Dr. Joe Tatta: Welcome back to the healing pain summit 2.0 it’s great to have you here. I’m your host, Dr. Joe Tatta. On the summit we have Debora Wayne, she’s the director of the Biofield Healing Institute in Del Mar, California, which she founded after receiving degrees and certifications in psychology, hypnotherapy counseling, as well as 30 years of practicing teaching meditation, yoga, and Reiki. Debora is the best selling author of the book, Why Am I Still Hurt? Rapid relief for chronic pain, depression, anxiety, and more. And is the creator of the pain-free living program. Debora Wayne, welcome to the Healing Pain Summit 2.0 it’s great to have you on this year as a contributor.
D. Wayne: It is so fabulous to be here. Hi Joe, and welcome to everyone else.
Dr. Joe Tatta: So I had you on my podcast. You did a great podcast with me. So I said I have to get you on the healing paint somewhere to talk about some of the great things you have. But first, tell us how you got involved in helping people with chronic pain, chronic disease, anxiety, depression. How did that come about?
D. Wayne: Wow, 32 years ago. I found myself one morning,
D. Wayne: Oh, in the corner of my beautiful walk-in closet, sobbing my eyes out, couldn’t get dressed, couldn’t get up, couldn’t go to work, could not go through it one more day. And I had reached a point in my life where absolutely everything had to change my thinking, my feelings, my lifestyle. I was either going to exit planet earth or I was going to really need to make some changes. And that began my journey and it’s been an amazing one ever since. That has led me to this day where I chose to heal and I’ve been discovering and recovering and ever since.
Dr. Joe Tatta: So we’re going to talk about biofield healing today. I know before that you did a couple of other types of healing modalities. Just tell us briefly kind of like what your entry world was into the healing arts and you know kind of what your background is.
D. Wayne: So I began actually in the fine arts and the performing arts as a dancer, which I now know as I look back, it’s all about energy. And I can realize it at the time that it was the perfect preparation for where I am today and learning about energy and expanding energy in the field all around us. But then when I went back to school, um, my background is psychology, hypnotherapy, chemical dependency counseling. I’ve studied NLP nutrition, all about holistic health and uh, became a Reiki master for 20 plus years. I’m an ex professional modern dancer, classically in ballet. And I also, um, work does a glass artist over 15 years. And what else? Let’s see. I’ve lived about nine lives in this one lifetime. Um, and I mean yoga instructors since 2001, and specializing in, uh, restorative yoga and how to use yoga as a healing modality.
Dr. Joe Tatta: So it’s, so what’s interesting to me is you mentioned things like yoga and Reiki and you know, nutrition, all these integrative strategies that we all talk about. And even still with all those strategies, all those techniques, all that helps. Sometimes people just don’t heal or they don’t heal fully or they still have some kind of block or a barrier in their life. Why is that? Why is that? They can’t get through that one point even though they’ve tried everything.
D. Wayne: Yeah, that is, that’s the million dollar question for sure. And what I’ve discovered over many years of both my personal journey and then professionally working with people all this time and really trying to to, to get to the root of that very question. What I found is that it’s a combination of imprints from childhood that affect our thinking and our thinking affects our emotions. Our emotions affect our choices, and people are looking in the wrong place to solve the pain problem. What happens? What do we do? Where does it hurt? That’s the question that everyone’s asked. Well, where does it hurt? And then we look at the body, well, let’s cut it out, let’s drug it out. And we try to fix the body with the body is not the problem. It is the problem, but it’s the last place that the problem shows up. And so for people who have tried everything and you know, or, or it’s not even showing up on a test, right. That’s the other thing that happens. And if they’re in a lot of pain or they have symptoms, it’s because they are looking in the wrong place and they haven’t gone deep enough into the mind, the emotions and the energy field that surrounds the body.
Dr. Joe Tatta: So you’re talking about energy, which is great cause I have one other speaker talking about energy, but I really want to kind of hone in with you on it. Can you talk about something called biofield healing or biofield energy? What is that and can you describe it to people on the summit? And this is probably, you know, a new experience.
D. Wayne: Sure, sure. So around every living thing, there is a field of energy and information. Now this is quantum information. It’s an invisible to the eye, but it’s there and it’s, it’s as if we all have a recording device that’s been turned on since day one. And it’s imprinting all this information in our field. And biofield healing is my revolutionary proprietary method, which is for rapid release of this information that’s stored in the field that you may never be able to access by talking, by analyzing, by even looking at your thinking or emotions. It’s sometimes just so far out of reach for us or imprinted so early that we don’t have any conscious recollection and I, my method enables me to and my practitioners to go into that field and find where there’s disturbances and rapidly release them.
