pain and trauma by just looking at the coding of the tongue, looking at the color. So for example, when we came in the other day and she said, I’m feeling really disconnected from my body, um, I just feel like a lot of old traumas coming up again. And I looked at her tongue, Joe, and she’s as really red tip of her tongue.

Dr. Benson:
I’m not sure how much you know about Chinese medicine and you can tell that she’s got this, a lot of heart heat, that she’s not processing stress, that our hormones are not functioning really well. So I was able to, it just, it started a whole conversation that helped me as a practitioner to direct the best possible treatment for her. So in this case, I gave her accurate, the puncture. And then in terms of just the whole trauma thing, acupuncture is so gentle, you know, it trauma affects every organ in our body. Our brain in a big way affects our heart. So it’s a, it’s a, it’s a wonderful way to treat the body, to help access flow, to get the energy, to get the current, so to speak of the body to be more harmonious.

Dr. Joe Tatta:
I love the part about kind of the, obviously your pulse rate, your blood pressure, because there, there are a lot of traditional, let’s call them, um, healthcare practitioners listening to us, either the physical therapists or physicians and they look at, you know, kind of your pulse as just, all right, are you, you know, you have a high blood pressure, do you have a low blood pressure by love? Kind of the tie into looking at how energy flows through your body and how that’s affecting you on a, on a larger scale. Um, is it easy just to train someone to do that or do you have to go through like a whole, you know, Chinese medicine training to learn some basic principles?

Dr. Benson:
That’s a good question. It’s, it took me four years to go through acupuncture school and I’m forever a student. I’ve been to China. But you know, I, I help my patients because I’m into self care, right? So I can teach my patients just some general ways to like when you exercise, you know, how you touch your carotid artery to feel how energy is moving through your body. I mean, this is a great feedback system. So when it’s really elevated, when your heart’s racing, you can feel that. And that’s where I can help my patients learn how to do some really good breathing techniques to bring their heart rate down to actually to manage their blood pressure. And just sort of said, you mentioned blood pressure. I want to just say this, that in Chinese medicine, I mean, you never get blood high blood overnight. It’s like a all kinds of systems.

Dr. Benson:
Not really connecting like a computer. I mean, our bodies are really magnificent computers. So when one part of the system is not communicating with another, that’s when we, our body starts giving us signs. So heart people, mostly people with high blood pressure have what I call a wiring stagnant pulse. Like again, there’s Chee stagnation. So that’s for me as a health detective, I have to go in and do my work, look at the tongue, read the pulse, look at lifestyle habits. Why, what led you to this, this event? Very often high blood pressure. Um, you know, people who, who come in with palpitations, people who have insomnia or migraines, there’s usually a somewhat of a traumatic event that can lead up to this actual diagnosis or this tiny as medicine, we’re really into syndromes. We’re not into disease States, so we want to reverse a syndrome that’s going on in your body.

Dr. Benson:
So in that case, we look again, we look at diet, we look at exercise, we look at people’s choices that they’re making in a day to day basis in terms of of um, high blood pressure. Hydration is really critical. Also we’ll say hydration and also mineral deficiencies. I see those all the time. So very often when I can correct just one or two things, the computer, the system starts to work again. So do you test for um, mental deficiencies and what are the kind of top two that you’re sitting in, in your patients? I do. Okay. The number one, pretty much anybody’s in even a mine, we’ll, we’ll do a zinc test and I find it to be rather accurate people to actually take an of a liquid form of zinc. And when I put a little bit in their mouth and I asked as it tastes like water or does it taste have a metallic taste?

