Can Exercise Help Build a Healthy Gut Microbiota?

A new branch of medicine is quickly emerging from the growing evidence of the link between the gut microbiota – the complex set of microbial populations living within our gastrointestinal tract- and human health. In a recent blog, I discussed how nutrition shapes bacterial communities in the gut, and how dysbiosis -the loss of bacterial […]
Chronic Pain [what went wrong]

An Overdose of Opioids The United States of America consumes 80% of the world’s supply of opioids and is in the midst of a chronic pain epidemic. Opioids may have a place for certain types of pain and can assist in the beginning phases of recovery. The model to follow regarding the prescribing of opioids should be “the […]
Autoimmunity and Pregnancy

Autoimmune disease affects more than 23.5 million Americans. It spares no race, culture or gender, although women of childbearing age are the most likely sufferers. For whatever reason, that is a time in a woman’s life when it first appears. And pregnancy, for reasons not yet fully understood, can either inflame the autoimmune response or […]
What is a Pain Neurotag?

Everyone has neurotags, and if you experience chronic pain, a neurotag may play a particular role in your symptoms. Learning about how the brain interprets and adapts to input can help you take steps to manage your pain. What Is A Neurotag? There are billions of neurons in a single brain, and each one can form […]
How Chronic Pain Rewires the Brain and 5 Proven Ways to Reverse It

Have you heard about the latest neuroscience that is revealing some fascinating discovering about pain? More and more we are looking to the brain as chronic pain changes both the structure and function of our brain and nervous system. It’s no longer just about the body. Think of it this way “no brain, no pain.” […]
Commentary and Apology – National Pain Strategy

Yes! Another groundbreaking pain report was released. This time from the National Institute of Health. Even though this is a step in the right direction we have to admit the current biomedical model around pain has not helped for millions. I shot a video about the report.