5 Non-Pharmacological Ways to Dial Down Pain and Calm A Sensitive Nervous System

What’s the point of pain? Why does your body have this innate ability to suddenly trigger instances of mild to extreme pain lasting anywhere from a few seconds to a few months, years, or even decades? More importantly, what can you do about it? It all boils down to understanding your nervous system. This includes […]
Answers to the 7 Most Puzzling Questions About How to Exercise When It Hurts

You’ve heard it from your practitioner, TV, and the Internet, that exercise can improve your quality of life and even decrease your pain, but where do you begin? There may be numerous questions buzzing through your mind such as: How much should I exercise? What kind of exercise should I do? Why is exercise sometimes […]
5 Ways Social Interactions Promote Analgesia

Imagine two identical female patients with chronic low back pain walked into your office. Both women have suffered from low back pain for over 5 years and both tell you that their current pain intensity is 8/10, with 10 being the worst back pain imaginable! The first woman calmly describes her frustrating journey with pain. […]
How To Subscribe & Rate Our Podcast “5-stars” On iTunes

How To Subscribe To Our Podcast Please use the buttons below to subscribe to Healing Pain Podcast on your preferred podcasting app. How To Rate Our Podcast “5-stars” To rate our podcast “5-stars” on ITunes & Stitcher please scroll to the corresponding instructions below. Google Podcasts, Tune-In, iHeartRadio, Google Play and Spotify do not have […]
How to Effectively Taper Off Opioids and 3 Tips For Living Happily Ever After Without Them

Chronic opioid therapy is not a long-term solution for pain. And it shouldn’t be the first choice in the treatment for those with chronic pain. The recommendations in this blog post focus on pain lasting longer than 3 months or past the time of normal tissue healing, outside of active cancer treatment, palliative care, and […]
The Top 5 Overlooked Benefits of Exercise and How It Works to Rapidly Alleviate Chronic Pain

No medication even comes close to exhibiting equal pain relieving benefits as exercise and it has virtually no negative side effects. Exercise has been shown to be just as effective as prescription medication for managing pain (1). There are numerous benefits for your health and some of the most well-known benefits include: Reversing obesity Managing […]