Dr. Benson:
And I have to say that 90% of every person I treat here, it says, they say it tastes like water. And that indicates that they’re deficient in zinc. There are, there are other things I can look at the nails and you can see white spots in the nails. Um, other symptoms that people present with. But zinc is involved with like 200 metabolic reactions in the body. So it’s not always a good for the immune system, which many of us know the sexual organ system. I mean, my goodness, a lot of people are coming with whether it’s impotence or prostate issues or um, Helvic pain, right? Um, Zig is really critical. I mean it just turns on the lights and the body. So if you have zinc deficiency, you are, you are not functioning optimally. And I talk a lot about voltage, like people who are living optimally, that have high performance lives, they have good voltage and you can look at people and see that they have that.

Dr. Benson:
You can look at it from there. There’s skin color, how they move, how they speak, but they have got great energy. So it’s just something that’s overlooked a lot. And zinc is not something I think any of the minerals for that matter, that it’s not easy to get in the diet. I mean, cause it’s found in like oysters. A lot of people don’t like oysters. I happen to love them. Uh, it’s, it’s found in, um, cashews, lamb, and it’s just one of those, those minerals that I think most people need to supplement. Take 15 to 30 milligrams a day and take it until you can start. And when you drink that substance, and again, if you don’t, if you’re listening to this and you, you have not never done this test before, just look, I’m sure where dr Joe lives, there’s lots of practitioners. How many of have doctors, doctors of Oriental medicine, like what I practice have this available so you can find out.

Dr. Benson:
But it’s really important. The second mineral that I think is really critically important to make sure you have enough of is magnesium. That also, um, I have to say just like everybody I test for and I usually do, um, a test. I do a blood test to find out some magnesium status in the body. And there’s sometimes a questionnaire can help me understand, like people will come in with cramping at night spasms if they don’t sleep very well. Heart palpitations, almost always that indicates a magnesium deficiency. So, um, that’s really critical. And you know when you think about trauma, like when people are under a lot of stress on a regular basis, we’re depleting these. These are natural resources and what you know, the goodness of what’s already in our body when we’re under chronic stress.

Dr. Joe Tatta:
It’s true. I mean obviously stress kicks your adrenal glands into high action and they start depleting your body of minerals. Magnesium is a big one that I talked to my patients about. It obviously has a lot to do with how you relax. It has to do with how your muscles fire as well as how your muscles relax so they should be able to contract as well as release. You know when you walk in, we want them to know, I know in your practice you as a, you use a lot of different modalities to treat people and to treat pain and trauma. What are kind of like the top two to three that you find to be the most beneficial?

Dr. Benson:
Well, I mentioned the acupuncture and I just want to say I have 23 years of doing this and thousands of patients later. I can’t tell you how many people, just by putting points in the body, in the heart Meridian, I’m working with the extra meridians. What can I do? This, this therapy called crown of thorns. Um, the release that happens that people don’t even have to tell me their whole life story. It’s in the body. And very often people will just cry like out of men too. It doesn’t, it men, women just, it just releases. Like a lot of times we hold trauma in our body for a lifetime or for months and years of our lives. So it’s really one of the best modalities that out there to really honor the physical body rather than going to your doctor who says, Oh, no, you’ve got trauma.

Dr. Benson:
Let’s give you pills. I mean, very often pharmaceutical synthetic drugs are not, the answer may be for just really acute, acute, acute. Um, but even that, I mean, I use a lot of neurotransmitters in my practice, GABA, theanine, um, do to really help my patients when they’re in a crisis and have incredible results. So nutrition therapy is huge. Um, so putting people on a special nutritional programs like look at people’s diet. That’s a huge part of my practice almost. I don’t think anybody gets out of here without me sharing my pearls of wisdom around nutrition because that is just essential because when the body is trapped emotions, then we often crave, we crave sugar, we crave, you know, greasy foods. You crave things that are not necessarily healthy for us. And to get people on a high oxygen con a high water, high oxygen died is what I like to call out.