Dr. Joe Tatta: Is it a field we can see or we can touch? Can you measure it? Can describe the fields so people understand you know what it is you work with. Exactly.
D. Wayne: So I can actually feel it. Is it literally as if I’m touching someone but it’s done without touching. Some people can see the field I’m able to hear sounds actually just like tones and different sounds when that are unique to each person’s field. When I work on them, I hear that and back in the 1980s the Russians discovered and classified a new field in physics. We’re talking about physics here and they called it an information field or a torsion field. And this is the field that I’m referring to that we’re working in. So it’s definitely documented in science. There’s also a fabulous researcher, um, from, uh, UCLA, Valerie hunt, PhD, who’s been researching this field for over 2025 years now and in a controlled laboratory setting. And she used very sophisticated, uh, Scilla scopes and computers and camera equipment and just put together this amazing array of equipment that can measure the field and actually photograph it.
D. Wayne: And Joe, here’s what’s so incredible is she, she was able to show repeatedly, consistently in her studies that there were changes, visible changes in the field first before chose up in the body. And this referred to both health or illness. So the key, the key to our health or our disease disease is in the field and we’re looking at the wrong place. We’re looking at the end result at the body at the last place. It shows up. What if we could find it six, 10 years earlier? That’s what’s so exciting to me. And that’s, that’s the field that I’m talking about and working in.
Dr. Joe Tatta: So what kind of diseases, so to speak, does this apply to this apply to, um, just physical, mental, which, which can this help
D. Wayne: all of the,
Speaker 4: okay.
D. Wayne: The biofield and biofield healing will work at all levels, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. And the beauty of it is works simultaneously and according to an individual’s most dominant need. And so yes, it will, it will apply to anything and a wide range. I worked on people with everything from joint pain and inflammation to gut issues. Um, anxiety, insomnia, depression. I mean, you name it, carpal tunnel. I’m sure you see a lot of things like right hip pain, neck, back, shoulder pain, headaches, migraines, right. They can’t sleep. I haven’t slept in 15 years. Yeah. Fatigue, extraordinary fatigue. But they’ve done all the adrenal supplements and they’re just not healing. Why is that? It’s because it’s usually related to emotions and thinking and they’re not accessing it, but it can be accessed in the biofield.
Dr. Joe Tatta: So when you work with the biofield, with a client or with a patient, do they have to interact with you? Do they have to be in a certain place? How, how does the interaction, how does the healing happen?
D. Wayne: Again, what’s so revolutionary is you can be anywhere in the world. I don’t have to know you. I don’t have to see you. I don’t, I don’t have to speak with you. I can literally, and I train my practitioners to do the same. I can literally scan the field at a distance and work remotely and still get the same results. So it makes it available to people all over the world. People who are too sick to even get out of bed. You know, I work with people like that a lot of the time. And we, we usually connect over the telephone. Yes. But the truth is, I don’t even need the telephone.
Dr. Joe Tatta: So a lot of people probably listening to this, they’re probably very skeptical. They’re probably saying, well, you know, maybe if I was next to her, maybe she could feel my healing energy or I could, she could shift my energy. But you know, what do you say to the skeptics out there who might say, well, this sounds a little other. The science is not quite there yet. Or I think I’d have to be a person to get that healing response.
D. Wayne: Every day you go turn on your lights, which right every day, do you really understand how that electricity works? But you expect it to turn on, you just trust it. You go over. And same with our cell phone, right? How far away is a cell phone tower? Do you really understand how the cell phone is working? And you could call anyone anywhere in the world. This is very similar, just like sound waves. It’s carried on a wave of quantum information. This is absolutely no different.
Dr. Joe Tatta: Fascinating. So tell us about a success story you’ve had recently. Um, when someone who sat there had, you know, chronic bodily pain or maybe you know, chronic fatigue or you know, Branson, you know, symptoms. Tell us about someone who you’ve helped recently.
D. Wayne: So one of my amazing clients, Chris, he’s had quite quite a transformation when I first met Chris. He had not worked in over nine years. He basically spent most of his day laying on the couch. He was married, but his wife had to go back to work and become the sole breadwinner because he would do 10 minutes of an activity and being so exhausted he had to take a nap. He would do a load of laundry and have to take a nap. He no longer was able to play with his boys who were young and growing up. He couldn’t play ball, nothing. Um, he had stopped working out, stop traveling. I mean his life was just shrinking to the couch. And after I began working with him, actually right away from the very first time, Chris started to feel his energy coming back and coming alive.
