Here’s How the Brain Creates Pain – And How to Stop It
There are natural solutions for pain that don’t involve prescription medication or invasive procedures. It turns out the brain and one’s perception and response to stress have a powerful effect on the intensity of the pain experience. It also contributes to recovery’s length and efficacy. [1, 3, 4, 6,] Your Brain’s Amazing Flexibility Neuroplasticity (brain […]
The Role of Central Sensitization in Chronic Back Pain
RLow back pain is one of the greatest contributors to disability worldwide. Additionally, the complete lack of any of classifiable pathoanatomical changes is the norm for up to 85% of chronic low back pain cases. Recent studies have investigated the potential relationship between central sensitization and chronic pain disorders, including chronic low back pain, revealing […]
How and Why to Exercise with Chronic Pain
Every type of sensation or feeling a person experiences such as heat, cold, touch, and even pain is controlled by the nervous system in the human body. The nervous system is a network of nerves that connects the brain to the rest of the body to allow for the input of information. For example, if […]