Dr. Benson:
Uh, life foods brings alive in back in the body. So where there’s stagnation, you start creating flow. And um, I also like doing some top therapies, you know, really to have people talk about their trauma and where, where are you holding that trauma in your back? Is, it’s your low back, is it your, you know, a lot of women that have had trauma have had sexual abuse. I, it’s a big part of, I guess any of us who work with, I can’t remember the exact statistics that for me as an energy practitioner, any of us who are acupuncturists and work with the energetic field of the body, I could just feel that people are shut down in that area, in their first and second chakra. And I’m not sure if people know the shocker system, but in the pelvic area, like there’s just no, there’s no charge there.

Dr. Benson:
There’s no energetic movement. So using, um, so again, the nutritional program is really helpful to activate that acupuncture and I even used some pretty amazing, um, I’ve got, uh, 23 years later, the last 13 years I’ve brought a lot of innovative technologies into my practice. I do pretty incredible injection therapies when I’m thinking about this particular area where there’s trauma in the sexual area, the sexual organs, because this is a big issue for women with infertility. It’s also any type of impotence of any sort. I do this injection called the Franken Hauser and um, it’s named after a German doctor. And that I, I just, I give an example cause I have a guy that just came in, one of my patients who came in today and I did this on him yesterday. He’s only, I’d say 48 years old. He thinks that he has impotence due to having malaria or some, I can’t even remember which, what, what, um, dengue, a fever.

Dr. Benson:
I think it was ever since then when he was in his twenties, he’s had sexual dysfunction. Acupuncture’s been [inaudible] and think about the trauma this has caused him the pain, the trauma of being so young and not having regular, uh, erectile function. So just by doing this one time I’ve done acupuncture on him. He’s already improved. But when I did this injection, it actually helps to kind of clear out the Oh area. We don’t even know why. And then you actually using some ozone in this, this particular procedure to oxygen, each area, it brings up emotions. And you know, he, he woke up this morning, he actually had an erection. So that’s like rare in his life. I didn’t know where we’re going to get into the subject, but I have to say when it comes to pain and trauma, it’s a big one. It’s a big one.

Dr. Joe Tatta:
Well I didn’t know were going to get into this area either, but I have to say, first of all, thank you for bringing up men’s pelvic health because in the field of physical therapy we have pre probably have good 20 years of really pushing women’s health and obviously there’s a need for that. But I have always said, and one of the things I keep saying to people is that men’s pelvic health, their sexual health, you know, their overall pelvic health is kind of like the next big milestone that as clinicians we have to kind of breach because men don’t obviously want to talk about those kinds of things. Women are a little bit more open. They have an OB GYN typically or another practitioner that you know, is kind of monitoring that area. But when you look at the, um, but you know, as men age you look at their prostate issues prostititus um, prostate cancer. And the surgeries associated with it. So, you know, we are seeing more of that in the physical therapy world as far as pelvic pain for men. You know, does that mirror what you see in your practice?

Dr. Benson:
Absolutely. Yes. And I’m really grateful for the physical therapists that are, are being during this special training to learn ways, um, to help people with as men and women. And uh, yeah, it’s, it’s fantastic that, that this is that this has been talked about because it’s, there’s a lot of shame and that’s what we want to pick up. We don’t want people to, you know, hold this trauma in their body. We want to bring it out. We want, we want to bring energy, bring awareness, bring love to this era that’s been not functioning well.

Dr. Joe Tatta:
Yeah. Th th the shame part, I think we can talk about that for a quick moment. Cause I was talking to a physical therapist who’ll be in a, in the summer, her name is, um, lions and she talks about the, the history of the Pew dental nerve, the Pew dental, the root of the word actually means shame. So the nerve that basically feeds a good part of your perennial, it’s kind of rooted in shame. So just I think talking about these types of topics gives people the ability to say, Hey, I have a, I have a problem, you know, in this part of my body who can help me, how do I get the help? How do I seek the help? So thanks for bringing it up on, on the, on the summit today.