D. Wayne: And I’m here to tell you that within 11 weeks, which is the length of my, uh, most famous program, he was able to play with his boys every day running again. Went back to yoga, was able to start working again, was totally present to his relationship with his wife, his chronic fatigue syndrome. He had been diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome and Hashimoto’s. And he was told by his practitioners that these would never change. He was going to need to learn to live with it and really, you know, baby and pamper himself, gone, gone. The symptoms completely gone. He was, he had dizzy spells and digestive issues and just all kinds of other, you know, joint pain, all kinds of things. And it’s, it was completely alleviated. And so Chris Fenn became actually a practitioner of mine. He’s had such a transformation. It’s been really exciting to watch, watch his confidence come back, his energy come back is his whole life just really blossom again.
Dr. Joe Tatta: So you have programs for both practitioners and for people who are looking for healing, obviously.
D. Wayne: Do I have online programs, um, for people who are in pain of any type and suffering or who’ve had patterns that just won’t stop? You know, no matter what they’ve try. And that’s actually the prerequisite for the practitioner training. Also, it’s, it’s really important. Britain practitioners go through that and the whole experience and what I teach and take people through the biofield healing session, get a full deep dive into the work. And then there’s a separate practitioner training, the next level that comes after that for those that are interested. And I also work one on one. I have a handful of really urgent cases that I work with every month.
Dr. Joe Tatta: And tell us about what your programs are like for people who are interested in learning about them. As far as the, um, you know, the, the patient client side of the programs, how many weeks are they, how often do they interact with you, things like that.
D. Wayne: The pain free living program is 11 weeks total. If you can access it from any phone or your computer. And it’s with me live and it’s not a recorded, it’s not a bunch of recorded modules. It’s me live every week for 11 weeks where each week we go through the, the mind, the emotions, the body and the biofield. And I, um, give you the information you must, that you really must get if you’re going to go to this deep root cause and release it. And so you’ll get information, group experiences, exercises that I take everyone through so that you can really feel in your bones. How this is changing you and have a tool that you can take home and practice. And I also work with people one on one each week in the group I take all kinds of Q and a and every week there’s homework that’s written so that you go through these things and these become the key tools that you’ll use the rest of your life, no matter what the issue is, it will apply to any issue.
D. Wayne: And I’ve been really gleaning the best tools over the past 32 years. And so this is distilled down to the the really the best information that’s needed and the best homework exercises. And then we, we have a private Facebook community and this becomes people’s favorite part because they meet other people that are just like them and that really wants to see them succeed. And we’ll be there for you if you’re having a low moment or a high moment and you want to share the success. Really powerful too, to connect with other people going through a similar situation. Um, we also have a practice buddy lease. We set people up with a one-on-one practice partner and they go through the homework and they’re, it’s an accountability partner. And so, you know, it’s, it’s designed to be a very safe environment where people can really be real, let their stuff come up and out. Because I create a little tsunami right away. The first three weeks I call it this, the DW tsunami and people’s old stuff that needs to heal really does come up and move out and it moves out rapidly. So we create this little cocoon of safe love for that to move out in and people transform. It’s really, really, really exciting to be a part of.
Dr. Joe Tatta: And of course the other lifestyle issues are, the lifestyle interventions are still important, but this may be something that one has not addressed or may need to address in order to, um,
D. Wayne: well the other, the other avenues, of course they’re super important, but they tend, people tend to go there first and never heal up this root piece. And so, you know, if you’re finding yourself stuck or blocked or you feel like you’ve tried everything and nothing’s worked, it’s because you have to go back to this root piece. And once you do that and you heal it, then you can do the meditation. You can do the affirmations, you can go to yoga or any type of fitness and actually feel like you’re getting somewhere. But otherwise, people tend to either self sabotage or it makes the pain flare up even greater, or they just feel stuck and they’re not even motivated to try. They just feel kind of helpless and hopeless, which is really sad because it doesn’t need to be that way.
Dr. Joe Tatta: Yeah, I mean, we obviously know that patients want the sensory and emotional experience. So the emotional part is really key for a lot of people as far as addressing pain. So people want to learn more about you and your program. Where can they find you?
D. Wayne: They can find [email protected] and I would love to help you, or if you have any questions, please find [email protected] and there’s a free gift there for you. Um, it’s a really juicy audio course that I teach and it comes with an E, it’s an, uh, an MP3. So it’s a downloadable to any device and it comes with a workbook and you can get a heck of a lot of healing just by that one item alone. So I hope you’ll, I hope you’ll join me.
Dr. Joe Tatta: Great. So I want to thank Debora Wayne for being on the Healing Pain Summit 2.0 this year and talking about Biofield Healing. It’s definitely something that not a lot of people are talking about. So maybe the one thing that I help you with, the breakthrough your need, check her out on her website and make sure to go onto the summit home page and download your free gifts and we will see you on the next episode of the Healing Pain Summit.