How and Why to Exercise with Chronic Pain

Every type of sensation or feeling a person experiences such as heat, cold, touch, and even pain is controlled by the nervous system in the human body. The nervous system is a network of nerves that connects the brain to the rest of the body to allow for the input of information. For example, if […]
What is a Pain Neurotag?

Everyone has neurotags, and if you experience chronic pain, a neurotag may play a particular role in your symptoms. Learning about how the brain interprets and adapts to input can help you take steps to manage your pain. What Is A Neurotag? There are billions of neurons in a single brain, and each one can form […]
Erase Your Fear, Cure Your Pain

Fear is not your friend when it comes to living with chronic pain. Fear of movement can hold you captive causing further regression into a life of more pain and further disability. Your brain is constantly rewiring itself, processing new information, and creating shortcuts to adapt to environmental changes. While these processes occur unconsciously, they can […]