Dr. Benson:
Yes, definitely. You know, I want to see another common thing that I see that’s, that makes people more susceptible to holding, you know, shame holding pain in their body and holding trauma is just that stress response. You know, there’s, there’s the sympathetic and the person pathetic, I’m sure you know. But for all of you listening in, in Chinese medicine, there’s yin and Yong and we need both. We need digestive arrest and we need to get up and go. We need the, the male that’s the masculine. And what’s happening in today’s world is most of us, many of us I should say, are just get up and go there, go, go, go, go, go, go, go. And that is your sympathetic nervous system. And for many people, they don’t get that part of their system does not shut down, so you’re not getting the digest and rest and therefore to with people who don’t want to heal.

Dr. Benson:
Like there’s this whole idea of why do people not heal? Why do some people heal better than others? But people who’ve been traumatized tend to be have this overactive sympathetic nervous system. So this is really a critical piece that I bring to every treatment that I offer my patients is to help to balance that the yen, to bring the yin factor up, to help the person become active once again, because it can be so literally suppressed and it’s called the Estonia. There’s a, there’s a name for it. And so some people are just in that chronic state of stress. I call it the red zone. And when you’re in the red zone, it’s really hard for you to totally heal and healing takes time. But it will happen in a much more efficient way when you take this time to really balance your, your life a little bit, or to find times to really shut down from the, especially our, I talk a lot, a lot about our electrified times that we live in, but we need a break. We need to be reconnected to the earth, get away from all electronics, get away from people and just reconnect with ourselves. And that alone will help young the body instantly. All the things that we know, the good foods exercise, there’s some great, you know, this is a field, a time that we live with. Lots of choices, EMDR, EFT, emotional freedom techniques. There’s so many different techniques out there to really help with this whole trauma issue.

Dr. Joe Tatta:
So I had a patient recently who went to CA. She wants the, uh, she wanted a second opinion. So I sent her to a new physician. She said the doctor was great, however, his waiting room was complete chaos. It was packed. There was CNN blasting, you know, about some negative news. So your point of learning to get to that power within a place is the way you start healing your body needs to get to that parasympathetic state where certain hormones are released that either kicks your immune system in or lower certain functions that can start the healing process. So

Dr. Benson:
absolutely critical. I’m glad you brought this up too, because you know, we built, I’ve built my center here, I guess we’re in our 10th year and every single, the magical thing that you could do to make this a beautiful healing, sacred healing center. We did, you know, thinking about our patients when they walk in the door, that, you know, a place that’s like quiet music and not stressful. I mean, that’s part of your healing journey. And I’m, so you get to come visit, I want you to see what we’ve, what we’ve created here. So we do everything possible. And it’s nice to also, when you work with a team of people. So for me, um, you know, I can walk down the hall and say, we have spiritual counselors, we have yoga instructors. Um, you know, working with people who can actually do energy work to uh, ways in which [inaudible] type of a approach to trauma. Cause shamanism is like the oldest form of medicine on the planet, like 40,000 years old. And shamans have this way. That’s what they do. They try to help people reconnect with their soul because a lot of trauma, there’s like a, a soul loss. Like a part of us is removed from our body, a part of our, their connection to herself. And so that’s the big part of this integrative approach that I have at my center. But also how I work with each patient is how to bring you back to the core of your yourself.

Dr. Joe Tatta:
So with dr Robyn Benson, we’re talking about how to transmute the trauma in your life, how to heal pain, how to live more vibrantly. So one of the questions I want to ask you, which I’ve asked a number of people on the summit today is

Dr. Benson:
do you,

Dr. Joe Tatta:
in your opinion professionally, do you feel that all pain has an emotional component to it?

