The Unseen Burden of Chronic Pain on Intimate Relationships

For better or for worse, in sickness and in health. When you fell in love and recited your vows did you imagine chronic pain would injure your relationship? Chronic pain affects 1 in 4 Americans. That means you may know someone who suffers from it. It could be your friend, your parent or your partner. […]
Changing How You Eat to Reduce Pain

Chronic pain is probably one of the most prevalent causes of visits to the doctor’s office. (1) Most often, chronic pain is accompanied by a long list of other annoying problems, including low mood, poor concentration, and irritability. Often there is difficulty with work or family life. The root cause of pain is often poor […]
Here’s How the Brain Creates Pain – And How to Stop It

There are natural solutions for pain that don’t involve prescription medication or invasive procedures. It turns out the brain and one’s perception and response to stress have a powerful effect on the intensity of the pain experience. It also contributes to recovery’s length and efficacy. [1, 3, 4, 6,] Your Brain’s Amazing Flexibility Neuroplasticity (brain […]