Seven Ways to Calm a Flare-Up and Stop The Pain

Chronic pain can seem uncontrollable and unpredictable. You are having a string of great days when- wham! – A flare-up rears its ugly head. Just when you thought the pain was well managed, you’re knocked off your feet. The intense pain of a flare-up is an unfortunate and unwelcome player in most chronic pain conditions. […]
The Truth About Opioids for Pain

[Scroll to the end of the article to learn about the statue of Spinario] Opioids are a problem and pain is extremely complex involving changes in both the brain and body. When treating someone with chronic pain, compassion and caring come first. However, it is important we stop the illusion that opioids are a cure […]
Changing How You Eat to Reduce Pain

Chronic pain is probably one of the most prevalent causes of visits to the doctor’s office. (1) Most often, chronic pain is accompanied by a long list of other annoying problems, including low mood, poor concentration, and irritability. Often there is difficulty with work or family life. The root cause of pain is often poor […]
Here’s How the Brain Creates Pain – And How to Stop It

There are natural solutions for pain that don’t involve prescription medication or invasive procedures. It turns out the brain and one’s perception and response to stress have a powerful effect on the intensity of the pain experience. It also contributes to recovery’s length and efficacy. [1, 3, 4, 6,] Your Brain’s Amazing Flexibility Neuroplasticity (brain […]
Trauma and Adult Pain – What is the connection?

Do traumatic experiences influence our perception of pain? Is there a link between early life trauma and pain? Traumatic experiences, such as a car accident, surgery (yes, even elective surgery is traumatic), or physical assault, alter the ways our minds and bodies function at a fundamental level. Post-trauma, the body may be physically changed, but […]
Chronic Pain [what went wrong]

An Overdose of Opioids The United States of America consumes 80% of the world’s supply of opioids and is in the midst of a chronic pain epidemic. Opioids may have a place for certain types of pain and can assist in the beginning phases of recovery. The model to follow regarding the prescribing of opioids should be “the […]