Dr. Benson:
That’s a great question. You know, I do. I really feel most all pain does. I mean in almost everybody can get to, um, an emotional piece of it. Like let’s say like I treated a guy who fell off a mountain bike and it major, I mean, he’s a big time athlete, major break in his shoulder, um, collarbone and you know, it’s just like a freak accident rate. But you still, you look at what, what, what’s, what was going on in your mind at the time that, that happened? What was going on the last month of your life? My father died three months ago. I mean, I do, I really do. And we can pretty much assess, we’re emotional feeling, thinking people, you know, it just part of being human. So almost always looking at some pain connect. I mean, a emotional connection to the pain is really helpful and some people don’t want to go there and I, but I do find that when people can release the emotional connection, um, look at the emotional connection to their pain, they also heal much more.

Dr. Joe Tatta:
Yeah. As you work with people, especially if you’re the type of practitioner that sees people once or twice a week or once every few weeks as you work with them, you get to know them. There’s always an emotional part that kind of comes through somewhere.

Dr. Benson:
Yeah. And Chinese medicine, like I said, I mean if you’re really feeling liver, that’s anger. Um, there’s some anger, there’s some rage issue that we need to work on. Like if you really want to heal this blood pressure, yeah, I can give you all the great herbs I’ll give you, you know, your five acupuncture treatments. But if you’re going to continue to hold this anger towards your ex spouse or to your whatever, then then when we might not be to solve the problem. So getting to that, the emotional connection is, that’s the beauty of it. That’s where people can really shift and that’s the transformation we’re looking for. And I just want to mention that we’re transmute. I love it. It’s like one of my favorite words in the healing vocabulary. Um, transmute in mind my definition. What I kind of like is like from that whole idea of the alchemists that from lead to gold.

Dr. Benson:
So you know, helping people, those layers off that are in the way of, of experiencing joy, of experiencing happiness. And you know what? And I really do believe that we go through trauma. It’s an awakening process. If we allow it to be, we are, you know, part of life is the light and part of life is the dark. It’s part of being human. So we, it’s our relationship with that not filling a victim of our circumstances and being able to transmute into something positive. So I always like to say, you know, the treatment that you’re getting here, I want you to think about it. Like leave it here, leave it, give it to back to mother earth so she can take care of it. And it’s put into something positive. You can always tries to meet anything negative into something positive, but you don’t need to hold it in your physical physiology anymore. Maybe your body will never forget, but you can transmute. And when people realize that that’s where we see a big shift too.

Dr. Joe Tatta:
Yeah, it’s a great point cause there’s a lot of research being done now looking at studies of if you explain to a client, let’s say that they have a herniated disc that that could actually be harmful to them cause it starts to put ideas in their head. Most of them being negative about, okay well what is it hurting the herniated disc. Oh my God, it’s this big rupture. It’s pushing on a nerve. Uh, my uncle had this, he was disabled for his, you know, for life versus a lot of us when we aim to heal some we should say, okay, let’s make a plan to heal this and then let’s kind of keep you continued on the course of pleasure in your life. Because like you said, as you walk toward joy and happiness, those are the types of things that ultimately will take pain out of your life. Absolutely. So share with us, share with us kind of your top three techniques for living a healthy, vital life.

Dr. Benson:
You know, number one for me, and now this is what I say in terms of for every single person I’ve ever treated for my own life, for me to be vital, for me to, you know, to wake up and feel good every morning and be, feel blessed as I go to bed every night. It’s being, I always say being my own best healthcare advocate, my own self care advocate. Cause that’s a big part of my message. Um, it just knowing that that’s a birthright. I think some for many people they delegate and I wouldn’t want, you know, when my patients, they come to see me, but I’m just a facilitator for their optimal health, right into someone who can be a health detective. But

Dr. Benson:
the only people well that live, that live with, that live with true vitality are the ones that absolutely champion their own self care every day, number one. Number two really we can reconnecting with the earth. I mean honestly it’s probably the most important message stage or the biggest aha my entire career was, was when I really learned our connection to the earth. Like the magnetic field of the earth. All of life depends on it. Every single living being depends on those frequencies. Like we’re energetic beings before our biology and our chemistry even functions. So there’s no better way to get that natural to get that natural voltage in our body to get our batteries, so to speak, are that light in our life and our working than being outdoors. So as much as possible, you know, getting outdoors five, six hours a week and people are like, well, I’m already doing that.

