Lectins: Love them or Leave them?

Beans are part of a healthy diet, right? Aren’t they are a healthy source of protein and carbohydrates? Enter the debate on lectins… We may not think of ourselves as “predators” to plants, but plants do! And they’ve developed a mighty weapon to thwart our appetite for them: lectins. Basically, lectins are anti-nutrients that can […]
Top Reasons to Take a Probiotic

Ever wonder why some people sail through the winter without a single cold, and other people always seem just plain sick and tired? The healthy ones have a secret weapon in their arsenal: probiotics (beneficial bacteria). A healthy person hosts about 100 trillion beneficial bacteria in their body – which is literally 10 times the […]
The Obesity and Inflammation Connection

Most people by now know that excess body weight is bad for your health. What many do not know is that there is a very strong connection between excess body fat and inflammation/pain. Especially visceral fat or the fat surrounding the major organs. Inflammation is a natural process used by the body to repair itself […]
A Deadly Trio- Insulin Resistance, Pain & Obesity

Insulin resistance is defined as the state where the body produces insulin and does not get the expected biological effect that it should, which is to deliver glucose into cells to be used as energy. In other words, your body produces insulin that becomes essentially ineffective at doing the job it is supposed to do. […]
Alleviate Pain Caused by Type 2 Diabetes

In the US, 29.1 million people have type 2 diabetes (9.3% of the population), and a whopping 100 million Americans suffer from chronic pain. As you might’ve guessed, there’s a lot of crossover between the two. In fact, 48% of people with diagnosed diabetes also have a diagnosis of arthritis, and people with diabetes are […]
Eat Fat, Heal Pain- How Healthy Fats Modulate Pain

Do you avoid fat like the plague? Traditional nutritional dogma would have you believe that fat makes you fat. In fact, the exact opposite is true and science backs this truth up. Not only does fat help you to burn fat and drop excess weight, but fat actually plays a key role in reducing pain […]