Dr. Benson:
However, I’m honestly, I’ve never, every single person has said that all I’m outside all the time when I asked them to do it, to, to actually do a dire form. Right. It’s like they’re outside maybe two or three hours, maybe not even that. Most people maybe an hour a week from their front door to their car basically. Exactly. And then they go to work and then maybe you go to the grocery store, but most people are not moving their body. So that’s pretty much my, my, um, my third point is how critically important it is to move your body. We’re all designed to move. And without it, everything shuts down. Like I will, I can tell people who are lethargic, you know, their pulses. You can just feel there’s no, there’s no life force in the body. So, um, really important. You know, I want to say something that I w could’ve started this whole conversation with you, Joe, is when it comes to trauma and transmitting trauma, well, the most important, one of the most important ingredients I should say, or the, what’s most important of all is that the people have to be connected to like their a Y like a, um, a big why.

Dr. Benson:
Like why if wa something that you care to live for that’s really essential. And I think that with some of my people who have had majorly traumatized lives once it connected, connected to a purpose outside of themselves, that’s magic. Absolute magic. Like when I wake up in the morning, Oh my goodness. I mean it’s never like I know my purpose. I know I’m here on the planet. And so I think that’s one of the greatest gifts that anyone can do to really heal is to be of service and you know, to, to really let your heart guide you and, and help another person.

Dr. Joe Tatta:
That’s a great point. Thank you for sharing that. Cause I have always believed that somewhere in that pain, somewhere in that trauma is a miracle waiting to happen. So it’s, you know, figuring out how do we let miracles replace the grievances that have happened in our life. Absolutely.

Dr. Benson:
Do you know the acronym for pain? Have you heard that? I’m sure you’ve heard this one. Pay attention to internal nurturing. That’s right. I love that. Just all the ways that we can internally take care of ourselves because we can’t always control that outer world that we can certainly take care of this inner world.

Dr. Joe Tatta:
Excellent. So this has been dr Robyn Benson. She is the pioneer of the self care revolution and the author of the bestselling book, the healthy conscious traveler and the founder of the Santa Fe health and healing center. And please tell everyone on the healing pain summit how they can find out more about you.

Dr. Benson:
Okay. The best place to find me is Robyn or OB GYN, and if you happen to be in the Santa Fe area for some great travel to my center is Santa Fe soul. That’s S O U integrate to get great continual, amazing information on health. You can join our self care revolution for free and that’s join the self care and I just want you all to know, I don’t know if you’re going to mention this, but I’m going to be offering you all a book on transmuting and releasing trauma,

Dr. Joe Tatta:
right? So that’ll be a free book that you’re giving away to everyone on the Hill on the healing pain. Some of them look out for that. Yes,

Dr. Benson:
looks like they go almost like a hundred, almost 200 pages from amazing interviews that I did with people in the medical world. It’s just such an amazing topic and just to know, just to have the confidence that you don’t have to live with this pain that comes from, from trauma. So it’s one thing to say for sure.

Dr. Joe Tatta:
Thank you so much for that special gift. Thank you for being with us today on the Healing Pain Summit. This is Joe Tatta and Dr. Robyn Benson, and we’ll see you next time.

Dr. Benson:
Wonderful. It’s great to be with, all of you. Thank you, Joe.

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The following Privacy Policy governs the online information collection practices of Joe Tatta, LLC d/b/a and ( collectively the “Sites”). Specifically, it outlines the types of information that we gather about you while you are using theSites, and the ways in which we use this information. This Privacy Policy, including our children’s privacy statement, does not apply to any information you may provide to us or that we may collect offline and/or through other means (for example, at a live event, via telephone, or through the mail).

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